||His Return||

Loving A Kingka [Short Story]


[[1year4months later]]
"Jonghyun Oppa.. I miss you.." I whispered to the wind as I sat at the park near our house, the place we promised to meet to celebrate my pregnancy.
I went there everyday since that day and I never failed to come.
I stood up and walked back home.
"I'm back." I said as I walked into the silent house.
"Oh, (_____)-ah. When are you going to get it into your mind that he is never coming back?" Mom said in a hushed tone as she carried a sleeping Yoogeun.
I gave a smile and took Yoogeun from her as she then rushed off for work.
He's eight months old.
He looks like an exact replica of Jonghyun with a hint of myself.
I finally placed him in his craddle before going into the washroom to refresh myself.
The next day, I went to work as per usual.
After work, like always, I walked to the park as I usually do.
As I reached the park, something was different.
Someone was sitting at my seat.
For the past year and a few months, I was the only one to have sat there at this timing.
And the seat would always be mine to sit on for about ten to fifteen minutes.
But someone else was there today.
I walked up to the oddly familiar figure.
Was I hallucinating?
I hesitated on going up to the figure or going home.
"Excuse me, but that's my s--" I stared at his face.
No, it was just my imaginations.
"Sorry." I said and left the park.
I walked back home and felt as though I was being followed.
Feeling weird, I fastened my pace.
I finally reached home and took a crying Yoogeun from mom as she left for work again.
Right after she left, I heard a knock.
Did mom leave anything?
I walked to the door and opened it with one hand as I supported the still crying Yoogeun in the other.
I froze.
"J-Jong..hyun Oppa?"
"Heyy babe." He whispered as he gave me a sad smile.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Y-yeah. Make yourself comfortable."
He closed the door and followed me into the kitchen.
It was shocking for me that I suddenly found it difficult to make warm milk for Yoogeun even though I've always been doing this with Yoogeun in one hand.
Jonghyun must have seen my struggle.
"Let me carry him." Jonghyun said as he took Yoogeun from me.
I finally made the milk and we went into the living room.
I took Yoogeun from him and fed him.
Jonghyun then took his time to look around the house.
"Nothing much changed, huh?"
"Then do you still have our picture on your night stand?"
Yoogeun finally went to sleep.
I carried him and slowly made my way to my room.
Jonghyun must have followed me up as I heard footsteps behind me.
I carefully layed Yoogeun in his crib and stared at him.
Jonghyun stood behind me and hugged me.
"What's his name?"
"Yoogeun. Jung Yoogeun."
"He's beautiful." Jonghyun whispered.
"Mhm. He's got your looks."
I pulled away from him and walk down to the kitchen.
I made him a cup of coffee before going into my backyard.
"You can look for food in the fridge if you feel hungry," I told him as I closed the sliding door which separated the house and the backyard.
Looking up at the night sky, I wished for time to stop.
I heard the sliding door opening and closing once again.
"What are you thinking about, babe?" Jonghyun said as he came out.
I shivered a little as the cold wind collided onto my body.
He must have sensed that I was cold.
He used his jacket to wrap around me while he was still wearing it.
His body heat radiated onto my back as I decided to enjoy the moment.
"Do you still love me?" He asked.
I gave a nod.
"Will you come back to me?"
One more chapter, and this story would be completed.
I thank ALL my readers, silent and non-silent, for following this story 'til the end.
This is the unofficial Thank You segment I decided to put up in gratitude.
The Official Thank You segment will be posted together with the Final Chapter.
Haixx, it feels so sad to leave this story.
I think this was one of my best short stories, judging from my subscribers and comments.
P.S., should I write a sequel?
Haha, nahh.
I'm not that good at doing sequels.
I'll just stick to short stories.
I've got another Jjongie story and a new Jaejoong story in mind.
Both are about the main characters having problems in their marriage life.
BUT, both have different plots, so please do support these two stories~!
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Chapter 8: is so nice story!!!
KimIsuelMaya #2
Chapter 8: nice story.....:)
It was a nice short story:D I liked it^^ Keep writing:D
Yeay,yoogeun now can live happily with both of his parents...<br />
anticipating for you new fanfics...<br />
keep up the good work ^-^
waaa its almost done already??? ):
vanillaxkun #6
the effin' ninja skills COOOOOL 8)
awww Jonghyun is so sweet :)<br />
lol ninja skills..<br />
good job! ^^<br />
i love this story!<br />
frangible #8
Kyaaaah!<br />
You make Jjong look sweet and romantic here!<br />
Different from the real Jjong outside ^^<br />
Anyway, like it ;)))
This story is so cute~<br />
Aww Jong Hyun is so sweet ;~;
n-chan #10
this story makes me cry :(<br />
update soon <3 ^^v<br />
eh good luck on your exam >< have fun @ Malaysia ^^v ~