Lotus and Rose

Wedding Entourage


When The Wedding Entourage’s ad came up on the news papers, the institution was flooded with bride-to-be’s hoping that the best and most gorgeous skilled men in wedding planning, fashion and food critique and more will create their dream wedding if not be their husbands.

“Wow… I think we’ll get a Guinness for this.” Donghae said with a whistle, peeking over the blinds of the main office and smirked at his co-workers/co-founders. Siwon was already working in front the computer, prioritizing customers, calculating bills, making slides anything and everything that can be made possible by the use of cyber technology. Sungmin and Ryeowook were getting harassed outside, dealing with the hyperactive women but still managed to look cool and fresh despite the chaotic situation.

“Isn’t it about time that we entertain them before it gets messy?” Kyuhyun suggested slouching on a swivel chair, rocking it lightly with his foot.
“But Eeteuk’s not here ye--” Donghae was not able to complete his sentence when the sliding door whooshed open and the self-proclaimed President made his dramatic entrance, and made the room silent.
“Good morning!” he greeted cheerfully, with open arms. “Settle down ladies, don’t worry you’ll all get your dream weddings and we, the Wedding Entourage, will personally handle everything.” He said with a wide smile that made all the ladies melt like goo.

“That’s the signal.” Donghae said, walked towards the door, looked himself in the mirror then went out with poise and grace.

They all went out one by one, disarming everyone with their own unique personalities. They lined in front of the main office, all six princes, and bowed in reverence. “We are the Wedding Entourage; it is our job to make your dream wedding a possibility.” Eeteuk said in a big, MC like voice, “Now let’s begin shall we? Single file please.”


Donghae just came back from his assignment and he was greeted by a loud smashing sound and a man shoving pass him, knocking the papers off of his hands.

“It’s okay!” Donghae yelled at the back of the man sarcastically then stooped down to picked up the papers.
“What was that about?” he asked Eeteuk and saw Siwon comforting a weeping woman on the couch.
“Some minor bump on the road.” Eeteuk answered lightly.
“It can’t delay the wedding will it? That wasn’t the groom was it? I’ve already found the perfect flowers and colors for her.”
“Don’t worry. There’s nothing to pout about. Delay? Perhaps but maybe you can deal with it.”
“Me? Why me?”
“Cause you’re done with your part, right? And you’re good with kids.”
“Kids?! If you’re talking about that guy, then you need glasses Eeteuk.”
Eeteuk laughed, the woman stopped crying but continued to lean on to Siwon.

“I’m so sorry to trouble you like this, it’s just that my son has difficulties accepting a new family, a new father despite all the explanations. If this goes on, I guess I have to cancel the wedding…” and she burst into tears again, then a middle aged man came in and grabbed the woman’s hands, Donghae assumed that this guy would be the lucky husband.

After moments of deliberation Donghae spoke, “Don’t worry. You’ll have your wedding and you’re son will accept everything.” He said with a warm smile then facing Eeteuk, “Alright, I’ll take this as my special assignment but I need an increase for this.”

Eeteuk gave a shrug, “Good luck.”

The following day Donghae stopped by Siwon’s desk to grab the information about the client’s problem child.

“Ki-bum… Kim, huh?” he said aloud and continued reading the data with his eyes. “Achiever. Aloof. Arrogant, slightly,” he said with a huff, keeping the paper inside his back pack. “Typical traits of a broken-family kid.” He said with a big grin and hopped out the office, not forgetting to greet other clients and began his newest mission.

Donghae went to the high school in the data, luckily he knew someone in the said school.

“Donghae!” called out a teacher.

He was wandering in the campus with his hands inside his pockets, eyes darted at every direction like a lost yet interested puppy when he heard his name, his head automatically turned to the voice’s direction. A broad, toothy smile spread across his face when he saw his old friend.

“Jessica! Whoah, you really look like a teacher, a terror teacher, right?” he teased.

Jessica playfully hit his arm. “What brings you here?”
“On an assignment. So can you help me?”
“It depends on the help you want.”
“Okay, as payment, you’ll get 40% discount on all our services.”
Jessica laughed. “You can just decide just like that? You’re not the only founder of the Wedding Entourage you know.”
“I know and I know they won’t say no to me.”
“Alright then, what is it that you need my help with?”


Kibum didn’t like the idea of having a new father. He like his current father, maybe if he was dead then maybe he would reconsider but his father’s not dead and far from that too. His mother’s fiancé was a good man but he still can’t accept him as part of his family, never!

“Mr. Kim.” The teacher called, Kibum didn’t react. “KIM KIBUM!” the teacher shouted after three tries and Kibum jolted up.

