Dream is just a dream - Jun.K

Thank You, Mr.Panda

*Knock knock* 
"Miss Tiffany,someone want to meet you." said a nurse to Tiffany.


Tiffany look at the nurse. "Who is it? Taeyeon eonnie?" ask Tiffany.


The nurse shake her head and said, " It's not Taeyeon, but Jun--"


"If it's not Taeyeon, tell them I don't want to meet anyone." said Tiffany as she look away.


The nurse walk out from Tiffany's room.


"She don't want to meet me? " ask Jun.K. The nurse nod. Jun.K sigh. As expectedshe don't want to be disturb thought Jun.K .


Before he leave the hospital ,he ask the nurse to give Tiffany a bouquet of flower that he bought before he came to the hospital.


"I'm gonna visit her tomorrow. Hope she want to see me." said Jun.K to himself.


*Knock knock*
Jun.K enter  Tiffany's room .




He look around the room, looking for Tiffany.


Where she gothought Jun.K .


Suddenly , he hear someone crying . It must be Tiffany !!


Jun.K look at the balcony. Yes, she's there. He walk to her slowly.


"An-nnyeong haseyo , Fany ah." he greet to her nervously.


She look at him. Suddenly,she stand up and hug Jun.K .


"Khun ah ~ Now you comeback to me ! Please don't leave me ! Please !! I really miss you !! I don't want you leave me again !!!" said Tiffany. She crying and hug him tightly.


Jun.K look at her.  What I'm going to do?




What I'm going to doGodshe really miss him.


I try to make her stop crying. "Fany ah~ Don't cry. Please...If you don't want to make Khun sad, don't cry. "


She look at my face for a moment.She slowly walk away from me. She sit on her chair back.


When I try to walk to her, she said ,"Stay away from me. I don't want you come near to me. "


"Why I can't ? " I ask her.


She silent. Maybe she don't want talk to me.


I know, I shouldn't help Taeyeon. It is difficult to talk to Tiffany. Maybe she's in trauma.


"Fine. If you don't want me to come near, I'll sit here." I said to her as I sit on the floor. SeriouslyOn the floor? Gosh... this is insane job ever !!


She still silent. I start the conversation with her.


"Hey, I like TTS new song !! Right now, sigani eobseo, nae sonjit ttara follow meholler ! holler ! holler ! "


She didn't laugh or speak.


"Fany ah, I know... what you feel right now,i know...that you still remember about the accident. I know, the feel...when someone that you love,someone that you care about, leave you forever."


"I'm glad...someone know my feelings..."


"Everyone start hating me ! Nobody care about me ! I don't feel useful anymore ! Everyone keep leaving me one by one ! I really want to die !!! I can't stand with this anymore !!! " shout Tiffany .


"Tiffany ah! You should be strong ! Not kept blaming yourself !!" I said to her.


She look at me ; look angrily at me. Suddenly, I got a phone call from Jinyoung hyung (JYP) . He want to meet me .


"Arraseo hyung ! I will be there ! " I said as I ended the phone call.


"Fany ah, I need to go . I will visit you tomorrow. Bye." I said as I bow to her and leave her room.




After meet Jinyoung hyung, Jun.K go back to his dorm. He walk to his room and lying on the bed.


" Everyone start hating me ! Nobody care about me ! I don't feel useful anymore ! Everyone keep leaving me one by one ! I really want to die !!! I can't stand with this anymore !!! "


He keep remember what Tiffany said to him.


How I can help her if she keep blaming herself ?


What should I do to make she forget about the accident?


All the questions hovering around in his mind.


*Knock knock*


Jun.K wake up from his bed and open the door. He see Khun.


He see Nichkhun smile to him.


Jun.K feel surprise. He see Nichkhun infront of him.


Nichkhun hug and pats Jun.K's back. Nichkhun said," Jun.K ahh~ You know..."


Jun.K ask," I know ?"


Nichkhun break the hug and continue,"You know the answer for your questions. Please take care of Tiffany. I know you can take a good care of her."


Suddenly, Nichkhun vanish from his sight.


"Where he go?? Khun ah !!! Khun ah !!! " shout Jun.K .


Suddenly, he feel someone slap his face. He hear someone calling his name.


"Jun.K hyung!!! Wake up !!! Ya Minjun hyung !!!! Wake up !!!"


He open his eyes slowly and he see his 3 member,Taecyeon , Wooyoung and Junho.


"Khun ahh~" said Jun.K as he wake up and he rub his eyes.


"Ya ! Jun.K hyung ! Why are you screaming like crazy man? " said Junho.


"Yeah bro ! We really worried about you. Are you alright? " ask Taecyeon.


Jun.K just nods. When the three guys go out of the room, Jun.K look around his room.


It is a dream or realityI know all the answer ? Take care of TiffanyWhat is he trying to sayBut I guessit's just a dream. Dream is just a dream... Maybe I too tired and need shower... thought Jun.K as he take his towel and take a shower.

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