Reluctant Wedding Ring

Wedding Entourage


“Kyu perhaps we should end this.” Ryeowook said, as he played with his dinner.

Kyuhyun tightened his grip around the fork. They were having a dinner date for their second anniversary.
“I feel so guilty about all of this.”
“Wookie, I’m the one who should feel that not you. I was the one who cheated.”
“Maybe but I feel like it's all my fault.”
“Sungmin said it’s alright.” Kyuhyun said curtly and with finality. Ryeowook wanted to speak but he knew this would be going nowhere. He loved Kyuhyun but he didn’t like the tenseness around Sungmin – they’ve cheated on the guy. He felt that he has no right to be happy.

The following day, they were talking animatedly until Sungmin came and called Ryeowook. When Ryeowook left Kyuhyun tried to talk with Sungmin but he was fast in getting out, dragging his younger brother along with him.

“What’s with the long face so early in the morning?” Eeteuk asked, appearing out of nowhere.
“Nothing, I’m waiting for Ryeowook.” Kyuhyun answered, careful at what he says.

Eeteuk has the reputation with meddling into other’s personal lives.


Two years has passed, a year of relationship with Ryeowook while cheating with Sungmin and another as officially being with Ryeowook but they have never sorted things out. Sungmin keeps saying that he’s fine though it stills shows that he’s hurt. Ryeowook feels guilty for something he did not intentionally do. And everything just brings in awkwardness and tension.

“Why don’t you move in with me, you practically live here already?” Kyuhyun asked as he pulled Ryeowook closer and planted a kiss on the smaller man’s forehead.
“I told you, not until we’re married.”
“Then marry me.”
Ryeowook stared up at him then turned away.
“Let’s talk tomorrow.” But Kyuhyun knew that meant ‘let’s not talk about this ever’ and just let it pass. He whispered ‘I love you’ against Ryeowook’s head and dozed off.


Donghae had been observing Ryeowook from the café across the building with Sungmin, doing business on the laptop.
“Hey, hyung,” Donghae started.

Sungmin glanced up from the monitor.

“Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had been going out for a really, really long time right? How come they still act so awkward with each other?” hearing it, Sungmin wanted to whack some sense into his brother. Was he even his brother, he wondered.
“Hae, it amazes me how little you know about people and how knowledgeable you are about flowers. I have been with you for three months and I already have a slight idea.” Kibum said.
“Well isn’t that why you fell for me?”
Kibum was slightly taken aback and blushed at his boyfriend’s childish grin. He heard Sungmin chuckle from the other seat and greeted him.

“I’ll be heading out now, good luck.” Sungmin said as he gave Kibum a pat on the shoulder.
“You too. I heard that guy from the sanctuary can be a handful.” Kibum said. Kibum was ready to focus on Donghae when his attention was again diverted to the people outside. It was Ryeowook and someone else. They were standing close to each other, intimately close. Donghae was about to follow his gaze when he grabbed the other’s arm and dragged him out of the café. “It’s also time for you to do your job.”


Of all the people he could have run into he had to come across his ex-boyfriend. Yesung stood before him, flashing him a smile. He thought he was already strong against those eyes, that smile and that voice but he was still captivated by them. As Yesung reached for his face, he flinched away. Hurriedly he excused himself and crossed the street. He fumbled for his phone and dialed Kyuhyun’s number.

I need you… he thought as he listened at the ringing.

Kyuhyun left the studio the minute he heard Ryeowook’s quivering voice. Was he crying, he thought and dashed out to where Ryeowook had directed. When he reached the alley, Ryeowook was waiting for him with a smile.

“Are you alright? You’re not hurt or anything right?” he asked as he inspected Ryeowook’s body for any injuries or bruises. Ryeowook shook his head and pulled Kyuhyun for a kiss.
“Ryeowook are you sure? I mean… not that I don’t want to… but this is…” he stammered, he found it hard talking straight when he was so shocked at Ryeowook’s aggressiveness.
“It’s not like this has been the first.” Ryeowook whispered against his lips.

That was all the invitation Kyuhyun needed before he ravished his lover.
“Siwon’s gonna have our necks for sure,” Kyuhyun mumbled. They ended up spending the whole day making out, finishing what they started at a hotel and went all the way. Ryeowook chuckled. Kyuhyun just smiled at the happy look on Ryeowook’s face.

