Chapter 2

Blessed 2 (SEQUEL)


How could I run away from him? I love him!

-Jung Daehyun



Then explain it to him and not to me.

-Bang Yongguk


“Daehyun, I have to go in an hour.”

“Oh, really? What a pity. I enjoyed this weekend.” I said sadly.

“Me too but don’t worry, I’ll come back in five days” He smiled and smirked. “And then we should try something other than just doing breakfast and talking.” I hadn’t got the faintest idea what he meant. And I couldn’t ask him anymore because he left the room. I was so sad when I saw him leaving the room. But I couldn’t stop him… because I know that he had to go. I waved him until he was gone. “Damn it”, I cursed myself. Every weekend I had a chance to tell him the truth. But again and again I hadn’t. There was just the hope for the next weekend… and this every week.


Youngjae messaged me on Friday. First I was happy after seeing that he texted me but after I read it, I was disappointed.


Dear Dae-haraboji *^_^

I am sorry to tell you this but this weekend I cannot come home. So don’t wait for me. Mianhae! I hope you are no so much disappointed in me. I will make up for this, okay? Don’t be sad. Saranghae


I put away my phone and looked onto the floor. I was so happy until now… But … a weekend without Youngjae isn’t a good weekend.

I took the decision to visit him at his university. Right in this moment I took my bag pack and put in some clothes. Afterwards I took the key, went outside and locked the door. I was ready to go to Youngjae’s university. I walked to the train and sat in. I looked outside as the train started to depart. Was this the right decision? Sure. Without him, I cannot have a weekend. But what I’ll say when I’ll stand in front of him. I am sure that he will ask me many things…and I know I have to tell him that I fall for him. But … How? Somehow I hadn’t got the faintest idea. I know me. I will fail it!


The next hours I was very thoughtful. Every second I tried out another situation. And after all I decided that I won’t tell him the truth. Cost it what it will but I cannot!


After I arrived the train station I took tried to find the university. It took me much time but in the end I found the big house. It was Friday afternoon and most of the students were outside. I entered the campus and was looking for Youngjae. Because I looked so lost, a boy taped my shoulder.

“Hey! Are you alright? I guess you aren’t a student here.” He said. I approved and looked at him.

“Yea, I am just looking for a special guy and I cannot find him. Can you help me?” He nodded and smiled.

“Who is the lost person?”

“It’s Yoo Youngjae. Do you know him? He is my best friend.” He looked shocked.

“Yoo Youngjae?” he asked.

“Eh, yes?” He was frown and put his hand onto my bag.

“Please come with me.” He said. I hoped he’ll bring me to him. He walked – or he rather ran – trough the whole building. And he paid attention that I won’t lose him. Somehow he was in hurry and I didn’t know why.

“Hey! Where are we going to?” I asked loudly but he didn’t answer me. He just brought me into a strange room. I guess it was the chemistry room because of many of test tubes and the strange smell. My gaze went the room around and I saw five guys. Everyone looked at me and one of them stood up. I didn’t know anyone of them.

“Sung-Nam, who’s that?” Asked the one who stood up before. Before the boy called Sung-Nam answered, I took this question.

“I am Jung Daehyun and I am looking for my best friend Yoo Youngjae. I am here to find him.” The guy who was asking looked at me and wide his eyes.

“Jung Daehyun? You are looking for Youngjae? Your BEST FRIEND?” He asked a bit ironic. I nodded slowly. Then the boy laughed and went to my direction.

“My name is Lee Hwang-hyun.” And he came closer and closer. “And Yoo Youngjae is the person I hate the most.” He was already standing in front of me. “And I also hate all of his friends… especially his best friends.” I didn’t noticed what he said before he hit me with his fist into my face. Because of this hard hit I fall onto the ground. I just lying there and the boy stood next to me. Then he kicked at me and lifts me up to hit me again. He did it twice and I felt the pain everywhere. The other five boys in the room laughed at growled Hwang-hyun’s name. They enjoyed my pain and they liked how I scream and begging him to stop. But he didn’t! He was definitely going to kill me!


* [Haraboji] (할아버지) means grandfather

*² [Mianhae] (미안해) means I’m sorry

*³ [Saranghae] (사랑해) means I love you

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Rennimshi #2
Chapter 5: Can you write HimUp to this? Please?!
Rennimshi #3
Chapter 5: Can you write HimUp to this? Please?!
Rennimshi #4
Chapter 5: Can you write HimUp to this? Please?!
Chapter 5: awwww finally DaeJae
I-love-kaz #6
i like it so much
Chapter 4: maan talk about miscommunication.... ugh... Daehyun needs to tell Youngjae ASAP!!!
Chapter 3: Poor Daehyun --- but Youngjae was there to save him

Hmmmm Youngjae is pretty mysterious here -- and Daehyun intends to find out what made him changed
Chapter 2: dang what's with that guy .. ugh.. poor Daehyun
Bypirou #10
i like this fic, update soon:) so excited for the next chapter!