Chapter 5 - Quiet Conversations

Opening Doors

Hansol woke up the next morning with a tired yawn, rubbing her eyes once before giving up and burying her head back into her pillow. Byungjoo made a sound behind her, mumbling something about it being too early as he wrapped his arms around her tighter. Without a thought Hansol smiled into the plush fabric she was hiding her face in, letting out a little hum in comfort.

She was thankful that it was the weekend. The weekend meant no one to deal with other than her mother and probably Byungjoo for most of it, and Hansol could handle that. No homework, no worries, and just a bit of fun sounded like the beginning of a good time.

When Byungjoo groaned behind her she turned her head, watching as he rolled onto his back and covered his eyes with a sleepy frown.

“It’s early…” he grumbled, Hansol chuckling as she flipped over and curled up facing Byungjoo. “You’re lucky your bed’s comfy, because if it wasn’t I would be complaining about you being a blanket hog right now.” Hansol immediately pouted, reaching over to punch Byungjoo’s shoulder as Byungjoo grinned. He pulled his hand down, enough to see Hansol’s expression, before he laughed and reachled over, pushing some of Hansol’s messy hair out of her face. “You know I’m kidding. I slept great.”

“You bet your you did,” she replied, sitting up and stretching before she pushed the blankets off of her and stood. “Do you wanna hang out together today?” she asked, turning to face Byungjoo, who had finally propped himself up on his elbows. He raised a brow.

“Well, I’m already here, so I guess I might as well.” He shrugged, making it seem like he had no other choice, though he knew very well that he did it just to see Hansol pout again. She did indeed pout, crawling back on the bed and taking hold of Byungjoo’s wrists so that she could pull him to at least a sitting position.

“C’mon, get up so that we can do something. It’s already almost noon,” she whined, Byungjoo laughing as she nearly pulled him over onto his face.

“Fine, just give me a second,” he pleaded between laughter, Hansol immediately letting his wrists go as Byungjoo stretched. She slipped off the bed once more, looking through the closet as Byungjoo absently rolled his wrists to loosen the joints a bit.

His arms had gone numb sometime during the night because he hadn’t let Hansol go the entire time that they’d been sleeping, and even now he just watched in silence as she looked through the clothes that were hanging up. He had never really watched Hansol in the morning because usually he was too out of it, but now he couldn’t help but grin at the little things she did. Even if it was just pulling out a shirt and looking at it or absently glancing in the mirror and noticing how messy her hair was as she tried in a failed attempt to fix it, Byungjoo just watched in silence and smiled. Eventually she turned around, holding up two shirts as she looked to Byungjoo, who hadn’t even moved from his spot on the bed.

“Which one looks better?” she asked, Byungjoo blinking as he looked from Hansol’s face to both of the shirts.

“You’re asking my advice?” he replied, Hansol nodding. “But I’m with fashion, you know that.” Hansol just shrugged.

“I just want to know what you think looks better. It’s important to me,” she replied. Byungjoo furrowed his brows as he thought, Hansol waiting in near silence for a response. Eventually Byungjoo pointed at the loose shirt that Hansol was holding, knowing that it was floppy and comfortable and that Hansol would look adorable in it. She nodded, tossing the spare shirt to the floor and grabbing everything she needed before slipping off to the bathroom. “I’ll be done in a bit. I’m going to shower and stuff.”

After that the door to the bathroom closed and Byungjoo was left alone on the bed, at a loss of what to do until Hansol was done. He hadn’t been expecting to spend the night so he hadn’t brought a change of clothes. All he had were the clothes he’d worn yesterday, which he’d also slept in, so he just sat and waited, eventually decided to grab his phone. The missed texts and calls from his mother made him frown, and he sighed as he replied to her questions about where he was.

Sorry I didn’t call to let you know where I was. I stayed at Hansol’s cuz she asked me to hang with her.

He glanced at the text, reading it over before he let out a little huff and changed the she and her he’d typed to he and him. Hansol had asked him not to tell anyone and Byungjoo was determined to let Hansol go about everything in her own time, but he was so used to talking to Hansol like she wanted him to that sometimes he slipped up and had to correct himself when he was talking to other people. His mother was no exception.

After he sent the text he flopped back on the bed, playing a game on his phone as he waited for Hansol to get ready. It seemed to be taking forever, so when Hansol finally emerged from the bathroom Byungjoo was excited, about to rush in and at least wash his face before he stopped and looked at her yet again.

Hansol was wearing the jeans she’d bought before, though the shirt was long and oversized to the point of nearly being a dress. She’d straightened her hair, put on simple makeup, and Byungjoo smiled at her as he walked over and cupped both of her cheeks.