“Well we could still look into some equipment before we head back home.” Ryeowook suggested.
“Ryeowook?” someone said.

Both Kyuhyun and Ryeowook stopped. Ryeowook hoped Kyuhyun had not noticed how his body reacted.
“It’s me Yesung.” The guy said amicably. “This your boyfriend?” he asked tilting his head towards Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun introduced himself and shook hands with Yesung.
“It’s nice to see you again Ryeowook.” Yesung said before departing.

Ryeowook could feel the chill going up his spine. He didn’t like the way Yesung was looking at them, at how his sinister eyes studied Kyuhyun.
“Wookie, are you okay? You don’t look so well, did I tire you out?” Kyuhyun asked.
“No, of course not.” Ryeowook said forcing a smile. “I’m fine.” He lied.

Kyuhyun planted a kiss on his forehead before he left. Ryeowook locked the door immediately. He went to his laptop and checked his mail. He fell to his knees as he read one message:
My, my, it seems you’ve found a good catch this time. Better take good care of him…

Tears escaped Ryeowook’s eyes. He thought he had escaped him, that he was finally free. But he knew starting from that moment they met outside the office he hasn’t freed himself from Yesung. If Kyuhyun knew of his past would he still love him? Or would he be disgusted of him?

His phone rang and caused him to jump. It was an unidentified number. When he answered it, he felt as if the person he was talking to was just in front of him.

“I can’t do that.” Ryeowook protested.
“Why not? You’ve surely done it in the past. And don’t try the ‘I’ve turned a new leaf’ bravado. I’ve helped you all those years Wookie I’m asking you this once only. Or do you want me to remind you?” Yesung threatened.
“No! Fine I’ll do it but promise me this will be the end of it.”
“Of course, since when have I ever broken my word?” and Yesung hang up.
Ryeowook dropped the phone on his bed. He cried until he got tired of crying. He shuddered at the thought of Yesung forcing himself inside him whenever he fails. Ryeowook thought he never had anything but that dark lifestyle until Kyuhyun came and saved him.

He had just declared for the nth time that he was over being one of Yesung’s puppets and started going to college where he bumped into Kyuhyun. He knew the man had a boyfriend already but he couldn’t help fall for him and had an affair then became officially a couple. It would’ve been perfect if he hadn’t known that they were going to work with Sungmin, Kyuhyun’s ex but before things could’ve been resolved within the three of them his past came to haunt him.


Ryeowook had been working non-stop, barely staying in the office for a minute, with the ulterior motive of avoiding Kyuhyun. Though he made it look like that, Yesung wouldn’t stop pestering him – texting, calling, and coincidentally being in the same place as he was.

“Wookie, are you alright?” Kyuhyun asked as they cuddled close to each other, concern apparent in his voice. “I told you, Sungmin doesn’t hate you.”
“I know.”
“Then what’s bugging you?”
“Nothing.” Ryeowook lied.

Kyuhyun fished the platinum ring dangling around Ryeowook’s necklace from behind.
“Are you still afraid to wear this?”
“It’s nothing like that.”
“You know I love you right? You know I want you this close forever, I want you to be mine but I’m willing to wait.” Ryeowook just nod. He turned and hugged Kyuhyun.

When he reached his apartment he was thrown against the wall and found himself staring at Yesung’s menacing eyes. “What’s taking you so long, Wookie?” he asked in a whisper as he traced the knife’s blade along Ryeowook’s jaw line.
“I’ll get you your money okay. It’s just taking some time.”
Yesung grabbed his face and crushed his lips on Ryeowook’s. It took a lot of strength from Ryeowook to stop Yesung from moving any further. Yesung let go of Ryeowook.
“Hurry with it, you know I’m not a patient man.” Yesung said as he his upper lip and tucked the knife safely under his shirt.

It had been four in the morning when Kyuhyun received a call from Ryeowook.
“Kyu… hyun…” Ryeowook said in between tears. “Do you love me…”
“Of course I do. What’s wrong?”
“Then let’s break up… I can’t take this anymore.”
“Wha~?! Don’t decide so abruptly. Ryeowook don’t do this to me?! Ryeowook! Ryeowook!” the line was dead. Ryeowook had hung up.

