Chapter 1- Getting There

Changes of Heart

Third Person


On the plane:



            Riding on the plane, the three friends were sound asleep, each one’s head resting on the shoulder of another. They were on their way to Boracay, Philippines for the summer.

            Ana, the maknae of the three, was soon awakened from her peaceful slumber with a loud thump. She thought it was nothing and soon went back to sleep. Minutes later, it happened again and Ana started to get annoyed. She always hated it when someone woke her up, for example this morning:


            Flash Back:


            “Ana! You better get your out of bed this instant or we’re coming in!!!” Julia screamed from the other side of the door.


            “Ha! I locked the door last night so now you can’t force me to do anything!” Ana replied.


            Julia and Celina pulled out their spare key that hey entered quietly and saw Ana curled up underneath a mountain of blankets. They pulled off the blankets and revealed a cranky girl in her Hello Kitty pjs.


            “Yah! How the hell did you guys get into my room!?!?!” Ana screamed angrily.


            “GET HER!!!!!” Julia and Celina yelled as they came at her and tried to force her out of bed.

            When Ana wouldn’t budge, they resorted to trying to tie her up. Celina held down her arms and legs as Julia tried her best to bound Ana’s struggling arms and kicking legs. When they finally succeeded, Ana gave them the evil eye and the other two knew they would pay for this in the future.


            Then Julia and Celina had to half-drag, half carry the maknae to the bathroom to brush her teeth, brush her hair, and get her ready so that they could get to the airport in time for their flight. They were finally able to untie Ana and she agreed to go along with them without anymore fuss.


            When they got to their car, they decided that Julia should drive because of the last time Celina had driven them somewhere. (We’ll leave what happened to your imaginations.)


            When they arrived at the airport on time, the two girls very reluctantly woke up their friend. When Ana came to, she yelled,


            “Yah! How dare you guys wake me up AGAIN! Let me SLEEP!” and started falling asleep again. They attempted to wake her up again and this time she started pulling their hair. Celina and Julia had to struggle to get their friend out of the car and Ana kept refusing by saying “shiro” over and over.



Lee Joon, Mir, and Cheondung’s POV (while this is happening)



            Lee Joon and Mir are very happy about going on vacation with Cheondung the Philippines to meet his family and friends and finally see the great country!


            When they finally reached the airport they step out making sure that no one recognizes them.


            “Hey, look over there.” Mir says pointing to two girls trying to get the third one out of their car. Cheondung and Joon look over and chuckle at their situation. The three of them all think to their selves, ‘Hey, she’s kinda cute.’ Each of them referring to a different girl of the three.


Back with the girls:



            Julia and Celina finally got Ana out of their car and onto the plane safely. As soon as the plane took off, Ana was fast asleep.


End of Flash Back


            Ana heard the thump noise and felt a little shake. In a moment she realized that it was someone kicking her seat and started becoming angry. She turned around and yelled,


            “Yah! Would you quit kicking my seat! You woke me up!”


            Lee Joon’s eyes widened in shock when he saw that he was kicking the seat of the girl that he saw before at the parking lot that he thought was cute.


            “Oh sorry, I was kicking it out of boredom.”


            “You should be sorry.”


            Ana stopped and stared at the man behind her for a moment.


            “Ha, you’re one of those stupid Korean pop stars my friends listen to.”


            “I see you not a fan.”

            “Of course. Your music is terrible.”


            “Well, that’s just your opinion.”




            With that, Ana turned back around and resumed sleeping.


            They finally arrived at their destination and the girls were excited. They hailed a taxi and when they got to their hotel, they hurried to find their room. When they opened the door, they gasped when they saw how beautiful the room was.


            The trio quickly unpacked and then gathered on the balcony to look at the gorgeous view.


            While they were talking about what they should do first the next day, three men came out onto the balcony of the room next to theirs. The three guys turned heads and gasped when they saw the three familiar girls.


            Julia froze when she saw three members of the favorite K-POP band, MBLAQ, looking back at her and her friends. She screamed on the inside when the 3 members were her bias, Mir, Celina’s bias, Cheondung, and Lee Joon. Celina noticed her strange behavior and turned around. She definitely wanted to explode with happiness when she saw Cheondung. Ana appeared indifferent about all of it. The two-kpop fans walked up to the end of the balcony and started talking to the MBLAQ members nervously. Ana stayed back and just played games on her phone, while Lee Joon just stared at her.


            Mir and Cheondung invited the three girls to come into their room and chat on their balcony and Julia and Celina eagerly said yes.


            The two forced the youngest to come with them and say hi. Ana tried to stay put, but she soon gave up and followed them to the room next door.


            Celina walked up to Cheondung and Julia walked up to Mir, while Ana just sat on a chair in the corner of the balcony, still, playing on her phone. Lee Joon sat down next to her and tried to be nice and talk to her. While Joon tried this, Celina was having a nice conversation with Cheondung and so was Julia and Mir. But every now and then, Cheondung would find himself looking at Julia and Mir would find himself staring at Celina.      

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kpop_luv #1
Celina is my unnies name
ss501lover501 #2
lol ikr!!!><
MelonCandy #3
Lawl nobody likes Joon xD
MelonCandy #4
Aww how cuteeee!!! Kekeke I love it already muhahaha<br />
Mirrrrrr xD
MelonCandy #5
MBLAAAQ!! *___* Looking forward to it!! keke update soon~~