Chapter 2- A Day in Boracay

Changes of Heart

Third Person


            When it started getting late, the girls decided that they should get back to their own room and go to sleep. Before they left, they asked the guys if they wanted to hang out the next day because they knew the area pretty well. They all agreed happily and the three girls headed back to their room to retire for the night.


            The next morning, Julia and Celina got up and quickly got ready. They were so excited about hanging out with the MBLAQ guys later that they didn’t realize how early it was. Instead of trying to go back to sleep, they just watched some T.V. and tried to pass the time quickly, patiently waiting for Ana to wake up, not wanting to force her up because of what happened the day before. When Ana finally woke up, she got ready and when the time came, they all went down to the lobby of the hotel to wait for the MBLAQ men, Ana not looking happy at all.


While the trios of girls were talking, Lee Joon, Cheondung, and Mir finally came down and Celina and Julia suggested that they go zip lining since it was a very popular attraction in Boracay.


            When they got to the zip-lining site, they had to pick partners to go with. Mir chose Celina and Cheondung chose Julia. Although Celina and Julia were disappointed and jealous of each other, they agreed and Ana was stuck with Joon.


            Cheondung, Mir, Julia, and Celina enjoyed it a lot, but Ana and Lee Joon kept arguing and yelling while they were zip lining. Ana was shouting things like, “Get away from me!”, “I hate you!”, and “You guys just had to drag me along here!” Joon yelled things like: “I can’t get away since there’s a limited amount of space here!”, “I’m sorry!”, and “It’s not my fault that you had to come along!”


            Afterwards, the girls suggested a great Filipino restaurant to go to for lunch. When they got their food, they all had a lively conversation except for Ana who ate her food silently.


            Once they were all full, the girls said that they should go shopping. They all left the restaurant and started walking towards the mall, Ana lagging behind.


            When they got there, they all went into an interesting souvenir shop. As they were looking around, Ana met a good-looking guy. While they were talking, Joon saw them and couldn’t help but feel jealous. The jealousy inside of him just grew stronger when he saw her give the guy her number.


            Once they were all tired of shopping, they agreed that it was a good time to head back to the hotel. The six of them left the mall and headed in the direction of their hotel Ana was lagging behind again and Joon slowed his pace so that he was now walking along side her. Joon suddenly asked,


            “So, who was that guy at the mall?”


            “That’s none of your business. Why don’t you just- OW!” Ana suddenly shouted in pain and the other four turned around to see what had happened. They saw Ana on the ground grabbing her ankle. Mir said,


            “Hyung, what did you do?!”


            “I didn’t do anything, she just-“


            “I didn’t see the curb and twisted my ankle,” Ana interrupted. “I’m fine- OW!”


Joon said, “Here get on my back.”


            “No, I’m not getting on your back.”


            “Come on, it’s too painful for you to walk. I’m trying to help you.”


            “Ugh, fine just this once.”


            Ana got on Joon’s back and he started piggybacking her back to their hotel. Moments later, Ana started smiling to herself and thought to herself, ‘Well this is sort of nice of him.’  



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kpop_luv #1
Celina is my unnies name
ss501lover501 #2
lol ikr!!!><
MelonCandy #3
Lawl nobody likes Joon xD
MelonCandy #4
Aww how cuteeee!!! Kekeke I love it already muhahaha<br />
Mirrrrrr xD
MelonCandy #5
MBLAAAQ!! *___* Looking forward to it!! keke update soon~~