The following day, Kyuhyun found the ring he gave to Ryeowook sitting on top of his desk. Ryeowook was nowhere to be found. Kyuhyun later found out that Ryeowook had been doing his assignments and passing them through email.

“You and hyung are opposites,” Donghae said.

He and Kibum brought Kyuhyun out, hoping to lift the poor guy’s spirits but Kyuhyun was still sulking over his shake. “Before, it was Sungmin-hyung who looked like his goldfish died now it’s you. And Ryeowook’s been acting weird too. Has he been kidnapped by aliens or something? It’s really unfair of him, he should’ve recommended me too.” Kibum just rolled his eyes heavenward and hit Donghae on the head.

Kyuhyun chuckled.

He was also glad that Sungmin had really moved on this time, now he can finally lose that guilty conscience.

Donghae got up and joined the kids who were playing at the park nearby, leaving Kibum and Kyuhyun. As Kyuhyun observed Kibum he couldn’t help but admire him, to have loved Donghae as he is – reliable and serious at times, childish and innocent most of the time.

“Well, now that Hae’s busy being himself I’ll go straight to the reason as to why we dragged you out of your work.” Kibum said, matter-of-factly. Kyuhyun couldn’t help compare the two of them. Kibum rarely act his age while Donghae rarely act his age, seeing him now he’d think Kibum was the older one.

“Not really sure why I’m the one given this task but Sungmin-hyung has a point in trusting me. It’s about Ryeowook and might also be the reason why he has severed ties with you.” now that had Kyuhyun’s attention.

Kibum started to narrate everything and it took all of Kyuhyun’s strength to stay glued to his seat.

“Clearly, hyung still likes you but he wants you to be happy. We’re worried about Ryeowook. I saw him before with a guy too, it could’ve been that same person hyung was telling me about. If it is really him then Ryeowook could be in danger. Now that Sungmin-hyung has done everything he could’ve done for you he said it’s all up to you to make things work. Maybe now you’d believe him when he says he’s fine.”
Kibum got up from his chair and waved at Donghae. Donghae kicked the ball towards Kibum.

“Got to hand it to you.” Kyuhyun said from behind him.

Kibum glanced behind his shoulder and smiled, spinning the ball with his thumb.
“When you like someone, you’d like them whatever they maybe. Sometimes his faults becomes the reason why you fall for him in the first place.” And with that Kibum threw the ball high and ran towards the field, towards Donghae.


Ryeowook felt the last weeks without Kyuhyun had been empty and tiring and scary. As long as Yesung is around he couldn’t go back to Kyuhyun, as much as he wants to.

He just got in his apartment, the moment he flicked on the lights he was forced down the floor. He flinched from the ache and dared not open his eyes. He could smell Yesung’s perfume, feel his body pressed onto his, the blade of the knife trailed from his cheek down his throat.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Wookie do you think just because you broke up with that rich kid I’ll let you go? Well with this face we could reopen the business, along with a few others of course.” Yesung said his voice menacing.

Kyuhyun! Ryeowook screamed in his mind.

Tears started to trickle down his cheeks. He didn’t want to go back to the past, he only wants to live his present and future with Kyuhyun.

Just when Yesung furthered his advances on Ryeowook, the door flung open and Kyuhyun entered. He flipped Yesung aside. The sight of Ryeowook frightened deeply angered Kyuhyun. He started for Yesung and hit him continuously until Yesung spat blood. He grabbed Yesung by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Yesung just laughed as he winced.
“Feisty.” Yesung muttered.
“Dare touch Ryeowook again and I swear it’ll be the end of you!”
“He owes me a lot, unless you’re going to pay it? All I ever asked of Ryeowook is to pay me, swindle a little sum from you was that so hard to ask?”
Yesung laughed, Kyuhyun punched him on the gut, Yesung lost his breath. He threw Yesung out of the apartment and took a checkbook out of his pocket.
500,000 won “That should be sufficient. Now get the hell out of here!”
Yesung got up with a smirk. He stared at Ryeowook then shifted his gaze at Kyuhyun.
“No problem.” He said. He fixed himself before taking his leave.
Kyuhyun closed the door behind him. Ryeowook was curled up in a ball, crying, frightened. He closed the distance between them easily and embraced Ryeowook. While Ryeowook cried he slipped the necklace with the ring around Ryeowook’s neck.

