Chapter 8

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Jongin flashed his ID at the bouncer, and upon seeing the name sparkling in gold letters on the card, he didn't even need to check Jongin's friends' cards. Being the heir of an entertainment company always had its perks, even if they were new at this bar. He then slid his wallet inside his back pocket and instantly the darkness swallowed them all once they stepped in, followed by blinding strobe lights in multiple colors moving along to the hard beats and the blaring bass of the loud dance music blasting from every speaker surrounding the room. The bar was set in the center, bartenders in black with bowties manning every long counter. Tall platforms were also very visible in the midst of all the chaos, with female dancers set on top.

Jongin tugged on his gray blazer above his black silk dress shirt and took of his snapback as he and his friends made their way through the crowd of dancing bodies. Heads turned as they did, very narrow spaces were available for them pass but the crowd immediately parted upon recognizing Jongin and his friends. In their own fields, they were all pretty much successful. Luhan was a training football player for China's national team-- he moved to Korea to develop his skills even more, Chanyeol was a drummer of a popular alternative rock band, and Baekhyun was an uprising solo vocalist. But none of them held a title as high as Jongin's. Regardless, they didn't need to flaunt these titles-- everyone, everywhere simply knew.

They spotted a long and sleek black, U-shaped couch at the end of the room smack in the middle. The people currently occupying it immediately stood up and left once they caught sight of the boys. They slid down on the seats, and a waiter came over to accommodate them.

"Pretty cool." Baekhyun commented, looking around. "I bet this is G-Dragon's doing." He said, referring to the sea of people seemingly taking up all the available space in the entire bar.

“What is with you and G-Dragon?” Chanyeol questioned, laughing.

"Have you even heard his new single with Taeyang?" Baekhyun exclaimed, mimicking G-Dragon's high pitched rap. "LALALALALALALALA--"

"Yah, where's Seulgi?" Luhan interrupted, grabbing a few nuts from the small bowl on the glass table before them.

"Now, you care?" Jongin chuckled. "I don't know. She said she was going to her friend's house to change; she didn't come home with me earlier."

"Text her, then." Chanyeol suggested, leaning back on the seat.

"I don't--” Jongin realized, feeling rather baffled. “I don’t have her number…”

"I don't understand your living conditions at all." Luhan reacted. 

"Neither do I." Jongin muttered. "I will never understand that girl."

"Neither will I ever understand you." A voice from behind interrupted, cutting through the music.

They turned around, finding Seulgi there in a black close-fitting dress draping around her body, the entirety of her arms revealed, four-inch stilletos on her feet, hair loose and left in a flawless wave, her three friends behind her in similar dark colored dresses. The boys' jaws unconsciously dropped as they scanned each of the girls. The lighting was quite poor where they were seated, but the three girls glowed in visibility for them.

But Jongin's eyes remained fixed and mesmerized by only one.

He elbowed Luhan's side next to him forcing him to scooch and make space for the girls. Seulgi plumped down next to Jongin, crossing her legs once she did, her bare arm brushing against the material of his jacket. 

"Sorry, we're late." Seulgi apologized, moving her hair over to one side. "Got caught in traffic."

"We've only been here for awhile, no problem." Jongin replied, the feelings in his chest having another severe combustion reaction inside of him as he subtly eyed Seulgi up and down.

"You did well, Kang Seulgi." Luhan complimented her, voice bright, eyes still on Seulgi's friends with a sly grin on his expression. "I might actually dislike you a bit less today."

"Right." Seulgi chuckled, introducing them. "By the way, this is Wendy, Joy and my best friend, Irene."

Jongin's friends shot each other glares, as if calling dibs on toys. Seulgi rolled her eyes, ignoring them. Jongin did the same, used to how his friends were.

Chanyeol was already busy chatting up Wendy next to him. His normal dork self, immediately turning on the charm at the highest possible level, his wide toothy grin back on his face. Luhan stood up and squeezed himself next to Seulgi, to be beside the girl she referred to as her best friend, Irene. Joy's bright laugh was well heard despite the volume of the music, a laugh already caused by Baekhyun even if they just met.

"Wanna grab a drink?" Seulgi suggested, realizing how her friends were already preoccupied, facing Jongin already standing up.

"I can't." Jongin bluntly replied. "I have work tomorrow, right?"

“Come on Kim,” Seulgi groaned. "Since when were you such a goodie? Just one. One won't hurt."

He stared up at her almond shaped eyes, highlighted by a thin line of black eyeliner above it. He never saw Seulgi with make-up, and he never saw her as the type of girl to care about how she looked. Honestly, he thought she didn't need it. But still, it made her glow in a way like never before.

"Please." She said in her usual begging tone which Jongin could never seem to say no to.

"Alright, just one." He rose and stretched out a hand, allowing her to go first.

They walked towards the bar at the center; Seulgi took a seat on the first empty stool she found. Jongin just remained standing, and leaned against the bar's counter, beside her. 

