Chapter 3

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"Okay, what's going on?" Sehun finally asked, laying on his side on Seulgi's bed in a black sleevelesss top and sweatpants, plump with a pillow under his head and chest down also under the white sheets. He was facing Seulgi who was sitting up, leaning against the bed's wooden headboard wearing a pair of black circular-framed glasses and a lone baggy white shirt with a book on her lap also covered by the bedsheets after they were both vigorously trying to ignore all the loud but ruffled screaming from the argument between Jongin and his girlfriend, cutting through Seulgi's room's walls coming all the way from downstairs. "They've been going at it for over a half hour. It's almost midnight."

"I don't know." Seulgi responded, flipping a page.

"Jongin sounds really angry." Sehun pointed out. "Do you think the girl did something wrong?"

"I don't know." Seulgi repeated, eyes still on her book.

"Or was Jongin the one who screwed up?"

"I don't know."

"Do you even know anything regarding Jongin's well-being, my love?" Sehun raised an eyebrow, raising himself, leaning on his arm.

"Nope." Seulgi replied bluntly.

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't care."

"After two years, you still don't?" Sehun questioned. "At all?"


"How is that possible--"

"Sehunnie, what's with all the questions?" Seulgi interrogated, shutting her book and looking down at her boyfriend from behind her glasses.

"Nothing." Sehun said, laying back down on his pillow. "It's just that two years is quite a long time."


"You would think you and Jongin should at least be friends." Sehun stated.

"Honestly, it's really no big deal." Seulgi explained. "I don't feel the need to tell him anything and I don't feel the need for him to tell me anything so we basically, just keep to ourselves. I guess it's just easier that way."

"Why is that?"

"He doesn't need to be involved in my life. Less people involved, less complications." Seulgi answered. "Plus he can be a real at times."

"Hm, alright." Sehun nodded, along with a small chuckle. "It'd be nice if you were friends with your roommate, though."

"Nice but, it's not an actual necessity." Seulgi argued, sliding off her glasses and setting it down on the table beside her bed along with the book she was reading. "I've been fine, if you haven't noticed."

The sound of something made of glass breaking suddenly appeared, startling both Seulgi and Sehun. "Things are getting pretty intense, maybe I should go check on them--" Sehun started, attempting to sit up again.

"I told you, less people, less complications." Seulgi repeated, lightly pushing his head back down on the pillow before he could. "Same goes for him."

"Alright." Sehun said, his words being cut off by a long yawn as he let his eyes slightly close shifting around to find his position back on the pillow. "Do you think they're breaking up?"

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candypark #1
Chapter 20: OMG I love love love this fic T_T too bad I just found it now huhu. You captured everything elegantly. I'm still sad Jongin couldn't get the apple of his eye T_T. But yeah, I get it, we totally can love someone while loving someone else... While STILL, I feel bad for Jongin but he already know the consequences right? he just refused to believe it :") Thank you for writing a great fic author-nim! It'd been a long time since I read SeulKai content and I'm really happy. Once again thank you thank you
1873 streak #2
Chapter 14: i also don't read BL stuff and AG being my first and 10080 being my last time reading anything related to BL and trust me, both broke me into pieces 😭💔
1873 streak #3
Chapter 12: this was beautiful 😭✨
1873 streak #4
Chapter 11: Seulgi is so savage i love her!
Aww, sehun :(
1873 streak #5
Chapter 10: joyrene third wheels hehe
1873 streak #6
Chapter 9: seulgi was kinda relatable in this chapter hehe
and her finally "mourning" and jongin's heart sank for her... aww :(
1873 streak #7
Chapter 8: so much happened, god, i loved this chapter!!
1873 streak #8
Chapter 7: lmao seul and lu were so funny xD
1873 streak #9
Chapter 6: seulgi and her "world balance" haha
their heartfelt conversation was really soothing to read. i loved their interaction this chapter, so lovely!
1873 streak #10
Chapter 5: what are they so cute for I'm squealing hard 😭💖💖 oh my seulkai heart huhu