“What is this? Kyu I don’t deserve this.” Ryeowook said as he gazed at Kyuhyun’s face, which only looked at him with affection. Kyuhyun softly touched his face and wiped the tears off of his face.
“No, Ryeowook. This ring is only for you. With this ring, I hope you’d trust me more. Trust me when I say that I love you, I accept you for what you were, what you are and what you will be. And that you’re the only one who completes me. Please don’t leave me, I need you.”

Ryeowook was shocked, Kyuhyun was crying. It had been the first time he’s seen him cry. It had been Ryeowook who did most of the crying and seeing Kyuhyun cry he thought it was… cute. Ryeowook grabbed Kyuhyun’s face and kissed those soft lips and pulled him in an embrace.


It had always been a rule that everyone in the company does his job in the wedding itself then hide somewhere and give the spotlight to the newly wedded couple.

“Sungmin I…” Ryeowook said timidly, eyes downcast. It was time he straighten things out between them. He had to thank him for all the things Sungmin did for his relationship with Kyuhyun. Sungmin smiled sympathetically at the other and placed a hand over his head, ruffling it slightly. “It’s okay Wookie,” Sungmin softly said. Ryeowook looked up at him at the way Sungmin called him just now. “I’m alright, if I wasn’t I would’ve backed out from this deal from the beginning.”
“But you’re only staying here to take care of Donghae.”
“True, but Donghae has been taking care of himself well lately.”
Ryeowook suddenly tore up; luckily no one could see them from where they were standing idly. Sungmin hugged him comfortably.

They had to work twice as hard since Sungmin and Siwon had left shortly after their tasks. He and Kyuhyun had just placed the last of the boxes in the van, the task has always tired Ryeowook out. He sat at the bench nearby and was thankful that Kyuhyun brought him bottled water.
“You’re wearing it?!” Kyuhyun exclaimed when he saw Ryeowook wearing the ring on his left ring finger.
“To be honest, other than being reluctant and guilty about Sungmin, the other reason why I wear it as a pendant was because that way it’s closer to the heart.”
“Then what made you change your mind? The closure with Min?”
Ryeowook smiled as he gazed at the platinum ring which fit perfectly. “That and I wanted everyone to know that I’m yours and you’re mine.” He said as his eyes shifted at the identical ring around Kyuhyun’s ring finger.
“I guess this means we’re engaged.” Ryeowook said cheerfully.
“Don’t worry, it won’t be long till you become mine legally.” Kyuhyun whispered against Ryeowook’s lips and leaned in for a long, passionate kiss.

Chapter End.

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Well, even though they're not my main fav pairings, I LOVE THEM!! Hae and Kimki are your biases, aren't they? *winks* KangMin~~ Fireflies were great idea~ Min took good care of them ^^ KyuWook with Creepy Chucky Sung *shivers* Teuk and Han?? That was rare... Really... :)<br />
<br />
I'll just imagine Choioppa seeing MonkHyukkie at Starbucks X3
hae_ki #2
haha... i can't promise a sequel to this one. ^^III i never really thought of adding more to this too...although i had some requests for that on my previous blog too hehe<br />
<br />
oh i'm happy to make you read a ...? hahaha...
arrghhh~ i can't believe myself reading .<br />
but this story is just super daebak!<br />
<br />
i love how u partner them.<br />
especially kihae! XD<br />
<br />
even though i prefer eunmin..<br />
but kangmin is ok though.> <<br />
can you make morreee..<br />
or sequel maybe?<br />
let siwon with heechul again.<br />
or siwon found someone?<br />
<br />
i'd love to see more kihae.<br />
they're so cute.<3<br />
hae_ki #4
i'll post every kihae i have asap :) my first 3 fics are actually kihae
kangin1995 #5
I love it! please write more kihae..............
hae_ki #6
thank you ^^, <br />
yeah...something like what you said would've been nice but i thought of somehow make it a little bit realistic and well... i left siwon's part open in case i'd want to continue it or people would demand XD
LeeNiHyo #7
OMOO~!! I just LOVE this fanfic O_O<br />
It's sooooo well written.. <br />
It's like.. you missed something.. but then you keep on reading and everything is right again..<br />
Like making your own puzzle..<br />
I do want to know what happend to Siwon..<br />
I really would have wanted that Heechul went back to Siwon-sshi xD