Teaser 8

CieL Entertainment's Encharme {Apply open until the due date/every app will get a teaser}




“Aish, where is this unnie?” Chaneul sighed as she looked around waiting for her older half-sister. The sisters planned on spending the day together after both of them became busy when they both were scouted to be trainees at entertainment companies and decided to go shopping for the day, but it had already been an hour since Chaneul arrived at the place where they agreed to meet and there had been no sign of Haneul yet. 

Chaneul stomped her feet annoyingly and huffed her cheeks, she laid back into the shade of the tree when the sun was getting at its peak and grabbed her phone to call her sister. Despite being only half-sisters where both of them shared the same father, both of them surprisingly shared a good bond and were quite close, they even got into the kpop world together when they watched SNSD performing live. They devoted themselves into dancing after that, and Haneul was scouted by CieL Entertainment after she failed SM Entertainment’s audition, and after a little while Chaneul was also accepted into the CUBE Ent.

The phone was definitely ringing when she pressed the call button to Haneul, she waited for awhile and tried several times already but the other side of the line hadn’t picked up the phone yet, which eventually made Chaneul a little bit worried. It’s not like Haneul to not pick up the phone- maybe something happened to her?

For the countless time Chaneul sighed again, and finally decided to head to CieL Company instead of just waiting. On her way she started mumbling nonsense, maybe a basket full of curses to her sister for making her wait and thinking of what she wanted to nag to her sister, because she would definitely gave her sister an earful. But not long after she started her so long walk, a figure came into view running and waved to Chaneul. Chaneul stopped and took a better look at the girl running towards her, but it was no use since the sunlight was totally in her way.

“Chacha! I’m sorry I’m late!” Haneul screamed from the distance- Chacha is a nickname she gave to her younger half-sister, though when Chaneul doesn’t really like it, she eventually got used to it anyway.

“Unnie!” Chaneul screamed back and plopped down dramatically.

Haneul slowed her pace when she was about to reach Chaneul, she then gave an apologetic smile and rub her nape- totally aware that her sister is going to burst out anytime.

“Yaa! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting? And why don’t you answer your phone?!” Chaneul barked. Haneul was totally aware of this one thing that can make her Chaneul’s bomb tick, and making her wait is definitely something she was trying to avoid the whole time.

“I’m really really sorry, something unavoidable happened just now and-“ Haneul took her bag and started digging in, she then started looking in her pockets before she let out a little gasp. “Guess I left my phone behind,”

Chaneul rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “So do you want to go and fetch your phone first?”

Haneul didn’t reply immediately but thought of it for a while, “Well I guess we are already running out of time so…. Let’s just head to the taxi,” Chaneul nodded at her sister’s decision and started following Haneul.

They were pretty lucky when they got a taxi without having to wait even more, but Haneul was definitely having it when Chaneul started giving her sister the promised earful. Haneul was quick though- before Chaneul could damage her eardrums, Haneul changed the topic to their training to become an idol and a little bit of their family business.

“Well I guess dad got a new girl again, huh?” Chaneul looked at her older sister, which then Haneul shrugged. 

“I don’t know, I don’t care anymore. Well, as long as he minds his own business and we ours like always, I don’t think much will change anyway,” replied Haneul.

Chaneul nodded in agreement and put on her earphones, closing her eyes for awhile resting her restless body, “Wake me up when we arrived,” she told her sister.

“Tch. It’s not like the mall is that far,” Haneul said, but still she let her sister slept till they reached the mall.

Haneul woke her sister up and got off the taxi, they paid the driver and excitedly ran into the mall. Unknowingly both of them were jumping together when they stepped inside, it had been long since they both walked into the place they called heaven itself so the sparkles in their eyes were getting brighter by the minute. 

They didn’t waste a minute exploring every inch of the mall, trying this blouse and that skirt, testing this new perfume from their favourite brand, bought some new cosmetics supply and grabbed something to eat- it was not even a surprise that they were not tired after spending too much time in the mall that they lose track of the time itself, because to them it was totally worth it. They felt like their burden and stress was flying away as their money flew away from them.

“Unnie, how many bags do you have now?” Chaneul asked as she eyed her sister’s arms. Haneul didn’t reply but she brought it closer to Chaneul and let her do the math herself. Chaneul then grinned, “Mine surpass yours by three,” she said and gave her sister a playful mehrong, which her sister reacted unsatisfied. She didn’t even know when this turned into a race, but she won’t back off when her sister started challenging her. 

Her pace fastened, eyeing every shop they didn’t visit yet and looking for maybe something to add to the number of her bags. Chaneul didn’t gave up either, instead she started pulling her sister to the food court again saying she got hungry back, even though they had just finished their meal awhile ago. There’s no way she would let her sister win anyway.

“Yaa Chacha! I’m not going to the food court again, you can go by yourself and wait there for me to defeat you,” Haneul said.

“Not like I’m gonna let you do that,” Chaneul laughed and dragged her sister with her. Despite being the youngest in their family, Chaneul had a more muscular body than her sister, she’s even taller in fact that some mistook them the other way around, so pulling her little older half-sister was not really a big deal.

Haneul on the other side was struggling to escape from her sister and make a run, but both of them were too busy ‘playing’ with themselves that attention had started to go their way. It took a little while for them to even notice the weird looks from their surrounding, and being the older one, Haneul was the first to notice and bowed to the people, dragging her sister’s head down too as she did and quickly disappeared into the shop nearby. 

“Eishh it’s all your fault,” Haneul started blaming her sister.

“Well if you just follow me to the food court then we wouldn’t get those free publicity,” Chaneul struck back. Her sister then rolled her eyes and they laughed. 

“Well anyway, I won’t lose to-,” Haneul was cut down when Chaneul’s phone started ringing. Chaneul picked it up, before she gave it to Haneul.

Haneul took it, even when she felt a little weird but she did say hello, which then she quickly put the phone away from her ears.

“Aigoo! How did they know I’m going shopping with you, aish,” Haneul rubbed her ears. Fellow trainee from CieL Ent called, shouting into her ears about their problem earlier which seemed like it hadn’t be dealt with yet. 

“Sorry Chacha, guess I need to get going- but this is not over yet, I’ll make sure I win next time,” 

COCO SAYS. — Okay, this is a teaser for Lee Haneul- and let me say how much time I mispelled their names, sorry for those who get confused after reading this because of the Haneul and Chaneul name, which I did haha- anyways, I hope you like this teaser, I'm sorry if it's not to your liking and if I made any mistake, feel free to correct me and please enjoy!
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Chapter 4: holla author-nim~
wanted to stop by to tell you that i changed my username from pandarista < 3
Chapter 20: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Autor-nim, that was so sweet of you! Thank you very much and I hope 2016 is the best year you had yet.
122496 #3
Chapter 20: wi-fi, finally! oh dear.
happy new year to everyone! < 3
this is too late -
Chapter 20: HAPPY HAPPY NEWWW YEARRRRR~~~~!!!!!! >w<

I updated my friends section with her relationship with Ah yeon < 3
Chapter 20: haha that is cute. lol
happy new year to you too!! =]
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR~♡♡
Chapter 16: bwhahaha... wow Raina got scouted just like that... although it was hella awkward no doubt. bwhaha.
but i like it and it's different and interesting. hahaha
but i wonder how her friend Ashley will feel and what not.
or they'll meet each other and the likes.
i just noticed the bg... it's cute!! i like it!