“Sorry.” He mumbled, his eyes casted down on the floor.

Jessica sighed and forgave the poor lad, she knew what he was getting through and hoped to help him.

“As I was saying, today we have a new substitute for your Arts Class since Mr. Park’s on a leave because of his wife’s pregnancy and you, Kibum, will help him get oriented with the things around here.” Then she called the new substitute inside.

“Good morning everyone, I am Donghae Lee, please take care of me.” he greeted with his cheerful smile that made all the girls gasping for air. “It’s my first time teaching and well, it’s not really my profession but I know a lot about arts and I need the money, so for this next four weeks I hope we can be good friends.”
“YES!” mostly all the girls answered energetically but the boys admired him as well.

While Jessica reminded everyone of the other announcements, Donghae’s eyes wandered across the room and found Kibum.

Kibum was startled when he found the new teacher smiling at him; he felt his face going warmer and gave himself a mental slap. He could smile at anyone around me and not me he thought but when he looked again he was certain that Donghae was looking at him and smiling at him.

Classes continued with much enthusiasm than it used to be, Kibum didn’t put much effort into orienting Donghae with the equipment and the room since the girls were more glad to do it for him but he noticed how often the substitute’s eyes would wander towards him or how often he would come over his workplace and comment about his work. Donghae was crowded by giddy high school girls even by the end of the class. He slumped to his chair when the room became empty.

“Hmmm? You’re still here?” he said when he spotted Kibum still busy with his canvass but received no answer. Achiever, check. Aloof, check. Donghae thought as he watches Kibum silently cleaned after himself and walked out of the room.

For the next two weeks, Donghae had been doing every possible way to make the kid open up, one thing he knows, if a kid gets a happy life he won’t be bothered by anything else and he thought the same goes for Kibum but he never thought how much of a bright boy Kibum actually is.

“Are you stalking me?” Kibum suddenly asked.

He was picking roses at the botany garden for their project and he noticed Donghae sitting on the bench behind him. “Don’t treat me like everyone else here. You can’t fool me and wrap me around your finger like what you are doing to the rest of my classmates.”

Donghae smiled at him, Kibum’s eyebrow twitched from annoyance.

“One, I’m not stalking you,” although it’s partly true, Donghae added mentally, “Two, I’m not wrapping or manipulating anyone in my hands and three…”

Donghae stood up and went pass Kibum towards the rose bush behind him, carefully caressing the delicate petals. “I love flowers. That’s why I’m here; they don’t nag, shout or just simply bother me. They listen pretty well too.”

Kibum just stared helplessly at Donghae, in truth, the reason why he’s at the garden was for the same reason, he wants peace and just staring at the flowers gives him that feeling now staring at Donghae is giving him that same feeling.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Donghae said without looking away at the white buds.

Kibum felt embarrassed and walked out hurriedly and shut the door behind him. Donghae smirked and reached for his ringing phone inside his jean’s pocket.

“Still on the process, how are things on your side?” he said while stooping down and picked up something.

“Well that’s good to hear, I’ll be coming in later this afternoon… ‘kay bye.”

When Kibum entered the classroom, he was stunned to see the roses he picked sitting on top of his desk when he and his female classmates realized Donghae coming; he hurriedly went to his chair and blankly stared at the flowers. If before, he feels at peace while watching flowers now all he could see is Donghae and his pure smile and the unknown feelings that comes along with it.


He was greeted by Eeteuk’s clapping hands the moment he entered the office.

“You keep me amazed Hae.” He said after hugging Donghae. “Everything’s going on smoothly and it seems the son has begun to accept everything now, well maybe not everything but still, the wedding’s on!”

Donghae humbly received Eeteuk’s praises with a cheeky smile as something painful hit him.

After being ambushed by Eeteuk he directly headed to his desk and dropped to his chair, placing his head on top of the table, staring blankly at the monitor.

“What’s troubling you?” Sungmin suddenly asked, putting a mug of coffee beside Donghae’s head.

Donghae looked up, without removing his head off the table.

“I’m just tired.” He lied.
“Save your excuses for someone else, you never get tired.”

Donghae burst out laughing, Sungmin smiled himself.
“How’s the venue for the reception?”
“Just a few minor touches and it’s done. The flowers you pick really complemented with my function hall.”
“Thanks. That leaves the bridal bouquet then.”
“Hae, be careful,” Sungmin said seriously, Donghae just looked at him blankly although he knows what exactly his older brother is telling him. “You don’t meddle on a stranger’s life unless they’re crying women and kids who have difficulty handling changes. And in this case, those two things are present. As your older brother I’m worried at what might happen.”
Donghae stood up and prepared to leave.

“I think something already did.” He softly said and with that he left the office with a smile.

