Things he hates

Nights at the bar

"So... You're of legal age now, right?"
"Pretty much, yes."
"And you're drinking water because..."
"I'm getting my ID in a few days and Xiumin-hyung won't sell me anything until I bring it."
Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. "Xiumin?" He asked.
"Hyung?" Now it was Chanyeol's voice. Sehun doesn't call anyone a hyung, not even Luhan. So yeah. It's odd.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, looking away at nothing in particular. The other two shared a look and decided to leave him, it was normal to see Sehun getting grumpy over nothing anyway so whatever.



"Nice seeing you too, Xiumin."
"Did you come for another piña colada?"
"My friends keep asking why do I never get anything with alcohol. Last time I checked you were a bartender."
"Who used to be a bartender?" Asked a certain Chinese male with a chuckle, taking a glass of water that Xiumin served him and drank its content. He had finished his first dance not too long ago.
"Xiumin here keeps denying me anything with alcohol, hyung."
"I thought you had your ID already?"
"And I do!"
"Don't care. Wait 'til you're old enough and we'll see."
"Yeah, right," Sehun rolled his eyes. Xiumin swears that every time Sehun comes he acts a bit more like his age, or even younger. "Lay-hyung is like twenty-something and you give him water."
"I'm working though, you can't drink at work."
"... Really?" His surprise was cute for the elders.
Lay, who was next to him, couldn't help himself and pulled Sehun into a hug. "This is why Min won't give you alcohol, I can tell!"

There are very few things Sehun hates. Being treated like a kid was the first thing on the list.
But when his hyung was the one treating him like such he didn't seem to care much.

"Oh!" He exclaimed pulling out his phone as Lay was finally letting go of him. "Smile, hyung. I'm sure Luhan wants a picture," he said simply, opening the camera ready to snap a picture. Yixing smiled with a thumb up. It was sort of cute but... "Come on! He's in China and he has a manly crush on you, give me something more."
Lay seemed confused at that, like he didn't know what to do. Xiumin showed him some cute fierce poses and Lay tried to replicate them. Sehun took his chance and filmed him. Suddenly Lay looked straight into the camera, biting his bottom lip and dear krisus it looked hot.
"Okay, I got it."

Just three seconds after Sehun sent the short, short video of Lay biting his bottom lip he received a reply from Luhan.

Han: oh my god sehun what
Han: are you at the bar om g
Han: why is h e sof ucking hot

Sehun laughed. Lay stole his phone and read the conversation then laughed as well. Xiumin, who read it at the same time as Lay, raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Manly crush, huh?" Meanwhile Sehun's phone kept receiving Luhan's answers.

It was a bit past midnight when Sehun left, he had a test the next day. At some point during the night he gave his and Luhan's Line and KakaoTalk's IDs to Xiumin. Why? He was able to send pictures of Lay to Luhan every night, and then he just had to send the screenshots of his replies to Sehun.



Another thing Sehun hates is when people interrupt his studying.

XingTuo: Hey there, is this a good time?
Making you 'Oh': Who is this and where did you get my KaTalk
XingTuo: I'm Lay! Min gave me your ID, was it wrong?

... unless it's his hyung. Like, how do you even get mad at someone who sends cute stickers?

Making you 'Oh': No, it's okay.
XingTuo: Yay~ ^3^)/

Sehun had to fight back a giggle. It was bad enough that he was texting at the library instead of reading a book about something he already forgot.

Making you 'Oh': Why 'XingTuo'?
XingTuo: It's the nickname my fanclub gave me. It's a mix between my name and my hometown's word for 'cute' hahaha.

"Goddammit. Aren't you like twenty-something? How can you be so cute?!" He mumbled under his breath.

Making you 'Oh': So your name's Xing?
XingTuo: Almost, but no. c;
Making you 'Oh': It sounds nice though. I'll change your name on my phone to that. :D
Xing hyung: Hahahaha! I'll keep yours the way it is. It's creative.

Sehun couldn't stop himself from giggling at that. Like, Xing praised him for his totally weird yet creative name on KakaoTalk.

