

(a/n: JB and Youngjae were not living together (yet) in this story)



“Please be happy, okay?”

One sentence. He had only said one sentence, but the bitterness lingered on the tip of his tongue far too long, like traces of poison he took on his own will. He didn’t know when the other would listen to the voicemail, how he would react, or even whether he would actually listen to it; to be honest, he couldn’t care less. He could feel his phone slipping off his fingers, landing with a painful crack on the hard concrete inches away from his feet. His limp hands swayed on his sides like two pieces of broken strings. He knew that a few eyes began to land on him; a few voices asking him if he was alright.

Strangely, all he heard was silence.

When the droplets of rain brought him back to his senses – though, he almost wished it didn’t – the people were presented with the sight of a young man whose hope was ripped apart, giving up with the weight of a broken love on his back.

As soon as he got home, he went straight to his room, avoiding anyone at any cost. He was tired. Tired of standing still, tired of keeping a calm façade. He was afraid, too, afraid of getting questioned. He knew questions would get him to think back to when he almost broke down, right in front of the one to whom he must appear nonchalant and strong.

Once safe in the confines of his room, locking the door behind, he broke down, now without anything to hold him back. His cries came out as muffled, quiet sobs, from the fear of getting knocks on the door and the crushing weight on his chest.

He half-crawled to the bed, not even bothering to turn on the lights. And out of the blue, from the faint light that seeps through the curtains, his eyes caught a piece of fabric which was familiar, but felt so distant. Crumpled and hidden under a bunch of pillows was a simple black hoodie with white accents.  He took the article of clothing, holding it close to him while trying to collect whatever memories remained on the forgotten piece. It smelled the same way when it was thrown over his head for the first time, at the studio where everything started.

That night, he slept clutching the hoodie close to his chest, holding onto it for dear life, trying to seek comfort from what once united them.


“Choi Youngjae, you’re soaked! What the heck happened?!”

“I got caught in the sudden rain on my way here.” Youngjae grinned sheepishly, body shivering a little due to the cold. The older male clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Idiot. Go dry yourself off, and take off your shirt! You’re going to catch a cold if you stay like that.”

He then proceeded to take off his hoodie and tossed it on top of Youngjae’s head. “There are towels in the room next to this. I don’t have spare clothes, but I guess a warm, dry hoodie is better than a soaking wet t-shirt.”

Youngjae was thankful that the hoodie landed on top of his head, covering most of his face. He could feel a blush spreading across his face, and he didn’t really fancy JB finding out the effects he had on Youngjae’s poor little heart. “T-thanks JB hyung. I’ll go change.”

The hoodie did feel better than his soaked clothes. Even better, maybe. It was warmer than he expected, and Youngjae’s nose picked up the faint scent of JB’s favorite cologne from his hoodie. He quickly shook his head. He was only there to make sure JB was okay, to cheer him up and help him recover from what he went through with Jinyoung and Mark. He couldn’t afford to want more. True, he still liked the older male, but he was willing to wait.

“JB-hyung? I’m done changing.”

Walking back into the studio, Youngjae frowned when he saw an empty room. But before he could look around, he felt a thump on his back, a pair of arms locking around his waist, and a forehead pressing against shoulder.


“Choi Youngjae, I like you.”



A lot of you probably expected this to be the happy ending sequel I promised but SURPRISE! MORE ANGST!

/opens umbrella in the middle of raining flame arrow/

SORRY GUYS. Feeling pretty angsty today QAQ

THE HAPPY ENDING IS THERE IN THE NEAR FUTURE (though I don't know where exactly)

Unedited. it's 3am where I live and I got classes at 7. blame GOT7's new teaser. JHDFJHSSGDAJSDHAHJ STOP STOP IT FOR REAL

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I have the third installment of this story ready. but the plot doesn't connect nicely, like there's a big missing piece. and it's not quite happy too. woot woot


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Fipslin #1
Chapter 2: I need an updateee
JYin_jbxyj_1706 #2
Hi guys, I'm a 2Jae fan too, and I want to ask your opinion that can I translate this story and post it on my blog? Thank you so much
Chapter 2: Hello...Hi...Any chance of an update? </3
sillyjeni #4
Chapter 2: pleaseee I want moreee :(((
Chapter 2: please a sequel..youngjae need to be happy
chillaxdiva #6
Chapter 2: would mark and youngjae meet? would jb realise youngjae's worth?? ive read this for awhile now but im still coming back...hoping :)
NOOOOOOOOOOO....I'm crying right now....poor youngjae...:((
Chapter 2: oh my god ㅠㅠ poor youngjae.. his efforts.. haaaaa /sobbing/
tootoothree #9
ehmagherd... T__T poor Youngjae. After recent events, I think a MarkJae ending would be nice. xD
Chapter 2: OMG! poor youngjae!! T.T!! I wanna a happy ending! but... before the H.E. more ANGST!! i wanna JB and JY paying for the pain!! OMG don´t told me Mark could be hurt too
