Chapter 11

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"Once again, I give my sincerest gratitude to tonight's sponsors, the members of the chair, idols, trainees, and all esteemed guests. Welcome, and good evening." Jongin grinned widely at the audience seated on round tables, finishing his opening speech with an invite for everyone to raise their glasses of champagne along with his. "Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, everyone."   As he stepped off the stage, a huge weight was yet to be lifted off his chest as he fully gulped down the contents of the glass of champagne in hand-- aware that the hardest part was barely over. Mr Wu, his dad's secretary, rushed to his side as he tugged on the edges of the hem of his coat, and started to make his way to all the guests who were now dispersing-- some off to grab themselves some food from the buffets or a drink from the bar, some mingling with the other guests but most were coming up to him to respectfully give their greetings.   "It's wonderful to see you again, Sir Choi."   "How are the kids?"   "Yes, our stocks are doing particularly well these days."   "Yes, my father is good. Busy, but good."   "This is all temporary, my father will be back soon."   Hours of the night passed and Jongin was still greeting back the most random people, shaking hands with them, asking how their children he didn't know existed were, being continuously bombarded by questions, being given flirtatious inappropriate compliments as he was non-chalantly shipped with all other heiresses and daughters, and being trampled on by strangers who happened to be major business partners, a rather fake smile plastered on his expression as he also repeatedly lied about his own father's condition, with Mr. Wu whispering names, positions and familial affliations into his ear right next to him.    The venue of Kim Ent's Christmas celebration was at a prestigious resort's event hall in Sokcho, a few hours away from Seoul, designed by Jongin himself in a way that completely avoides the cliché, and leans more towards the modern, away from the traditional. There was a humungous silver tree smack in the center of the room, mobile bars placed at each corner, silver and blue lights surrounding the ceiling. Winter was very much alive inside, even more than outside considering how it unusually still wasn't snowing. No green, no red, no typical ideas of christmas. But despite it being quite spacious, closed, and airconditioned-- Jongin felt more claustrophobic than ever and drops of sweat were distinctly trickling down the back of his neck and through his scalp out of pure exhaustion.   The clock struck 10 o'clock, and Jongin was finally allowed to take a break. He made his way to the bar, and fully swallowed the contents of a glass of Scotch, leaving behind the three cubes of ice, once he took a seat on one of the stools. He closed his eyes, and exhaled deeply upon banging the empty glass back down on the bar's counter, signalling the bartender to immediately refill his glass.   "Whoa, pretty solid drink for only ten in the evening." A voice startled him in the midst of the orchestra's music.    "Well, it's been a tiring night." He mumbled, letting his glass go as he cocked his head to his side, slowly opening his eyes seeing Seulgi in a wine red long, tube gown highlighting her milky white skin and curves, hair cleanly pulled up into a ponytail, a silver necklace shining in the middle of her fully revealed neckline, sharp collarbones shown looking absolutely breathtaking that Jongin momentarily forgot to be subtle as he eyed her up and down.   "Already tired?" Seulgi frowned, bare arm leaning against the counter right next to a seated Jongin. "The night's barely started."   "Exhausted," Jongin sighed, standing up and allowing Seulgi to sit. "Less exhausted now that you're here, though. I haven't seen you all night."   Seulgi's lips curled up at the sudden comment, carefully watching the train of her gown as she took a seat and turned the stool to directly face Jongin who was now leaning on the counter. "You did great earlier." She complimented him back. "Not bad for a rookie almost-president."   Jongin chuckled softly. "Suddenly, becoming president doesn't sound as amazing as it did anymore." He admitted, patting his fringe back with his palm down to his neck, wiping away the remnants of dried up sweat. "Really Seul, I didn't think a small party would be this difficult to surpass."   "You're doing just fine, Mr. Kim." She assured him, with a smile. "You actually look pretty great tonight." She confessed quite openly, something she didn't used to do much.   "Kang Seulgi actually gives me compliments now." Jongin clutched his chest. "I am honored."   "You should be, it doesn't come often for just anyone." Seulgi added, stretching her arms out reaching for Jongin's crooked black bowtie. "And you're in your 20s, but you still don't know how to properly tie your own tie." She scoffed with a subtle roll of her eyeballs. "Come here."   Jongin was pulled a step closer to her, closing the distance between them. Jongin's eyes wandered all over Seulgi's facial features, her cleanly shaped eyebrows, her defined cheekbones, her pointed nose, and her painted rosy pink lips as Seulgi's eyes were focused on his tie.    "There." She said, letting her hold on him go. "Now, you look even better."   "You like the suit?" Jongin slyly smirked, chest out showing off his perfectly tailored suit consisting of a clean white silk dress shirt and a sleek black blazer with flawless lapels finished up with a classic bowtie. "It's Armani."   "You like my dress?" She mimicked him playfully. "It's a Wendy."   "Evidently, I do." Jongin answered, smiling. "You look beautiful."   "I know." She agreed cockily, grinning proudly as Jongin picked up his now refilled glass of Scotch. "How 'bout something a little harder?" She suggested, raising a finger calling for the bartender.   "No, no." Jongin mumbled behind his glass as he took a small sip, shaking his head. "I can't tonight."   Seulgi groaned. "Even just one shot?" She whined, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, you love vodka."   "I do, but not tonight." He firmly said, surprised at his own newly developed self-discipline but still kept smiling. "I'm obliged to be Kim Jongin, KEnt's future CEO, tonight."   "So Kim Jongin, KEnt's future CEO isn't allowed to have himself a little fun?" She pouted. "How about a dance, then? A dance isn't too much. Plus I've been dying to do so all night," She suggested again,  confidently taking Jongin's free hand and tugging on it as she began to stand up. "But due to a lack of potential dance partners, you seem to be my only choice, Kim."   Jongin sighed, still quite startled by how comfortable Seulgi was at being physical with him now. "Believe me Seul, I would love to but.." He cut himself off.   "What now?" Seulgi wailed, just irritated now, letting his hand go. "Wh
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Chapter 19: lol I’m back and this is like the 6 or 7th time I’m reading the story again. The ending never fails to make me sob like a baby. My heart hurts so much for Jongin. Also never fails to make me hate Seulgi so much 💀 Onto Officemates.
candypark #2
Chapter 20: OMG I love love love this fic T_T too bad I just found it now huhu. You captured everything elegantly. I'm still sad Jongin couldn't get the apple of his eye T_T. But yeah, I get it, we totally can love someone while loving someone else... While STILL, I feel bad for Jongin but he already know the consequences right? he just refused to believe it :") Thank you for writing a great fic author-nim! It'd been a long time since I read SeulKai content and I'm really happy. Once again thank you thank you
1883 streak #3
Chapter 14: i also don't read BL stuff and AG being my first and 10080 being my last time reading anything related to BL and trust me, both broke me into pieces 😭💔
1883 streak #4
Chapter 12: this was beautiful 😭✨
1883 streak #5
Chapter 11: Seulgi is so savage i love her!
Aww, sehun :(
1883 streak #6
Chapter 10: joyrene third wheels hehe
1883 streak #7
Chapter 9: seulgi was kinda relatable in this chapter hehe
and her finally "mourning" and jongin's heart sank for her... aww :(
1883 streak #8
Chapter 8: so much happened, god, i loved this chapter!!
1883 streak #9
Chapter 7: lmao seul and lu were so funny xD
1883 streak #10
Chapter 6: seulgi and her "world balance" haha
their heartfelt conversation was really soothing to read. i loved their interaction this chapter, so lovely!