“You take forever in the bathroom,” he teased affectionately, Hansol raising a brow and opening to retort before Byungjoo shook his head and continued. “You look adorable. I’m gonna go clean up a bit. We have to stop at my house so I can put on fresh clothes, though.”

Byungjoo took barely any time to get ready, Hansol straightening up the bed as she waited and the two leaving immediately after. The stop in Byungjoo’s house was short, Byungjoo jumping in the shower for a rinse that took no more than a couple of minutes before he pulled on fresh clothes and a hat and the two slipped back into Byungjoo’s car.

“Do you want to go chill at the mall or something? We can get food,” Byungjoo asked, Hansol nodding happily as she leaned back in the seat. Neither had realized how hungry they were, not having eaten much the day before and following it up with being asleep for breakfast. When they got to the mall they headed straight for the food court, both ordering food and picking a table as they got comfortable.

“I didn’t realize how hungry I was until just now,” Byungjoo said, popping a fry into his mouth as he slid down in the seat. Hansol laughed, waiting until Byungjoo looked away before stealing one of his fries and nibbling on her own chicken. They were silent for a while, both too involved in eating to really hold a conversation. Hansol watched Byungjoo eat for a while, eventually turning her attention to watching the people passing by. She sighed, Byungjoo finishing his burger as he turned to look at her.

Like in the cafeteria before, Hansol had a longing expression on her face, and Byungjoo frowned as he leaned forward on the table.

“What’s up, Hansol?” he asked, Hansol raising a brow before turning to look at Byungjoo with a little frown.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing,” she replied, but Byungjoo shook his head.

“No. The last time you said that, I watched you look sadly at couples all day and it killed me. Do you want me to hook you up with someone? I know a lot of…” Byungjoo’s voice trailed off as he realized that despite being good friends, Hansol had never once mentioned if she liked girls or guys. He just stared for a second, Hansol’s eyes wide as she slowly glanced over her shoulder.

“Is… there someone behind me?” she asked, Byungjoo hesitantly shaking his head before furrowing his brows in confusion.

“No, I just… Do you like girls? Because I know a lot of girls I could set you up with. But… Would it be… Would it be a lesbian I’d set you up with?” At this point, Byungjoo was mostly talking to himself, and Hansol just continued staring at him. “I mean, I know lots of lesbians.” Byungjoo got lost in his thoughts for a moment, smirking and letting out a little chuckle as Hansol rolled her eyes.

“Don’t worry about girls,” Hansol mumbled, shaking her head as Byungjoo blinked himself out of his thoughts. “I like guys,” she added, words soft so no one except Byungjoo would hear her. Turning to look, Byungjoo watched as Hansol dropped her head, playing with the hem of her shirt as she pursed her lips. Byungjoo cocked his head a bit.

“So you’re… technically straight, then?” he asked, Hansol furrowing her brows as she nodded. “So I should look for a guy for you… I can do that.” Hansol just shook her head, smiling in both slight confusion and a bit of embarrassment.

“No, Byungjoo. I promise, you don’t need to look for anyone for me,” she replied, laughing slightly. “I don’t really need to be in a relationship right now.” Byungjoo nodded, humming to himself as he nibbled on one of the few fries he had left. Hansol stole another one.

“Can you at least tell me what kind of guy you’d go for?” he asked, Hansol quirking a brow. “Just point at someone discreetly so I know what I’m looking for.”

Byungjoo wouldn’t have guessed that he’d be having this conversation with Hansol, but he had to admit that it explained just a bit more about some of the ways that she acted. He just watched as Hansol sighed and gave in, looking around with brows knit together as she scanned the people around them. Eventually she pointed to a man nearby.

“He’s cute,” she mumbled, Byungjoo narrowing his eyes as he shook his head.

“No, he’s not right for you. Too buff, he looks like an ,” he said, Hansol turning to Byungjoo with wide eyes and a slightly dropped jaw.

“Byungjoo, what the hell?” Hansol replied with a disbelieving laugh. Byungjoo just shook his head more.

“Pick someone else,” he said, Hansol rolling her eyes before pointing to another man nearby. Byungjoo crossed his arms over his chest. “That guy? He looks like a delinquent.”

“Byungjoo, you’re kind of a delinquent,” she cut in, Byungjoo pausing before turning back to Hansol and grinning.

“But I’m your delinquent, so it’s different,” he replied, Hansol leaning back in her seat with a laugh before she stood and picked up their trash.

