
Nights at the bar


Luhan never expected to meet Sehun's grumpy face when he had barely gotten off the plane.
Nor did he expect that said boy would drag him out to the hall that's connected to the bathroom with a hysterical look on his face.

"What's going on?"
"I think I might like someone but this person doesn't even care, what do I do."
" . . . "
" . . . "


"You're finally growing, Hunnie!"
"You're so embarrassing!"

They were sitting at a table near the stage, Luhan's idea. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were on either side of Sehun, clinging to him like the proud fathers they pretended to be. If asked, Sehun would say they're his little brother's friends. The other three didn't pay much attention to that, since they were fully aware of their childish demeanor.

"So", Sehun turned from his black velvet to Baekhyun, who had a straw between his lips, not really drinking his pink beverage. "Let's get to the good stuff, who is this person and why do you like them"

This is what Sehun likes about them the most. They can act childish and mock you, but when they truly care they can act all serious, making you feel glad that you're talking to them and not someone else.

"I'm not sure", he says looking back to his drink.

The lights dim, meaning that the performances are about to begin. All four of them decide to look up at the stage, an unspoken promise to continue that conversation later.
Sehun doesn't know it, but they were actually just giving him some time so he could think through the question, as he had clearly not been able to do so.
Lay was the first performer. Sehun looked up at him, for the first time not paying attention to his movements, but to the man itself. What do I like about you, he asks himself in his mind.
He doesn't know how but the first three performances are over already when he comes back to his senses. His friends are nowhere to be seen and he sort of feels bad about the girl on stage that's being ignored by him. He can tell that her flirtatious smiles are directed at him but he can't bring himself to care.

"Look who's awake," a voice called as someone sat next to him.
"Where are the idiots I call friends?"
"The loud one is probably somewhere with a girl. A girl being your little buddy with the eyeliner. They're probably making out."
"Come on, Sehunnie! It's so obvious that they're into each other. They should be making out."
"They're too obvious, right?"
"As obvious as your little brother."

They turned to find a giggling Luhan flirting with Xiumin. They were so into each other that a poor waitress had to act like a bargirl and prepare some of the drinks, since Xiumin had apparently forgotten where he was.
Sehun stood up and walked over, with Lay right behind him.

"I'd tell you not to stop them but I'm guessing that's not what you're after."
"I should have worn a dress shirt."


"Are you sure it's okay?"
"I don't know, I don't drink so I couldn't tell even if I tried it."
"I can't drink at work."

Xiumin was still out of it, not realizing that Sehun was behind the bar making drinks. The waiters had been offering beer only, since their barman was... Let's say busy.
Sehun had made the most asked drinks, one of each, and they looked nice enough. However that doesn't mean that they taste like they should. The waiters, dancers and pretty much every other employee there could have tried them but their contract said they couldn't drink alcohol while at work.
They were about to give up and interrupt Xiumin when two smiling faces came over. Lay and Sehun shared a knowing look. Baekhyun's lip gloss was gone and Chanyeol's hair was messier.

"What are you ugly people up to?"
"You're just in time! Try these" Sehun pushed two glasses at them, who gave him a questioning look.
"It's on the house" Lay added since they weren't even looking at the drinks anymore.

A couple of drinks each afterwards Sehun was playing to be a barman. At some point Luhan had dragged Xiumin out to god knows where.
Lay sent a message to a babyfaced chinese, thanking him for his help.
Xiumin was the only person who wouldn't let Sehun get to work there, Luhan was a great help to the scheme by keeping Xiumin busy.
Luhan replied with a quick "Anytime ;)" to which Lay could only laugh.


"What happened today."
"Is that a question?"

Lay and Sehun were now sitting on a table. It was almost 2am and they were done with work. Somehow Lay's boss had hired Sehun and he'd be working with Xiumin until 1am on weekdays, 3am on fridays and saturdays. Sunday would be his day off. He had even received an uniform already.

"It... Happened too quickly."
"That's the adult life for you, Hunnie. Sometimes things happen too soon to notice, sometimes they happen far too slowly."
"It's odd."
"You're still young."

Sehun didn't reply. He really was too young. It was then that he noticed something. Lay is his hyung. He got to learn something about real life thanks to him.
Yes, his friends are all older. Even Luhan is older than Lay. But he was the first to teach him something. Xiumin is the oldest person he knows but he kept treating Sehun as a kid, although he never called him one.
Lay, on the other hand, would sometimes say that he's still young but treats him like an equal.


He didn't really like his hyung, he admired him.
The realization made him smile.

"Will you be okay if you go back to the dorms alone?" Sehun didn't reply so Lay stood up. "I'll take you there."


"Ssang Issing"

Today is Sehun's 19th birthday. Exactly a year since he met Lay that night he was forced out to this place. Lay surprised him with a tight hug, whispering those words into his ear, making him shiver thanks to the warm, sweet, breath brushing against his skin. After they broke the hug Lay gave him a playful wink mouthing a "That's my name."




I'm adding another couple here. I've been thinking about it for a while, I even wrote two versions of this chapter that have like really different endings and I really liked them both so I decided to add another couple.
However it won't be from EXO though. I don't think I'll add more EXO members since I like it this way.

I'll try to update faster, I'm sorry it took so long but I was trying to figure out how to continue this (I wrote this from scratch, those I had written earlier will be used in the future) and which couple should I add.
The next update should get done in a week or so, I don't know.

Anyway, please tell me what do you think so far. :3

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Chapter 3: Thank you for sharing! :D
Chapter 3: awww~ ing is cute~ :)
Shirahime #3
Cute story, I like~ :D
Chapter 1: please update soon and God bless on that contest!