Bittersweet Honeymoon (this part is R-rated ONLY this)

Wedding Entourage


It was the night both of them will never forget. At the place where they first met, where he got his answer, was where they get their bodies and souls unite as one. Heechul had been throwing hints at Siwon who reluctantly defied and acted all saintly despite how his body aches to have Heechul more than the usual kisses – dry to deep wet kisses and hugs.

“Hee…chul….” Siwon whispered weakly a sharp gasp escaped from him as Heechul grind his hips further against Siwon. With all the strength that’s left of him, Siwon held Heechul at arm’s length.

“C’mon Siwon, don’t be such a hypocrite! I know you want me.” Heechul purred, smiling seductively. Heechul knew his lover needed just one more little push and as he stretched out a dainty hand and snake inside Siwon’s shirt, skimming ever so fluidly through his well-defined abs, Siwon gave in to his carnal desires and pulled Heechul against him, crashing their lips, tongue to tongue, teeth to teeth. Hands were clumsily, hurriedly ing, undressing and pulling down pants revealing semi-hardened, eager manhood from both of them.

“Such a hypocrite… ahhh~” Heechul whispered with a smirk as he caught a glimpse below, which excited him. He moans softly as Siwon made his mark near his left collar bone and easing the pain with a few laps of the tongue. Moving blindly, they reached their bed where Heechul stumbles over as Siwon never ceases to taste every bit of him. Heechul has always imagined that love making with Siwon would be amazing but reality was far greater, every where Siwon touched either with his tongue or hands, he doesn’t really care, burns and although Siwon purposely neglects his ‘needs’ he was still nearing his limit. After a few teases Siwon finally entered Heechul, ing carefully at first until the rhythm became harder and the intensity rougher but that’s how Heechul likes it – rough. Heechul came first and Siwon followed just seconds after. Siwon collapsed over Heechul but that did not stop him or his lips from leaving kiss marks all over Heechul’s bare, slick chest.

“Siwon?! What’s with all the hickies?!” Heechul exclaimed, hitting Siwon at the arm.

“What are you whining about, no one’s gonna see it.”

“Still… this many?! Hmph!”

“Because I love you.” He said, smiling genuinely

“If… if you think that’s gonna give you a round two…”

Heechul could not finish his sentence. Siwon has possessed his lips in a flash, trailing down kisses from his jaw line, down his throat. “! I love you.” Heechul muttered in a husky tone, his getting hard once again.



Siwon jerked up from his desk, his weary eyes darting automatically at his desk clock – 3:00 am – he had fallen asleep while working in front the computer once again. He straightened up and leaned back to the comfort of his swivel chair, massaging his face. Days, or rather, nights like this has become normal to him. Wedding Entourage has become quite popular over the pass months and he was somewhat the co-backbone of the industry, the one that keeps things organized while the self-proclaimed president does match-making with their other members. Tonight, however, was different. He woke up frustrated and annoyed with himself. He had let himself go with just a dream, a very hot, y dream regarding his ex-lover. From massaging he scrunched his face and rummaged his hair and carefully cleaned himself and went to the kitchen to get himself a mug of coffee.

It had been years since they last seen each other yet, for Heechul to make himwet himself just proves he hasn’t quite exactly gotten over him. If only Heechul did not show up in their office, in front of his desk, with a woman hooked on his arm saying ‘Ah, Siwon long time no see. Guess what, I’m getting married and you’re going to make it happen!’ then he wouldn’t have let his grip off that cup, the cup wouldn’t have shattered into pieces, he wouldn’t be awkward, Eeteuk would stop worrying about him, and most importantly he wouldn’t be having that dream, no, that flashback.

Now he remembers, while he takes a whiff of his newly brewed coffee, it was also in that place where they broke it off, just a year after their first make out. Now, ironically, or Heechul intentionally wants to hurt him, the wedding and reception will be held there.

“Beach Wedding. Simple yet elegant.”

That wouldn’t be hard, with all the other unique ideas their previous clients have this would be ‘no sweat’ but for some reason Siwon could not bring himself to concentrate and do the job perfectly.

For a rare moment, Eeteuk takes the wheel from Siwon especially on this case. He has known Siwon like forever and he knew that his best friend has never gotten over Heechul despite how he denies it. Though the break up was mutual, perhaps only Eeteuk knows Siwon’s real reason.


“I wish there was something we can do to help Siwon.” Donghae sighed, leaning against the wall dividing his side from Ryeowook’s.

“If Eeteuk couldn’t do much but control the company single-handedly, then there’s nothing else we can do.” Ryeowook replied as he made plans and arrangements in his computer.

