mirror, mirror


Arms up, crossed in front of your face.

Junior looked into the mirror.

Step left and right, arms down slowly.

He saw his body moving in accord with the music. Dancing.

Lift your face.

He could feel blood rushing in his veins through his entire body; heart drumming in sync with the beats. Alive. Functioning.

Eyes to the audience.

He saw a man's eyes, reflected in the mirrored walls of the practice room.

He didn't recognize those eyes.


A Dream Knight AU. cross-posted from my blog

Warning: It's basically dripping spoilers, so if you haven't watched all of Dream Knight, please refrain from reading unless you don't mind spoilers

It's been a while since the last time I posted anything here. Hope you don't mind the word vomit ;u; 


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Chapter 1: OH MY GOD! first dream knight fic i ever read and i loved it. Ok even i didn't like the ending of the drama..it was complete yet still so incomplete.. I dont know it that makes sense.. But i was left wanting more...same with this fic! I want more!!!!! Keke u did a great job! It wasn't rushed at all...