He was just seventeen

Nights at the bar

"You can't come in," said the guard. Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked over their shoulders to see that the one being pushed back was Luhan.
"Minors can't come in. Let me see some ID, kiddo."
Luhan frowned as he took his wallet out, looking for his ID and passport, since his ID was in Chinese.
The guard's face was red as a tomato as he looked at the birthdate. "Oh... I'm sorry, sir."
Baekhyun was laughing his off and Chanyeol was trying so hard to contain his own laughter. Sehun, however, kept a straight face as he walked in.
The guard didn't think he was any younger than the 22 year old Chinese male.


And now they're inside a bar. Soft lights hovering over the table they were sitting at. It was nice, the young lad thought.
Of course it was nice, this is a goddamn family restaurant.

You see, the restaurant was closed at 9pm and it would open again, as a bar only, at 10:30pm. It was quite a nice deal, though. The owners were brothers and one of them was in charge of the bar while the other took care of the nice daily restaurant.
But whatever.


"What can I give you?" A fairly good looking man asked. The waiter, apparently. He nodded as he listened to the orders and then looked at Sehun, who asked for a glass of water. "Water..?"
"I'm driving," he said simply with a shrug. You would never believe that he was a teenager, really. The waiter nodded and retreated to get their drinks.
"I swear to Buddha, if I didn't know you I'd think you're Luhan's older brother," Chanyeol mused, earning a laugh from Baekhyun and a put from the older male in the table.
"Come on, Lu! Stop pouting or else they'll kick us out for bringing a teen over. You look like a middle schooler!" Baekhyun half shouted. Luhan smacked him.


It didn't take long until they finally found out about Luhan's fascination with the place. There was a show starting at eleven that they couldn't miss. From 11pm to 1am there were performances by the bar's strippers. Luhan had been there a lot couple of times before and he just had to show it to the others before he left for China the next day.

Okay, we call them strippers but they never end with less than needed. None of them actually stripped their entire outfit off, and Sehun was grateful when Luhan explained.

At a couple of minutes before the show began, all three hyungs went a bit closer. Sehun decided to get up and walk to the bar, a few meters farther from the stage. He had never felt the need to see people dancing provocately, be it male or female. So, instead of staying there with a murderous -or disgusted- face while the dancers -Sehun likes that word better than strippers, thank you- were doing their job, he decided to try his luck and ask for a non-alcoholic drink.

"Yea. I'll probably take my little brother home and leave the other two idiots behind though." What? The bartender had asked for Luhan's ID, and Sehun did look like an older version of him, why not keep it real and claim to be older?
"Are they the two who keep laughing at whatever over there?" Sehun didn't even have to look back, Chanyeol's loud voice was enough. He nodded with a sigh. "Don't let them stay, please."


The bartender left Sehun alone, attending to other people and preparing drinks for those at their tables. He was left with a piña colada. It sounds latin and I like mexican food, it should be nice, he reasoned.
It did taste nice.


The lights dimmed and they just knew it was time for the so expected show. Soft white and blue lights were pointing at a figure on stage and, after a second admiring the body standing there, music started from nowhere in particular and said body was now dancing to it.
Sehun couldn't look away.
Nobody could, really. It was breathtaking.

"He's amazing, isn't he?" Asked a smiling Luhan next to him. He didn't see him coming, but it didn't surprised him though. "His name's Lay. Stage name, at least. He's such a tease, Sehunnie!"
"Your brother is right. He's the best dancer here, he even has a ing fandom, the place gets so many clients when it's his turn. Like, after he's done more than half the people here will be gone and then they'll probably come back for his next turn," the bartender added, serving some drinks Sehun couldn't recognize.
"And he never takes anything off! Argh... I just want to rip his clothes off, seriously."
"You and everybody else in this bar," laughed the bartender before moving back to one of the female waiters that had come with an empty tray.

"Brother?" Luhan finally asked once they were alone.
"You should call me hyung, Luhannie." Luhan was about to protest but Sehun beat him to it. "You almost begged for me to come, you know? Moving around is much easier if I say what everybody thinks. Or maybe I should just leave..."
"... You're lucky I'm leaving tomorroy, hyung."


Luhan was walking back to the other two. Lay had finished his turn long ago and they never noticed the pair of ears that had listened to their conversation. At least not until a soft murmur of Are you really an adult? took Sehun by surprise.
The bartender.
"I don't mind, since you never asked for alcohol, but that kid really looks younger. Is he a middle schooler? Man, kids nowadays get better fake IDs than back in my days."
Sehun wanted to laugh. That guy was talking like an older man but he looked like 20-something. "He's really twenty-two. He doesn't look or act like it though."
"... Wow. Okay, so he's really over twenty. And you?" Sehun didn't reply and the guy added, "I won't tell anyone, really."
"... Holy , really?!"


It was something past midnight already. Sehun stayed at the bar, drinking whatever the bartender -who now has a name and it was Xiumin, or at least that's what he said- offered him. He learned a lot about this Xiumin guy, apparently he lived in China for a while and that's how he was sort of familiar with Luhan's ID. He was just a year older than Luhan and... Well, let's just say that he was really into Luhan's cute looks and he acted like he was Sehun's mother.

"Hey, can I have a beer or something? Just a bit though--"
"No way! Drink your orange juice, beer is bad for your health!"
"That's not something a bartender should say, Min," a voice came from Sehun's side and he couldn't help but look over. That Lay dancer guy was standing next to him. Lay smiled at him, showing a dimple on his right cheek. "Don't listen to this old man's words, have vodka if that's what you want!" He laughed and Sehun just stared.
"Yah, Lay! He can't," Xiumin paused and put a glass of water in front of the dancer, taking the opportunity to mumble something in Chinese to him.
"Wait... You're seventeen, really?" Lay whispered to him, making sure not to look too suspicious or anything. Y'know, there are eyes all over him.
"Well... If anyone asks, that middle schooler who is actually twenty two is my younger brother," he replied with a smirk, pointing with his head to Luhan who was now running straight at him.
"Sehunniee.... eh, hyung." It was far too odd for Luhan to call Sehun hyung but there were many people looking over.

Wait... They're a lot of people... Why...

"Gasp!" When Luhan looked around he found the one and only, Lay, sitting next to his brother. Before he could fanboy over him, Lay stood up, drinking his water instantly, and excused himself since it was almost time for him to go back to work.


Sehun found himself coming back to the bar the very day of his 18th birthday.

Xiumin didn't let him drink anything other than piña coladas.





I seriously didn't mean to type all of this... It just happened -le gasp-
Whatever, I guess it's fine like this?
So little Lay at the moment but... I wasn't expecting Xiumin to appear. At all.
I have a contest this friday -almost a national thing- so I'll probably update this on the weekend. I'll try to keep the story short. Like, seriously, the only reason I wrote this word vomit is because I don't want to go back to study ahahaha...

Comments are more than welcome.~

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Chapter 3: Thank you for sharing! :D
Chapter 3: awww~ ing is cute~ :)
Shirahime #3
Cute story, I like~ :D
Chapter 1: please update soon and God bless on that contest!