Sungmin surprised Donghae with a paperback magazine on the head then pulled him by the ear.

“And as Siwon would say ‘back to your work’. That’s all the help you, we, can give him. He’s still under some sort of shock even though he doesn’t know it.”

“Doesn’t know? More like in denial.” Kyuhyun interjected, bringing his own box of tapes and cds that needs editing. “But still, man, imagine your ex getting married with your help. Tsk. Tsk. Wookie don’t kill me that way okay?” his blunt expression changed drastically and looked pleadingly in front of Ryeowook.

Ryeowook couldn’t help but laugh. He stood up and helped Kyuhyun with his task.

As Sungmin and Donghae came out of the elevator, they saw Kibum waiting by the entrance. Donghae dashed towards him which made Kibum step backward.

“Bummie!!!! I won’t allow you to break up with me and marry some girl and have our company create your dream wedding! I’ll kill myself!” Donghae whined, as he tightened his grip around Kibum’s neck, nearly choking the younger man.

“Wha~” and Kibum glanced at Sungmin for his boyfriend’s randomness again.

“Siwon’s ex is having us organize his wedding, Hae’s just… overly sympathizing as we speak.”

Kibum rolled his eyes but felt warm deep inside. He held Donghae at arm’s length.

“Hae, sure I pictured myself having that sort of life,” and Donghae starts to pout, Sungmin restrained a laugh. “But… this is embarrassing,” lightly scratching his nose’s philtrum. “Ah… err … seriously Hae who is the older one here?” And Sungmin bursts out laughing, supporting his stomach.


And Siwon takes his shirt off, no, tears Heechul’s shirt off, mouths locked, tongues fighting over dominion as they walked blindly towards their room. Rationality and prejudices wasn’t the issue anymore, it was half past midnight, everyone was asleep except perhaps for the other lustful people like them.


“Oof! Siwon, you’re an animal today.” Heechul said as he winced from the sudden sting against his back when he accidentally hit the post of their four poster bed.

“Sorry, Heechul.” Siwon breathed against Heechul’s skin. “Whose fault is it, who got unnecessarily jealous and slyly seduced me in the dance floor?” as he Heechul’s navel, casting him a husky look, his hands skillfully unfastening Heechul’s pants making Heechul shiver.

“Then you should’ve casted those aside if it was pointless…. Ahhhhh~” Heechul moaned and tightened his grip on Siwon’s hair. Siwon softly, teasingly kissed his slowly erected member. “I’m sorry already okay! Now stop torturing me.”

Siwon stood up and ed his pants. “Do me and I’ll forgive you.”

Heechul’s jaw fell open but seeing that being his y self won’t work this time, hesitantly he prostrates before Siwon and slowly took him in his mouth. slowly, when needed. He almost choked when Siwon unintentionally deeper. Heechul couldn’t understand it but hearing Siwon’s moans, hearing him whisper his name over and over again made him aroused. Suddenly, he was pulled up his feet and had his mouth crushed by Siwon’s.

“Heechul I love you.” Siwon whispered hotly against his ear before nibbling his lobe.



He was woken up from the trance when a familiar voice called him.

“Siwon are you alright?” Eeteuk asked. They were at the beach, doing some ocular survey of the venue for both the wedding and the reception.

“Yea~ I’m fine. Just had some… memories catching up to me.” He said with a weak smile.

As they continued on their survey and interview they came across Heechul. Siwon couldn’t believe how Heechul could just act like they were just old buddies and nothing more. He braced himself as Heechul came to them.

“So, how did you like the place? Nice choice eh?” Heechul said arrogantly, as is his nature.

“Couldn’t pick any better.” Eeteuk said for the both of them. “So these are the things we thought would do great with the wedding…” and Eeteuk handled everything.

“Why did you choose this place for the wedding? Any sentimental value?” Siwon blurted out, his eyes were cold and distant. Do you want to kill me that much, huh? Siwon thought. He couldn’t understand what Heechul was thinking, they had agreed never to cross paths, never to go to places that had their marks especially this beach.

Heechul smirked. “It might seem childish and girlish but I’ve always dreamt of a beach wedding and coincidentally my fiancée has the same vision. It’s not like I wanted it to be here but to her, it holds a 'sentimental value' as you put it.” and Heechul slowly stands up. “We both had our hearts broken and had them healed in this place. Funny how destiny plays with us, eh?” he said with a wistful smile and left first not forgetting to be courteous.

Eeteuk took a concerned glance at Siwon, who had his fists clenched at his sides.

