Butterflies and Fireflies

Wedding Entourage


Since June has already pass the Wedding Entourage’s office became less crowded, still the clients keep coming.

“Sungmin do you think you can handle this or do you need Ryeowook’s help?” Siwon asked, after discussing their plans of their current client.

“He’d be quiet busy himself,” Sungmin answered. “I think it is more appropriate that I ask Donghae for help.”

“Okay, you’re right.”

Sungmin knew it was the end of their conversation yet he did not move out of the seat. Finally, Siwon diverted his eyes from the monitor, his bushy eyebrow cocked.

“What’s wrong?” irritation in his tone.

“Did you get any sleep last night or any night for that matter?”

“A wink.”

“I know we’ve been in demand since we opened but you need some time off too.”

Siwon eased back to the comforts of the executive chair’s back, looking at Sungmin mockingly.

“And those are words coming from someone who hasn’t resolve his own problem.”

“It is very much done on my part.” Sungmin said wistfully and slowly went up the chair. “Should I call Ryeowook now?” Siwon nodded.

Sungmin scanned the entire floor for Ryeowook and found him having a conversation with Kyuhyun.

“Ryeowook, Siwon’s called for you.” he said. The smiles faded from both of their faces and a sudden air of awkwardness came over them.

“Oh, okay. Thanks Min.” Ryeowook said with a conscientious smile, Sungmin smiled back although it was half-hearted.

“Sungmin I--” Kyuhyun started but Sungmin instantly turned his back and grabbed Donghae by the collar of his shirt, who apparently just came in.

“Hyung?!” Donghae said, eyes wide from surprise.

“We’ve got a new assignment.” Sungmin said tugging Donghae towards the elevators.

“Wha? But I just got here, I have to submit these papers to Siwon!”

“That can wait.”

And the doors closed on them, Donghae stopped squirming when he saw Kyuhyun by the office door.

“You better fill me in on the details.”

“Don’t worry I already told Siwon to send you an email.”

They both hopped inside Donghae’s sports car and headed for their first destination – a butterfly sanctuary.

“Why are we here?” Donghae asked as he scanned the building and was awed at the number of colorful butterflies in the area.

“Soon to be Mrs. Jung envisions a sort of natural feel in her wedding but because of financial constraints Eeteuk suggested the traditional church wedding then a rooftop reception and the rest is up to us.” Sungmin explained as his eyes scanned for a specific person. He smiled in relief when he found his friend who was also the owner of the sanctuary. They went straight to business, talking over tea and cake.

“Sunye you can’t do that, the butterflies will die in the city.” Kangin interjected, Sungmin looked at the brusque looking guy standing before them then back at Sunye.

“My brother.” Sunye said then scowled at Kangin, “Stop overreacting Kangin. They won’t die just then and there, if you have forgotten this is part of the business. I know you care about animals but there IS a line.” Kangin became silent after getting embarrassed but has a sour look on his face.

“By the way Sungmin, you’ll be working with Kangin till I get back from my business trip please bear with him.”


Working with Kangin was absolutely difficult but the feel of the environment was relaxing for him, it wasn’t the butterflies’ sanctuary, it also became his sanctuary. But because it was situated outside of the city and he doesn’t have a car still, it had become Donghae’s job to send him there and fetch him.

“You can’t use that kind!” Kangin argued. Sungmin sighed and let a delicate yellow butterfly flutter off his finger. They were inside one of the glass-paneled rooms, still choosing the right butterflies that would complement the flowers and decorations Donghae prepared. Sungmin glanced at his watch and grabbed his things. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” He said looking over his shoulder. “I’m just wondering are you doing this on purpose?”


Sungmin smiled lopsidedly, “Always saying no, until Donghae comes and picks me up. Delaying me on purpose.”

“Yeah right!” Kangin scowled yet walked Sungmin out of the building; Sungmin laughed at his childishness and enjoyed Kangin’s company for the first time. His laughter died when he saw who was outside, waiting for him.

“You know, I really admire butterflies,” Sungmin said, his tone suddenly became low and serious. Kangin followed his gaze and saw Kyuhyun waiting for him inside the SUV. “It’s because they can still stay beautiful despite how ugly the world around them is.” Sungmin said with a forced smile and waved goodbye to him and got inside the vehicle. Kyuhyun turned the ignition on and Sungmin was about to buckle his seatbelt when they heard a sudden knocking sound against the window. The door was yanked open and Sungmin tugged out of the vehicle.

“Kangin, what the heck are you doing?” Sungmin asked, totally perplexed.

“I’ll be taking Sungmin back to the city, you can go ahead.” Kangin sternly said to Kyuhyun as he grabbed Sungmin’s bag. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin who nodded; Kangin slammed the door shut and waited for the car to veer out of the parking lot.

Sungmin shook his wrist free from Kangin’s grip and grabbed his bag from Kangin.

“I better get going.” He said but Kangin took him by the wrist.

“Didn’t you hear me? I’m taking you back to the city.”

“You don’t have to trouble yourself.”

