
Onew Meets Dracula

An unfamiliar sensation runs down Jinki's spine as a fog slowly starts to cloud his mind blocking out his surroundings but as quickly as the feeling appears, it suddenly fades as he takes in the cold brick building pressing into his handsome face.  The heavy weight against his back disappears allowing the leader to turn around to see a dark shadow bent over coughing.  Worried, Jinki steps closer to the stranger, "Are you ok?"

The black clad figure unfolds his bent body, coming to stand a head taller than Shinee's leader.  "Do I look fine?" the form sarcastically replies,  "Your blood tastes awful.  You taste like fowl."

"I'm sorry." Jinki apologizes.  "I really love chicken.  Guess it finally runs in my veins."  The man before the leader glares as he sticks his tongue out using the edge of his cape to scrub the disgusting taste off.

"Humans should taste like humans." the cloaked male mumbles as he reaches up to scratch his arm.  The itching becomes more intense as he begins to scratch every where.  Pulling his sleeve up, the figure notices bright, red spots appearing over very pale skin.  "Oh great, now I have hives.  What kind of chicken did you eat?" he asks his victim.

"Garlic parmesan.  It was some of the best sauce I've experienced.  Must really visit that establishment again.  Wonder if their teriyaki sauce can beat out this little place I know.  The flavoring just explodes in your mouth.  I should really compare the two places." Jinki enthusiastically rambles on.  A bad habit he has when it comes to chicken.

"Garlic?" the dark shadow asks bewildered as he bends over again trying to barf.  "No wonder I'm breaking out with hives.  I'm allergic to garlic."

Panicking at the comment Jinki rushes over to the form trying to help him stand as he splurts out, "We better get you to a hospital.  Can you breath?  Will you be able to walk?  Should I call an ambulance?  Where's the nearest hospital?"  Question after question flow out of his mouth as he is pulling the the cloaked arm.

"Would you please be quiet for ten seconds?" the man shouts at Jinki exasperated.  "I'll be fine once I drink some milk."

"Are you sure?  You look awfully pale.  Better take you to get checked out to be on the safe side." the leader's responsibility comes out.

"A hospital won't  be able to do anything for me.  Just buy me a gallon of milk and I'll be fine."

"Ok wait here.  I'll be right back."  Jinki runs out of the alley and down the street, rushing into the first convenience store he spots.  "Milk.  I need milk." he shouts looking for the cooler containing the white liquid.  Finding the milk in the clear back, he grabs two gallons throwing money on the counter that more than covers the cost as he runs back to the alley.  "Here.  Milk." he pants ing the two gallons out in front of him for the man to see.

"Two?" the black clad figure questions raising an eyebrow.

"Wanted to make sure you had enough." Jinki smiles pleased with his forethought.

"Whatever."  Grabbing the first milk container the man chugs the entire contents down.  He waits for a few seconds but the itching begins again.  "How much garlic chicken did you eat?"

"Only two orders.  Normally I would eat three but it's lonely eating by myself."

"Give me the other gallon." the dark figure says taking the other carton and drinking it just as quickly as the first time.  "Ahh, that's better."  Pulling up his sleeves, he watches as the red spots vanish.

"Amazing." Jinki states in surprise as he grabs the man's arm looking for himself that the hives have disappeared.  "Who knew milk could do this."

"It only works for my kind."

"What kind is that?" Shinee's leader asks interested.

The cloaked figure leans forward, looking Jinki in the eyes as he eerily breaths, "Vampires."

"That's cool." the leader responds.  "So that explains you biting my neck but how come you can drink milk?  Don't vampires only drink blood?"

The nocturnal creature tilts his head to the side confused by the bright man before him.  Normal people would be screaming through the streets about being bitten by a vampire, but not this one.  "Blood keeps us alive but we can enjoy the tastes of human food as well.  How do you think our teeth are so strong?  Milk."  Both males laugh.

"That settles it then.  I'm treating you to chicken tonight." Jinki tells the vampire.

"Anything but that." he whines.

"Come on chicken is the most wonderful food to ever exist.  It can be cooked and flavored in so many numerous ways that one can never grow sick of chicken.  I'll make you a bet, you come eat chicken with me and if I can't convert you to a fowl lover then I'll let you drink my members."

The vampire thinks over the bet before saying, "Deal."  The two shake hands.  "I'm Dracula."

"Where's the 'bleh, bleh, bleh' part after you say your name?"

"I don't say 'bleh, bleh, bleh!'" Dracula yells hearing the question for the hundredth time.

The leader laughs, "Ok. I'm Lee Jinki, but you can call me Onew, bleh, bleh, bleh."


For reference on the "bleh, bleh, bleh" from Hotel Transylvania   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeLnOUZ_p1k  

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Chapter 3: This stories great!
Chapter 3: Awe thanks. Glad I could help you with a unique idea you had. May many enjoy the fun little story.
sanderthy23 #3
Chapter 2 : hahaha too funny XD