Making you 'Oh': My last name is Oh, just so you know.
Xing hyung: I know. I've seen your ID already. º3º)/
Making you 'Oh': Oh.

The rest of the hour was spent sharing really bad jokes with Lay. Like, really bad jokes.



"What are you giggling at? It's gross."
"Remember the guy from the bar that Luhan had a crush on?"
"The stripper?"
"He's not a stripper."
"Okay, whatever. What about him?"
"Well, okay. So, Xiumin-hyung sends Luhan pictures of him every night and Luhan loses his every single time," he said, shoving his phone to the smaller male.
Baekhyun frowned slightly at that but then he looked down at the screen and read Luhan's girly phrases. It was almost like reading a teenage girl talking about the hottest guy at high school. Okay, it was funny and he laughed. "Who's this Xiumin, though? I hear you call him hyung but I don't think I've heard of him before," asked the shorter male, handing back Sehun's phone. They were at their room in the university's dorm. They've been roommates since Sehun enrolled there, talk about luck.
"The bartender, his name's Xiumin or something. I think it's like a stage name though."
"You think?"
"I don't feel like asking for his real name. He's a bartender, if I were him I'd probably give people a fake name as well."



"Heya! You Xiumin?"
"Excuse me?" Xiumin raised an eyebrow at the guy with way too much eyeliner on. Then he spotted Sehun and sighed.
"He wanted to meet you..."
"Yea. Y'know, Sehunnie here never calls me hyung but he does to you."
"Well, he better. He's like five years younger than me."
Baekhyun gasped. "You're like... What? Twenty.something?"
Xiumin laughed. "I see now where did you get those words, Sehun-ah. I'm twenty three."
"I'm twenty one!" Claimed an overly cheerful Lay. "You look twenty, am I right?"
"You so are!" Baekhyun high-fived him.
"Lay, krisus. You're not supposed to be here, it's almost eleven!" Xiumin pushed Lay away. He wanted to smack his head but last time someone tried the fanclub got mad and... It wasn't nice.
Baekhyun waved Lay goodbye, acting as if he would never see him again in so long.

Xiumin decided that Baekhyun wasn't so bad. Loud, yes. But nice anyway.



Sehun found himself sitting on a table. Usually he'd go straight to the bar and talk to Xiumin but he knew that he'd never give him anything so he tried Lay's advice. "If you ever really feel like drinking alcohol, sit on a table and ask a waiter for it" he said.

It worked.

It was almost midnight when he realized that someone was sitting next to him. He didn't look up at the person though.
"You okay?"
"I don't know."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Not really."
"Okay." They fell into a comfortable silence. A familiar glass of water in fron of the older male. He then decided to break the silence."You should work here."
... Okay, that took him by surprise. "What?"
"You come here a lot anyway, and you never drink alcohol so why not get paid for it?" Sehun had to look up from his untouched drink to his hyung's face. "I saw you asking for it, Hun. Really, the black velvet isn't so bad, you should've at least tried."
Lay looked away from Sehun, drinking his water peacefully. Sehun took it as a chance to try the drink and, well... It wasn't so bad. "I still prefer bubble tea."
"You're still young."

Sehun hates being treated as a kid.

But he hates it the most when Lay mentions it.

"I'm not that young, you're only three years older than me."

He hates feeling small next to him.

"Let's talk about this in three years, then."

Somehow he hates it when Lay stands up and goes to get ready for his second dance.

He hates when people stare at Lay also.



Han: Sehunnie
Han: I'm coming to visit in a week!!!
Han: :DDD





I've missed Luhan here.
I wanted to write more but it'll have to wait for next time. :D
I'm changing the title from Stripper to Nights at the Bar because it makes more sense. (?)
Thank you so much to the upvoters and suscribers, you make me happy even if you don't comment. It feels so nice to see people taking interest in the things you do. >w<

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Chapter 3: Thank you for sharing! :D
Chapter 3: awww~ ing is cute~ :)
Shirahime #3
Cute story, I like~ :D
Chapter 1: please update soon and God bless on that contest!