
OnKey shorts.


A/N: This is not really a drabble. It's my first time writing in omegaverse so please bear with my mistakes.


It was the heat talking, I chant in my mind. Reminding myself that the omega writhing in front of me was no other than my friend, my best friend. My feet feels like lead as I stood frozen on the ground, busy fighting every limb of my body to run to the omega and take him right then and there. My rational thoughts soon clouded with want and the need to touch him, to please him.


The once faint scent was now filling the room. The omega, Kibum, writhes while calling my name. I was the only alpha in the room, with Taemin as a beta. The three of us were enjoying a typical movie night when suddenly the scent Kibum gives off smelled very suspicious.


I ignored it at first, blaming it on my mind to hallucinate such things. Because it's obvious that Kibum woujldn't invite us for a movie at his place if he is on his heat. But after a few more minutes, even Taemin could smell that scent and it snapped both of us awake when Kibum suddenly screamed like he was in pain, sweating droplets and hands trying to touch me.


Taemin and I instantly backed off. Our minds went into panic mode as we racked our brains for a solution. Kibum used to deal with his cycles alone. I don't know how he does and there's no way I'll know. All I could think of is how to help him.


Taemin was the first to go, knowing that if he stayed any longer, he will soon be attracted by the scent. And for sure, he'll be unable to stop himself from doing things that he would certainly regret afterwards.


I was left alone, with an omega in heat. A situation that I never thought would scare me out of my wits. Should I run? I thought. My alpha instincts will kick in sooner. I have to do something. Kibum's heat must've come a little earlier than expected. I know that he knows the cycle like the back of his hand. Something must've triggered the heat this time. I must've triggered it this time.


"A-alpha..." He says, lying on the floor with his hands folded on his stomach, sheen of sweat glistening on his skin.


I can't let my alpha side take over my thoughts but I also couldn't leave Kibum alone knowing that he is in pain. I was having conflicts with the two sides of me when Kibum screamed one more time.


"Jinki! H-help... Please.. it hurts." he says, his face scrunching up from what I assumed is pain.


And as if fast as light, I was on his side, ready to do what he wants me to do. I swear I was on the other side of the room. I noticed that as I came closer, his breathing became pretty stable but still ragged.


There's still a war inside of me, conflicting if I should do it or should I just back out. I can't let myself do this. This will be hard for the both of us.


I know for sure the fact that if I would do this, Kibum will never leave unbonded.


You see, I'm in love with Kim Kibum for the longest time. Who wouldn't love him? He's all you can ever ask for. The perfect fit to the incomplete me. We are at the age to go and share a bond with someone we choose. For Kibum and I, it was a silly thing to go around and chase possible mates.


We're just taking time and enjoying our lives, we reasoned out. But the truth is I don't want any other mate than Kibum. And I know I still have a chance until he's bonded.


I slightly touched his dampened forehead, taking in his precious scent. "I'm here, baby. Sshh.. Everything's gonna be alright." I cooed.


"Alp-alpha... I need y-you.."


"I can't Kibum, you know that." I sighed. "It's the heat talking. I don't want you to regret this. You don't know what you're saying."


"N-no." His trembling hands came in contact with my face, softly touching my cheeks. "J-jinki...I w-want y-you.." He breathed out.


"No, Kibum. You don't know what you're doing." I said sternly, taking him into my arms and carrying him to his bedroom where he could rest.


Thinking about the whole situation once again and I noticed this was the first time I saw Kibum in heat. Well, this was actually the first time I saw anyone in heat. And it panicked me, knowing I don't know anything about omegas during heat cycles.


I carefully studied Kibum's face, softly caressing his cheeks. He kept his eyes closed ever since I laid him on his bed. Even in heat, Kim Kibum was undeniably beautiful, even beautiful than before. I never thought I would see the epitome of perfection in front of me.


He slowly opened his eyes, his hands holding mine. "Jinki.." he started, "claim me."


I shivered from that sentence alone. I felt the temperature of the room rise. I began to feel hot and bothered, or in simpler terms, I'm aroused.


That sentence was enough to break my resolve and forget to think about the consequences of my actions.


Before I knew it, the alpha inside of me already took over. "As you wish."

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Purplejaybird #1
Chapter 12: Sad that each story is so short but love all of them anyway!
Please write/add more to this!!
Purplejaybird #2
Chapter 10: So cute!
Love it
Purplejaybird #3
Chapter 9: 2nd favorite story so far!
Honesty love all of them!
Purplejaybird #4
Chapter 5: My favorite story/one shot so far!
Kinda want a sequal/fanfic of this!
Love the storyline!
Chapter 12: I love all of them, onkey is my OTP they're perfect for each other T_T thank you for sharing this cute stories ♥
edgesofcircle #6
Chapter 11: Soooo adorable! This makes my heart flutter! Thank you author-nim <3
chocomufffin #7
Such an interestig concept! <3
eunhaeonkeymyungjong #8
Chapter 11: why am i so late to reading this!
so fluffly so onkey!
i am really in love with u!
Chapter 11: So cute and lovely that makes me ñyaaaa~~~
Chapter 10: Hey,u are really good in writing...^^ Jinki loves leaning on Kibum's shoulder..just like today..