"What would we like to have tonight?" The bartender whirled around, wiping a martini glass clean with a small white towel.

"Scotch." Jongin answered, without having to think any further. "On the rocks."

"And I'll have..." Seulgi thought. "Your oldest dark tequila."

"Alright, then. One scotch on the rocks for the gentleman, and a glass of tequila for the pretty lady." The bartender flashed Seulgi a smug before whooshing off to prepare their beverages.

"Didn't know you drank hard." Jongin commented, facing her.

Seulgi raised her eyebrow, and cocked her head to the side. "Have you ever thought of me as a soft type of girl, Jongin?"

"Point taken." Jongin agreed, with a chuckle.

"Hm." Seulgi hummed, observing her surroundings. "It's been awhile."

"Since what?"

"Since I've done anything remotely close to something like this." Seulgi responded. "Went to a club, met new people, got all dressed and made up."

"Me too, actually." Jongin stated.

"What do you mean?" Seulgi's eye brows furrowed. "You go to these things every Saturday night. Explains why you brought girls home and reeked of alcohol on Sunday mornings."

"Used to go every Saturday." He pointed out. "Ever since... you know.” He said, referring to his recent break-up. “I've been avoiding these types of places."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know." Jongin shrugged. "As cliché as it sounds I guess, I'm just not ready to... move on yet?"

Seulgi snorted. "Man, you've changed Kim Jongin."

Jongin laughed along with her, agreeing. "Seems so."

"Looks like those girls would be completely willing to help you change back though." Seulgi said, pointing her chin to a couple girls in skimpy tube dresses across the bar, giggling to themselves, obviously checking out the boy beside her. "They're totally into you."

Jongin glanced at them and the smiles on their faces instantly got even wider, their small giggles turning into legitimate laughs. He looked down, ignoring them and back at Seulgi, "Says the girl every boy in here has been bawling over." He pointed out.

"That is not true." Seulgi chuckled.

"I don't see why not." Jongin stated, once again eyeing her up and down. "You look pretty great tonight."

Seulgi cringed her eyes at him. "You're doing it again." 


"The being nice thing." Seulgi mumbled, feeling both flattered and self-conscious as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You know how much it annoys me."

“It's true, though." Jongin pushed it, chuckling.

Seulgi stared down at her dress, feeling even more conscious. She normally hated these types of dresses along with the girls who voluntarily wore them; she even had to borrow Wendy's just for tonight. Seulgi always preferred baggy sweaters and comfort-- not tight and obligatory for her to stop breathing at a normal pace. She crossed her arms in front of her trying to grab some warmth feeling the gusts of air from the vents above making her bare arms feel cold, when suddenly Jongin started shaking off his blazer and draping it over her shoulders.

"You don't have to." She said, shrugging it off one shoulder.

"Just take it." Jongin mumbled, as he patted his blazer down on her, raising up the part that fell back. "I know how easily cold you get."

"Here you go." The bartender laid their drinks down before them. "Enjoy!" He said, and turned to another customer.

Seulgi allowed herself to be wrapped up in the comfort and warmth Jongin’s jacket gave, before picking up her drink and taking a momentary whiff, familiarizing herself with the smell she hasn't encountered in awhile. "Man, I've missed this." She mumbled softly, her eyes wandering around. "All of this."

"Let's make sure you have a good night, then." Jongin proclaimed, holding his glass close next to hers, waiting

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candypark #1
Chapter 20: OMG I love love love this fic T_T too bad I just found it now huhu. You captured everything elegantly. I'm still sad Jongin couldn't get the apple of his eye T_T. But yeah, I get it, we totally can love someone while loving someone else... While STILL, I feel bad for Jongin but he already know the consequences right? he just refused to believe it :") Thank you for writing a great fic author-nim! It'd been a long time since I read SeulKai content and I'm really happy. Once again thank you thank you
1877 streak #2
Chapter 14: i also don't read BL stuff and AG being my first and 10080 being my last time reading anything related to BL and trust me, both broke me into pieces 😭💔
1877 streak #3
Chapter 12: this was beautiful 😭✨
1877 streak #4
Chapter 11: Seulgi is so savage i love her!
Aww, sehun :(
1877 streak #5
Chapter 10: joyrene third wheels hehe
1877 streak #6
Chapter 9: seulgi was kinda relatable in this chapter hehe
and her finally "mourning" and jongin's heart sank for her... aww :(
1877 streak #7
Chapter 8: so much happened, god, i loved this chapter!!
1877 streak #8
Chapter 7: lmao seul and lu were so funny xD
1877 streak #9
Chapter 6: seulgi and her "world balance" haha
their heartfelt conversation was really soothing to read. i loved their interaction this chapter, so lovely!
1877 streak #10
Chapter 5: what are they so cute for I'm squealing hard 😭💖💖 oh my seulkai heart huhu