Chapter 3- Questions

Changes of Heart

Third Person



            As the 3 girls arrived at their hotel, Ana was still on Joon’s back. Almost asleep, her reflex of “Don’t Wake Me Up!” kicked in as he tried to put her down. Kicking and clawing at Joon, forgetting that he was carrying her, she opended her eyes.


            “Oh we’re back.” Ana got off of Joon’s back and began limping towards her friends. Halfway there, she turned around and spoke an almost inaudible “sorry.” Julia and Celina helped Ana up to their room. The guys stayed down in the lobby.


            “Ana, what’s your problem?!?!” Julia yelled right when the door t their room closed.


            “You totally embarrassed Celina and me in front of our future boyfriends… hopefully.” Julia said.


            “Haha! Good luck with that you guys.” Ana cracked a mean joke. Laughing to herself, she said, “I don’t even know why you guys are into those losers! I mean seriously! Joon is kinda nice, but the others are… well … teu!” sounding.


            “Bowya?” Celina asked sounding surprised. “ Did you just say that Joon was … ‘nice’ ?”


            “What?” Ana responded “… maybe er… AH! Look at that!” the maknae pointed towards the window, seeming terrified.


            When the other girls turned to look, Ana ran into the bathroom, locking the door. Nothing was in the window.


            “Ana!!! Aigooo!!!” Julia yelled through the door after she realized what Ana had done. It took some explaining on Celina’s side, but Julia finally understood 3 minutes later. Kind of a late response.


            “Oh well, we tried.” Celina was stating the obvious. “So …” she continued, “It seems like you and Mir are getting along well.”


            “Yeah, it’s okay, not as great as I thought though. Cheondung seems to be nicer, actually.” Julia said.


            “Really? Same with me! Mir is sooo sweet!” Celina and Julia were surprised with each other.


            As the night trailed on, Julia and Celina talked nonstop about Mir and Cheondung. Ana had fallen asleep in the bathtub. (like Lee Joon on Sesame Player)

            Giving up on Ana, Celina and Julia decided to go down to the lobby, only to see their hotties were still there. As the elevator doors opened, there the 3 men were. Standing like gods. Julia broke her trance by talking.


            “Oh, um, Cheondung, I have a question for you …” Celina followed suit. The two girls pulled the guys to the side, leaving Joon all alone.


            ‘I wonder where Ana is …’ he thought to himself, ‘I think I have a question for her too …’ 

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kpop_luv #1
Celina is my unnies name
ss501lover501 #2
lol ikr!!!><
MelonCandy #3
Lawl nobody likes Joon xD
MelonCandy #4
Aww how cuteeee!!! Kekeke I love it already muhahaha<br />
Mirrrrrr xD
MelonCandy #5
MBLAAAQ!! *___* Looking forward to it!! keke update soon~~