“Come on, let’s just go see a movie or something. You don’t need to worry about finding someone to hook me up with, or whatever. I have enough on my plate – I don’t need a boyfriend to worry about. I already have to deal with you.” Her tone was teasing but Byungjoo looked at her with fake offense, making it overdramatic as Hansol chuckled and started walking off toward the trash can. Byungjoo watched her walk away, smiling at her despite the fact that she couldn’t see him.

It was nice that she was being open with him.

Eventually Byungjoo stood and followed after Hansol, arm draping loosely over Hansol’s shoulders as they headed toward the theatre. As they walked, caught up in conversation and jokes, Byungjoo let his hand fall to sit on Hansol’s waist instead. He only let go to pay for the tickets to the movie, settling on a comedy. They sat near the back so they would be able to talk, Hansol resting her head on Byungjoo’s shoulder almost immediately.

For a while they were silent, Byungjoo still curling his arm around Hansol’s shoulder, before Hansol spoke. Her words were soft so they didn’t bother the people around them, and she didn’t look at Byungjoo. She kept her eyes trained on the film playing in front of them.

“Thank you for all of this,” she said softly, Byungjoo turning to look at her with a little smile. “The fact that you’re willing to drop everything to try to find me a boyfriend… No one has ever done that for me before. You make me happy,” she finished, Byungjoo’s smile widening as he squeezed Hansol’s shoulder.

“I’m your best friend,” he replied, moving his hand to play with the ends of Hansol’s hair. It was still growing, now skimming past her ears, and Byungjoo pushed the few strands behind it so that he could see her face a bit better. “I’d do anything for you, don’t ever be scared to ask.” He felt Hansol nod and he grinned, letting his hand slip down from Hansol’s hair to its previous spot on her shoulder. He paused, however, when he got halfway down and felt something he wasn’t expecting to. “Hansol, are you… wearing a bra?” he asked quietly. He didn’t need to be able to see to know that Hansol’s cheeks had gone red, because a second later she sat up straight, stuttering out a few embarrassed syllables as she shook her head. Byungjoo turned in his seat, waiting for Hansol to relax as her nonsensical words faded and she looked to Byungjoo with a soft huff.

“… Is that weird?” she asked, Byungjoo staring at her as he hesitantly shook his head. “It… it just makes me feel better. It’s small, but… It’s there, and I know it’s there, but no one else has to know. I feel a little more confident.” Byungjoo listened to Hansol’s quiet words, nodding in understanding but staying silent.

When he’d first met Hansol, Byungjoo had known that there was something different. He had assumed that it was just because Hansol was a bit awkward and shy, but now… Now Byungjoo was learning what made Hansol tick, and everything he was learning made him realize more and more that he was glad he had Hansol beside him.

“It’s not weird,” Byungjoo replied after a while, the movie mostly forgotten in the background as he reached out to cup Hansol’s cheek affectionately. “I mean, what’s weird about a girl wearing a bra?” Hansol laughed, pushing Byungjoo’s hand away and shooting the person nearest them a glare when they tried to hush them. She smiled, turning back to Byungjoo and nibbling her lip.

“Thank you,” she said softly, letting herself rest her head on Byungjoo’s shoulder once more. Byungjoo smiled to himself, resting his head on top of Hansol’s as his hand smoothed down Hansol’s shoulder once more. When he got to the strap of the bra he couldn’t help but smile though he said nothing else, instead simply holding Hansol close as the movie played on.

They were silent for the remainder of the movie save for moments where laughter was prompted, and when it was over both stood, Byungjoo stretching and Hansol watching with a soft smile.

“It was good, right?” Byungjoo asked, Hansol nodding and not letting her eyes leave Byungjoo. Eventually he turned back to look at her, offering her his hand as he pulled Hansol to stand.

“Yeah, it was funny,” she replied, Byungjoo leading her out of the aisle and then the theatre. Hours had passed since they got there, the sun almost fully dipping beneath the horizon as they walked back toward the car.

Byungjoo wouldn’t admit that he’d spent more of the movie absently Hansol’s shoulder, and Hansol would never admit that she’d noticed.

Neither noticed that they had held hands all the way to the car.

They were nearly to Hansol’s house when they finally started talking again, both getting immediately pulled into singing to the songs blasting over the speakers.

“Do you want me to spend the night again?” Byungjoo asked, Hansol looking over at him before she nodded and shrugged simultaneously.

“Sure, if you want. I like sharing the bed with you. You don’t randomly smack me during the night and you don’t snore.” Byungjoo rolled his eyes, pulling into Hansol’s driveway and stopping the car.

