Chapter 3

Blessed 2 (SEQUEL)

I felt the pain in my face and in my chest. It hurts damn much and I couldn’t defend myself anymore. The guy called Hwang-hyun kicked and hit me again and again. My strengths disappeared and then I lay on the ground motionless. The guy looked at me and was going to give me the last kick but then another guy threw him away. I didn’t notice who this guy was because my reaction got very bad. I just heard that they drubbed each other and the five guys left the room fast. I didn’t know who won the fight because I fainted…


After two hours I awaked in somebodies arms. I opened my eyes and tried to clarify my view by blinking. I lay on my bag and couldn’t move at all. I just turned my head around and saw whose arms were.

“Youngjae…” I whispered with a creepy and a weak voice. I didn’t expect that he’ll awake because my voice was pretty noiseless. But somehow he heard me and opened his eyes.

“Daehyun! Are you alright? I was so worried about you because you’re so damn hard injured. I curse myself because I was too late to save you... I am so sorry! But why did you come here? That wasn’t a good idea…” He asked me so many questions, I couldn’t follow him.

“What…?” I asked but he just hugged me.

“I was so ing afraid of you.” I enjoyed the hug but then moaned because of the pain everywhere. He let off me and looked at me. “Are you alright?” I shook my head. It was terrible.

“But that wasn’t you fault… It was mine. I am happy that you saved me. If you wouldn’t come to me, he had killed me. Thank you.” I smiled at him as good as I was able to.

“Your fault? I don’t understand…”

“I felt so lonely alone at home and I wanted to be with you this weekend… So I broke a rule and went to you.” Youngjae my cheek.

“There is no rule. I am happy to hold you in my arms.” No rule? But there was a promise I gave him…the promise that I don’t have to disturb him at his university. But now he told me that we hadn’t any promise? Strange…

“Youngjae, I feel nauseous… I guess I have to…” Then I puked. Youngjae kept hold of me while I vomited my whole soul…


I know that I fainted but I don’t know what happened afterwards. I opened my eyes and looked around. I noticed that I was in a hospital. Next to me there laid a head and the person was sleeping. I know that the person was Youngjae. I his head as good as I could because I was very weak. Youngjae didn’t move so I knew that he has deep sweet dreams. So I let him sleeping and rose me up. I felt the pain in my chest and stomach and......everywhere. A nurse came in and looked at me.

A nurse came into the room.

“Oh, Mr. Jung. Are you alright? Are you in pain?” I nodded because I really was. “Please wait here, I will get some painkillers for you.” And she left the room. After few minutes she came back and gave me some tablets and a glass of water. “Any wishes, Mr. Jung?”

“No. But thank you.” I looked to Youngjae. He looked very cute when he was sleeping. I ed up his weekend. I had a really bad conscience. Instead of coming to his university I had have stay at home.

I fell back into my pillow and cuddled my head onto Youngjae ones. Right in this moment I was happy to smell his scent. He smelled like a strong men with a slightly touch of vanilla and apple. His deodorant was my favorite and since the day I told him that this deodorant smell good, it was the only deodorant he bought. And I still love this deodorant because it made me feel better when I was das and I didn’t feel so lonely when I smelled it. And now I felt asleep because of this scent. I awaked later again when Youngjae kissed my forehead.

“Daehyun.” He smiled. "I asked me when you'll awake. Are you okay?"

"I hope so." I answered. "Did the doctor tell you something?" I asked. Youngjae nodded.

"Some rips are broken but your organs are not injured. The doctor said that you are a lucky boy. I'm happy that you will be better soon." I was relieved after I hear this. But I know Youngjae will hate me because I annoyed him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. He nodded and took my hand.

"What is you cheer the heart?"

"Did I ed up your weekend? I mean, you wanted to do other things, that's why you didn't want to come home. And now you are spending your weekend with me in the hospital..."

"But nothing could be more important than your health. So don't worry. I like to spend time with you and I don't care where we are. And when I can be honest, I didn't want to stay on my university, I wanted to come home to you but some of my class mates convinced me to stay. I expected that you will come. We always spend the weekends together. Why this time not? So don't be worry about me, I like to be with you, okay?" I nodded.

"What you you want to do against Hwang-hyun? I mean, he has some problems with you and like to destroy everything what belongs to you."

"I don't know. He cannot like me since we know each other. But it based on reciprocity. Someday I will kill him or he will beat me and will kill me first. Noone knows. Until now I hadn't any problems with that but he attacked you and I am not fine with that. He will regret that he hurt you." His gaze was full of seriousness and fire. He scared me with this gaze and I flinched.

"Stop talking like a murderer. That's not you. What happened..." I asked because taking to him was not the same... But he didn't answered me, he just kissed me again on my forehead.

"I will buy some food and will return as soon as possible. Saranghae little brother, see you later." And he stood up and disappeared. He changed. Something let him change... I had to find out what it was. No matter how.

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Rennimshi #2
Chapter 5: Can you write HimUp to this? Please?!
Rennimshi #3
Chapter 5: Can you write HimUp to this? Please?!
Rennimshi #4
Chapter 5: Can you write HimUp to this? Please?!
Chapter 5: awwww finally DaeJae
I-love-kaz #6
i like it so much
Chapter 4: maan talk about miscommunication.... ugh... Daehyun needs to tell Youngjae ASAP!!!
Chapter 3: Poor Daehyun --- but Youngjae was there to save him

Hmmmm Youngjae is pretty mysterious here -- and Daehyun intends to find out what made him changed
Chapter 2: dang what's with that guy .. ugh.. poor Daehyun
Bypirou #10
i like this fic, update soon:) so excited for the next chapter!