“If I let you take an hour or more ride with him you might just die from the tension between you two.”

Sungmin’s arm went limp against Kangin’s hold.

“You don’t know anything so don’t overanalyze things.”

“Maybe, but humans and animals don’t differ that much. I can sense something hostile between the two of you.”

Sungmin laughed, “Hostile? Just say that you’re jealous! I never knew Sunye has a type of brother like you.” he continued laughing denying how partly true Kangin was.

But since that day, Donghae’s brings him to the sanctuary and Kangin takes him back to the city, sometimes they’ll make a detour on a café shop or restaurant or even a park, the park was the recent pit stop. They made their stroll at night, where the moon was full and the stars twinkled above them illuminating the marshy path. Sungmin never knew such place exists until then. They were holding hands, Kangin and him, while they walked cautiously over muddy path, following Kangin silently.

“I guess they won’t be coming today, must be because of the coming storm.” Kangin said with a sigh as he flicked his hands against the tall grasses.

“They who?” Sungmin asked peering from behind Kangin’s broad back.

The wind was chilly and piercing against his cotton shirt but somehow Kangin’s hand around his kept Sungmin warm. Now that he’s thought about it, it had been awhile since they first held hands and it was because he almost trip.

They were walking on the city square, enjoying their ice cream. They finally chose the perfect color and type of butterflies he needed and Sungmin thought of rewarding Kangin for conceding. They were having a good conversation until some punks dashed pass them shoving Sungmin out of the way luckily Kangin was quick.

“You can let go now.” Sungmin said.

“It’s best if I hold on to you, you get blown off so easily.” Kangin replied and since then Kangin would just held on to his hand like he was a kid in need of guidance. But Sungmin never complained it had been a long time since someone cared for him.

“The fireflies.” Kangin said almost with a pout, thunder roaring behind dark clouds far behind them. “And the weatherman said that it would be a wonderful evening.” Sungmin laughed at his childish mannerism and touched him lightly on the shoulder.

“They don’t always get it right. Let’s go before we get caught on this thunderstorm. I think it would be a big one.”

“Sungmin I…” Kangin started but was interrupted by Sungmin’s phone.

He had learned to like Sungmin after spending hours with him. He liked how he smiled, how his eyes almost disappear whenever he did, everything about Sungmin was making him high. He was like drug to him. He never really have any objection against Sungmin’s choices, he just want him around, spend more time with him and when he saw Kyuhyun instead of Donghae picking him up, something inside Kangin flared and made him decide to make his move yet he never once confessed formally. Sungmin has open up to him, he can feel it but he knows Sungmin is also holding back.


“Kyu I can’t… *sigh* okay, give me thirty minutes.” And Sungmin replaced his phone inside his pocket. He turned and looked at Kangin with an apologetic smile. He hated leaving Kangin, hated himself for leaving Kangin after how many times he told himself that he will forget Kyuhyun, forget about the past and move just as Kyuhyun has even before they broke up. “I have to go. Thanks for tonight.”

“Do you still love him?” Kangin asked seriously.

Yes… No… Maybe… Sungmin thought. “Sorry. I can’t give you a straight answer on that.” Kangin thought that the clashing thunder was just his hallucination made by indirect rejection. He saw Sungmin slowly turned his back on him and thread farther away from him. He cursed the one faint glow he saw buzzing before his eyes.

“Are you waiting for your partner too?” he asked the little firefly and allowed the rain to fall on him.


The bride was worried that it would rain on her special day, after all it had been raining for two weeks.

“Don’t worry about it Mrs. Jung, if it rains that means you’ll be blessed with children.” Eeteuk said with a smile, wearing a white suit, and grey bow tie, his hair neat and snappy. But on that day, there was not a rain cloud at sight and everything went well. Everything went smoothly.

“Sunye! Glad you made it.” Eeteuk said, approaching a woman dressed in a snug fit cocktail dress with arms wide open. They embraced each other warmly and Sungmin cursed as he saw another figure come in. he saw the playful smirk on Eeteuk’s face and the quick, mischievous side glance. Sungmin scowled in return.

“I didn’t know we were allowed to invite our own guest, I would’ve brought Kibum.” Donghae said innocently.

“We aren’t. It’s Eeteuk, the meddler.” Sungmin grumbled and started to act busy. It has been a month since their last encounter. Sungmin tried hard not to be noticed, he even went as far as helping Ryeowook, which surprised the younger man.

“Sungmin I…” Ryeowook said timidly, eyes downcast. Sungmin smiled sympathetically at the other and placed a hand over his head, ruffling it slightly. “It’s okay Wookie,” Sungmin softly said. Ryeowook looked up at him at the way Sungmin called him just now. “I’m alright now, if I wasn’t I would’ve backed out from this deal from the beginning.”

“But you’re only staying here to take care of Donghae.”

“True, but Donghae has been taking care of himself well lately.”

Ryeowook suddenly tore up; luckily no one could see them from where they were standing idly. Sungmin hugged him comfortably.