“Alright. This time I tossed some extra clothes in the car. Because I came prepared.” Byungjoo watched as Hansol all but giggled and he had to bite his lip, both of the getting out of the car and Byungjoo grabbing his clothes before they walked into the house.

Hansol’s mother was nowhere to be found, so instead of interacting with her the two just went to Hansol’s room, Byungjoo tossing the bag of clothes on the floor and Hansol pushing her hair off of her face. There was a long pause, Hansol eventually letting out a little sigh and looking to Byungjoo with a shrug.

“Do you wanna play some video games?”

For hours they just played games, neither really caring who won despite the competitive air in the room. They didn’t stop until the early hours of the morning, neither able to keep their eyes focused on the television and Byungjoo grabbing his clothes to change. Without thinking, he pulled off his pants and shirt and was left in only his boxers, Hansol looking over to say something before she took in a quick breath and turned around. Byungjoo looked at her in confusion.

“What’s up?” he asked, Hansol shaking her head.

“Nothing, I just… I wasn’t expecting you to be changing right there,” she replied, Byungjoo looking down at himself and blinking as realization slowly dawned on him.

Hansol was a girl who liked guys, and Byungjoo was very much a guy. He’d never actually stopped to think about the fact that this kind of thing might be awkward, and he’d never realized that Hansol would be against him changing in front of her. So Byungjoo hurried to slip into pajama pants and a tank top, sitting down on Hansol’s bed.

“Sorry, I didn’t think about that,” he said, looking down again. “I’m done, it’s all good.” At that Hansol turned, and she smiled shyly at him, blushing slightly before pursing her lips.

“Is it… Can I sleep in something comfy?” she asked, and Byungjoo cocked his head as he raised a brow, though he nodded hesitantly.

“Sure… It’s your room, you can sleep however you want.” Hansol nodded, simply slipping out of her jeans and leaving the oversized shirt on. It went nearly down to her thighs, and Byungjoo watched in silence as she crawled into bed and curled up on her side next to him. “Comfy?” he asked, offering her a little smile as she nodded.

It didn’t take her long to fall asleep, and Byungjoo just kept watch over her in silence as she curled up a bit more in her spot.

It was times like this when he realized just how much he liked Hansol’s presence. The calm smile on her lips as she slept made Byungjoo just that much more relaxed, and Byungjoo smiled to himself as he ran his fingers through Hansol’s hair absently. He watched as Hansol fidgeted in her spot, getting comfortable as she let out a gentle sigh. Byungjoo let his hand slip down from Hansol’s hair to her shoulder, then down further to just run down her side. When he felt the slight bump of the strap of a bra he paused, hand remaining there for a hesitant moment before he slipped his arm around Hansol and pulled her close instead.

In moments like this though, he had to constantly remind himself that Hansol was still a girl, and his best friend. Byungjoo made sure she was asleep before he looked her over, smiling to himself.

“You’re such a beautiful person,” he mumbled, knowing Hansol wouldn’t hear him but wanting to say it anyway. “You’re so beautiful… Pretty miss,” he added, exhaling in a laugh as he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Hansol’s. He stayed there for a while, sitting in silence and enjoying the closeness before he smiled to himself and gave Hansol a little squeeze.

He wasn’t going to let her be hurt.

He wasn’t going to let her be put into any situations that she didn’t want to be in.

He just wanted her to be safe.

“I’ll stay here for as long as you want me to,” he mumbled, leaning up to press a kiss to Hansol’s forehead. He didn’t care that she didn’t feel it; he simply wanted to do it. “I’ll protect you for as long as I can. You’re my best friend, and that’s not going to change.”

It was something of a spoken promise, even though Byungjoo knew that Hansol wouldn’t have heard him. She was fast asleep, arms tiredly slung around Byungjoo as she nuzzled silently closer. Byungjoo could only smile.

“Goodnight, angel,” he mumbled, falling asleep soon after and not mentioning anything about Hansol’s feet twining with his own.

He was too comfortable to mind.

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manny7336 #1
Chapter 6: This story was wonderful, nothing like I have ever read before. Thank you so much for writing it!
incogneat-o #2
Chapter 6: Beautiful. So beautiful. :'-)) Thank you.
Baozideeroppa #3
Chapter 4: //flips table

Please update tomorrow too, so it'll be a trIPLE UPDATE AWW YISS
Chapter 6: Cries of too much cuteness
Chapter 5: Omg its soo cute im dying ;;;; feeeelsss
Byungjoo is so adorable but damn friendzone af
Its a shame she didnt hear him omfg //crying
Or she did hear? :---)