“Erm… want to go for a drink?” Eeteuk started. “I heard its Sungmin’s birthday and he’s treating?” Eeteuk thought he’d die waiting for Siwon’s reply. Siwon turned his head and smiled, “Okay, it seems it’s been a while since I’ve had a good drink.” He was surprised when Eeteuk pet his head but he didn’t mind. He needed that sort of warmth… that support.


Donghae and Ryeowook had let themselves go and hogged the Karaoke machine and the microphone. Kyuhyun gave up controlling them and just silently took care of his own tipsy self. Sungmin was found nowhere near the food, the karaoke machine nor the drinks. Siwon and Eeteuk were practically the ones left who still have control.

“Where did Sungmin go? I thought this was his party?” Siwon said, looking around the room Sungmin rented for them. Eeteuk handed him a glass of tequila mixture tilting his head outside.

“Talking to Kangin I guess. Seems like they’re going pretty well for a long distance relationship.”

“It’s good…” he says after taking the tequila in one swallow. He winced as he let the tonic burn his esophagus and stomach, letting in intoxicate his brain. “He… they finally made peace.”


“Ah! Those guys are really hogging the mic aren’t they?” Siwon interrupted as he dragged his self off the couch and wrestled for the mic which was easy since his enemies were weaker than him. He punches the buttons hard and started to sing, solemnly until he started singing out-of-tune with the drunken Donghae and Ryeowook swaying, staggering behind him as

his back-up.

“Well this is a refreshing sight.” Sungmin said and sat beside Eeteuk taking his phone and recording the show.

“You’re done talking with your boyfriend?”

“He says he’ll be coming for the holidays.” Sungmin said with a blush and before things go awkward Sungmin flung himself off the couch and joined the drunken party.


Two hours later, they finally settled down or slept with Eeteuk left as the care taker.

“Really, if you all planned to get yourselves wasted don’t invite me just to be your babysitter.” He complained as he waited for back-up.

Kibum came for Donghae and Sungmin, luckily Sungmin was getting somber. Kyuhyun, after getting some sleep was also getting somber and took care of Ryeowook. Hankyung came to help Eeteuk with Siwon and assisted Kibum with the Lee brothers.

“You’re really a life saver you know.” Eeteuk said, as he gave Hankyung a hug.

“Guess I’ll be leaving first?” Hankyung said as he looked at Siwon. Eeteuk smiled apologetically.

“Yeah, sorry.”

“Don’t be. Friends come first and Siwon needs you more now.” Hankyung says over his head, as he wrapped Eeteuk in his warm embrace. They kissed before he leaves.

Eeteuk returned to Siwon’s room and found his friend awake and sitting in bed.

“It’s not like I wanted to do it. I loved him… you know that too, Eeteuk, right?”

Eeteuk walked towards him and embraced Siwon. He couldn’t bear looking at Siwon’s sorrowful eyes and just let him cry, finally, within his arms.

“Siwon if this helps… you both agreed to end the relationship whatever the reasons may be. You both loved and hurt each other. And… after the wedding you’ll never be connected with each other again.”

Siwon tightened his grip on Eeteuk. “I know… thank you… this may be selfish but let me have your attention for tonight, I hope Hankyung isn’t the jealous type.”

Eeteuk couldn’t help but laugh and his weird laughter resonated.

Siwon you don’t deserve to be hurt. Eeteuk said to himself as he embraced his best friend.


Though simple, with the cream colored tables, accented with pure lilacs and pastel colored cloths and streams, the beach looked like some fairy tale scene. And Heechul and his wife looked like Prince Charming and Princess.

Other than Sungmin and Ryeowook, the others stayed ‘backstage’ and took some leisurely walks around the beach or just watch over the wedding.

Siwon had wandered towards ‘their room’ and couldn’t help but remember everything – their first night and their break up. He chuckled at the thought. It was ironic; it was him who said he wanted to live a normal life, get himself a wife and kids but never actually got it.

“I wanna see that happen!” Heechul said with a laugh. “Once a gay always a gay after all.” And he turns his back on Siwon as he puts his shirt on. “Well, that’s okay. I guess this wouldn’t be too hard to say this, since we’re on the same boat… I’ll be going to America, some family business. Old man getting really old, wants me to take over. Guess this sort of thing really ends, huh?”


“I’m sorry, I wasn’t able to read between the lines.” He muttered.

“You’ve just figure it out now?” Siwon twisted to look at the source of the voice and found himself pinned against the wall and Heechul hungrily kissing him. He was surprised at how strong Heechul has become that he couldn’t do anything but surrender to his kisses. And just as he was getting to the mood, Heechul stopped his attacks and started to cry.