Sungmin left the party early since his part was done; the rest was up to the enthusiastic Eeteuk and his dashing assistant Siwon. Since the almost traumatic break up, he liked wandering off somewhere alone; he began to like the feeling of being alone. He sat at some random bench, where the night was dark and nature’s beauty was clear. He noticed a tiny green ball of fire, hovering above him, one after another then he realized he was at the park he and Kangin last spoke to each other and a wave of loneliness drowned his solitude. He closed his eyes reliving that night, if Kyuhyun hadn’t called would things be different or would he still reject Kangin, just because he feared getting hurt again? When he next opens his eyes, he saw Kangin standing before him and he smiled faintly.

“Sungmin, can I finish what I said before?” Kangin asked politely, he nodded though he knew what it was.

“We both know this by now, I like, no, love you and I’m willing to wait till you love me back. Maybe you won’t but until the time I leave for Europe please don’t avoid me.” Sungmin bobbed his head up; there was surprise in his eyes which instantly faded as well.

“Oh…” was what Sungmin could say and flashes of what had been displayed on his mind. Then there was nothing but the howling wind and the faint beautiful dancing glow from the tiny insects.

“Do you still love him?” it was the same question that ended their night.

Sungmin faced Kangin with a calm manner, and looked him straight in the eyes.

“Yes. It will never really fully disappear.” He answers straightforwardly; he knows the same question will end tonight as well. “You’re special to me but I think I’m not yet ready to be in another relationship, especially a long distance one. You’ll say you’re different, maybe you are but I can’t take that risk. I’m sorry Kangin but let’s just leave things as it is.” And with that Sungmin left.

Three weeks later, Eeteuk was happily scanning through the Entertainment section of the newspaper, reading an article about their latest masterpiece and saw from the edge of the paper Sungmin walking towards his desk and could not resist the temptation to call him in. when Sungmin stood before him, a hint of irritation in his feature he asked immediately, “How come you’re here? Shouldn’t you be waltzing in the city or something, on a date with Kangin? Wait, his flight is today, shouldn’t you be seeing him off?”

“F.Y.I Eeteuk, we have loads in our hands for things like those,” Sungmin said, “And don’t compare me with Donghae or any other person for that matter. I like my life the way it is so stop butting in to other people’s problems or playing match-maker.” He added with a snap of his fingers. Eeteuk just smiled.

When Sungmin reached his desk there was a jar sitting on his desk beside his LCD monitor. He saw nothing but dirt and mud and was about to throw it in the garbage bin but when he picked it up and had a closer look on what was inside, he saw something crawl. Then he saw the note placed under the jar:

Do you know how fireflies love? They wait and wait until their true love comes, once found they will stay faithful to that… I will prove to you how much I love you. I’ll wait for the day that your heart is fully healed, I will look at no one but you think of no one but you because you are that other firefly I’ve been waiting and searching for. Please take care of them until the day that we see each other, if they die before that happens then I won’t pursue you no matter how painful that may be. If they live, and I hope to God they will then I would take that as a Yes to my feelings.


There was a clash and sound of kitchenware shattering against the tiles, Sungmin cautiously placed the jar of baby fireflies on a safe place and tugged Kangin’s note on his inside pocket and went to where the noise came from. He saw Kyuhyun and Donghae trying to pry curious clients off the scene.

Chapter End.

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Well, even though they're not my main fav pairings, I LOVE THEM!! Hae and Kimki are your biases, aren't they? *winks* KangMin~~ Fireflies were great idea~ Min took good care of them ^^ KyuWook with Creepy Chucky Sung *shivers* Teuk and Han?? That was rare... Really... :)<br />
<br />
I'll just imagine Choioppa seeing MonkHyukkie at Starbucks X3
hae_ki #2
haha... i can't promise a sequel to this one. ^^III i never really thought of adding more to this too...although i had some requests for that on my previous blog too hehe<br />
<br />
oh i'm happy to make you read a ...? hahaha...
arrghhh~ i can't believe myself reading .<br />
but this story is just super daebak!<br />
<br />
i love how u partner them.<br />
especially kihae! XD<br />
<br />
even though i prefer eunmin..<br />
but kangmin is ok though.> <<br />
can you make morreee..<br />
or sequel maybe?<br />
let siwon with heechul again.<br />
or siwon found someone?<br />
<br />
i'd love to see more kihae.<br />
they're so cute.<3<br />
hae_ki #4
i'll post every kihae i have asap :) my first 3 fics are actually kihae
kangin1995 #5
I love it! please write more kihae..............
hae_ki #6
thank you ^^, <br />
yeah...something like what you said would've been nice but i thought of somehow make it a little bit realistic and well... i left siwon's part open in case i'd want to continue it or people would demand XD
LeeNiHyo #7
OMOO~!! I just LOVE this fanfic O_O<br />
It's sooooo well written.. <br />
It's like.. you missed something.. but then you keep on reading and everything is right again..<br />
Like making your own puzzle..<br />
I do want to know what happend to Siwon..<br />
I really would have wanted that Heechul went back to Siwon-sshi xD