

Wendy doesn’t know when the innocent admiration she had for her Unnie turned into this.

She doesn’t know when her heart started racing by just a smile from Irene.

In fact, she doesn’t even know why, confusion and embarrassment flooding her cheeks and settling in as a pale pink whenever the older would playfully ruffle her hair.



so this is a WenRene fic, and also the first fanfic i've ever written~ i've been lurking on this site for a while, so i finally decided to attempt to write something, heh. this will probably be uploaded in two or MAYBE three parts, idrk yet OuO. also, if you find ANY mistakes or just have some pointers, feel free to tell me ^^


also orz i'm so awful at titles and descriptions whoops




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Favebolous #1
Chapter 2: Hello????
sone41 #2
Chapter 2: Come on~ update soooooon~
Chapter 2: Aww, an awkward Wendy is a cute Wendy! <3
HufflepuffBaby #4
Chapter 1: this story is so exciting omg!
can't wait for part two :)
WinterShadows #5
Chapter 1: Aww my wenrene feels just burst out ;_; <3
Looking forward for the next chap!
loopyhat #6
Chapter 1: Oh thank you so much for this fic ; w ; <3
Chapter 1: I randomly browsed the latest fic, then I spotted this!
Didn't expect I'd find an RV fanfic tho, especially WenRen pairing, which I ship! Haha XD
Keep up your writing~ HWAITING! :D