“We can’t do this anymore.” Heechul whispered. Siwon nodded.

“I’m so –”

“Just say that you loved me! That what we had wasn’t just a phase, that what I felt… what I still feel is real.” Heechul said, holding Siwon by the collar, eyes angry yet not.

And Siwon knew, they really didn’t put an end to it, they just continued living hurt and broken but it was finally the time to have some closure. It would still be painful but this time it would be bearable, it will soon disappear… they could see each other someday, without guilt, without pain, with peace.

“I loved you. It wasn’t a phase. It was real, all of it was real.”

“Thank you.” And Heechul let go of Siwon’s collar and just stood there. They heard the MC calling for Heechul, the main event was about to start.

“Well you better go now.”

“Yeah…” and he starts for the door. “Oh by the way, I booked this room for the honeymoon.”

“You’ve really let yourself go with the rule breaking haven’t you?”

“Well, since I’ve already started it why not? And well…” Heechul starts to blush, “I wanted, for the last time, to think that it’s you I’m making out with. I love my wife. Don’t get me wrong but… one last time.”

“Once a gay, always a gay, I guess.” And Siwon walks towards Heechul towering over him. “Then I’ll take this as my parting gift.” And Siwon leans in for a kiss.



Six months has passed and the atmosphere in the office has somehow lightened up, with the holidays coming up, bookings and wedding reservations have subsided.

“I wonder if Siwon’s okay, this has been the third time he’s come late since that ex- incident.” Ryeowook speculated.

“Maybe he is, after all, he’s beginning to act like a normal person for now and see how Eeteuk has suddenly started to put some weight.” Donghae said. And they started laughing. Without warning both of them got a little lump on their heads.

“Back to work.” A familiar voice said, and brought chills down their spine. Donghae and Ryeowook scurried to their works. Siwon let out an amused sigh and headed towards his office where he found a distressed Eeteuk with a perfect composed, professional front. When their eyes locked, he chuckled at the sad look on Eeteuk eyes and the S.O.S he hinted.

“Another day at the office I guess.” He muttered, as he settled his Starbucks on his desk.

“Hmmm? Since when do you drink Starbucks?” Eeteuk asked.

Siwon glanced at him with an amused look. “I’ve always liked coffee.”

“Eeteuk’s up to no good again.” Sungmin muttered as he happens to pass by Siwon’s office and noticed Eeteuk’s expression. Kyuhyun turned his head and observed Eeteuk himself. “Meh~ but aren’t you curious as to who’s making Siwon normal again though?” and they both smirked as they went to their different assignments.

“It’s aliens I tell you!” Donghae interjected.

Chapter AND Series Finale.

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Well, even though they're not my main fav pairings, I LOVE THEM!! Hae and Kimki are your biases, aren't they? *winks* KangMin~~ Fireflies were great idea~ Min took good care of them ^^ KyuWook with Creepy Chucky Sung *shivers* Teuk and Han?? That was rare... Really... :)<br />
<br />
I'll just imagine Choioppa seeing MonkHyukkie at Starbucks X3
hae_ki #2
haha... i can't promise a sequel to this one. ^^III i never really thought of adding more to this too...although i had some requests for that on my previous blog too hehe<br />
<br />
oh i'm happy to make you read a ...? hahaha...
arrghhh~ i can't believe myself reading .<br />
but this story is just super daebak!<br />
<br />
i love how u partner them.<br />
especially kihae! XD<br />
<br />
even though i prefer eunmin..<br />
but kangmin is ok though.> <<br />
can you make morreee..<br />
or sequel maybe?<br />
let siwon with heechul again.<br />
or siwon found someone?<br />
<br />
i'd love to see more kihae.<br />
they're so cute.<3<br />
hae_ki #4
i'll post every kihae i have asap :) my first 3 fics are actually kihae
kangin1995 #5
I love it! please write more kihae..............
hae_ki #6
thank you ^^, <br />
yeah...something like what you said would've been nice but i thought of somehow make it a little bit realistic and well... i left siwon's part open in case i'd want to continue it or people would demand XD
LeeNiHyo #7
OMOO~!! I just LOVE this fanfic O_O<br />
It's sooooo well written.. <br />
It's like.. you missed something.. but then you keep on reading and everything is right again..<br />
Like making your own puzzle..<br />
I do want to know what happend to Siwon..<br />
I really would have wanted that Heechul went back to Siwon-sshi xD