Donghae was taking a stroll at the park when he saw Kibum shouting at his phone.

“Fine! Go marry that guy, you’ve done everything already right? So why do you need my permission!” and Kibum hung up and threw his phone blindly.

“Next time you want to throw away your phone just give it to me.” Donghae said from behind him, Kibum turned sharply and felt his heart hammering fast.

“It was my… never mind.” Kibum was about to explain but changed his mind and grabbed his phone from Donghae’s hands but Donghae reacted fast and retracted his arm.

“I’ll give you your phone back on one condition.”
“What favor are you talking about? Just give it back, what will the school think if they see you like this?”
“Like what? Classes are over and I’m not exactly part of the staff and we’re not doing anything wrong.”

But you’re making me feel something different and for me this is wrong Kibum thought.

Thirty minutes later, they were standing in front a green house.

“What are we doing here?” Kibum asked as he followed Donghae inside.

He noticed that almost everyone greeted Donghae like he owned the place.

“We’re gonna pick some flowers.”
“For what? There are a lot of flower shops in the city why do we have to come here?”
“Because it is cheaper here and the flowers are prettier here. Like you.”
Kibum’s feet stopped when he heard Donghae say those words, he became even more speechless when he was looking at the entirety of the green house, different shapes, sizes and colors of different types of flowers.
“What do you think looks best as a bridal bouquet?”
“Why are you asking me that for? You’re the expert.”
“Just pick.”

Kibum was confused but still pointed at the red and white roses.

“If only lotus can be part of a bouquet too.” He muttered.

“Why do you think so?” Donghae asked as he started picking some roses, carefully choosing the buds.

Kibum was gazing at Donghae when he spoke, “Because although they bloom in mud they make the muddy water beautiful, just like you.” He bit his lower lip when he realized what he said; Donghae just smiled and walked over to the tulips, choosing the red and white ones as well.

“Kibum, I may not know much but sometimes you’ve got to face reality and learn to accept things that they change. You just have to be strong and… if you need anything I’ll be here, I’m not afraid of your thorns in fact I’m willing to get pricked just to be able to take care of you.”
“You’re right when you said you don’t know much but let’s keep it that way. I want to go home now.” Kibum said, and Donghae could feel that Kibum has recoiled into his shell.


Kibum plopped onto his bed and hugged his pillow to fill the emptiness he feels. In truth, spending the afternoon with Donghae was like a dream come true for him but his past experiences with the people he cares about made him reluctant to open up to Donghae.

“He’ll just leave me, like papa… and like mama… everyone I love has left me how can he be any different.” He muttered as he was forced to reminisce the painful past and the gloomy future.

When Donghae entered the classroom he was surprised to see a basket of flowers.

“Thank you for everything! We will miss you!” the class greeted.

It was his last day as a substitute and brought a pang to his chest but he can’t show that to the class he has grown to love. For the next one hour and a half, Donghae tried not to look Kibum’s way. He knew that if their eyes would meet he’d probably break down or start confessing to him – two things he’d rather not do. And by the end of the day, they parted without properly saying goodbye.

Donghae was welcomed by the client with a hug, thanking him for whatever he had done to his son, that he finally accepted his new step father and agreed to be part of the wedding.

“It’s nothing, ma’am just doing my job. So don’t cry okay.” The woman nodded.

Donghae silently went to his desk, covering his face with his hands.

“You handle things well now.” Sungmin said suddenly, bringing him a cup of coffee and some cake.

Donghae uncovered his face and started stuffing himself with the cake.

“I told you, I’m alright now.” Sungmin smiled at his younger brother.


The wedding was breathtaking and perfect, not a sad face in sight even Kibum looked happy. The whole Wedding Entourage was guest of honors though they still worked. Kyuhyun was busy managing and taking the videos and pictures with Ryeowook as the assistant. Sungmin was ushering guests and checking the menu. Although they wore simple white and black suites they still stood out.

“Hae, why don’t you talk to him?” Sungmin said with a nudge.

They were on top of the tree house were they can’t be seen by people. They always hide during receptions especially when everything’s settled down after all it’s the bride’s day. All eyes should be on the newly-weds. Donghae elbowed Sungmin back until it became a battle of elbows. Eeteuk rolled his eyes and broke the brothers up.

“Donghae just go to him already, you’re not a kid anymore. It’s enough that Siwon has a problem.”
“What’s wrong with Siwon?” Donghae asked, suddenly realizing that they were lacking the OC organizer.
“What, I mean, who else? Now go!” and Donghae was shoved out of the tree house.

Kibum was sitting idly on the swing, rocking it lightly with his feet. He was surprised when a red tulip was shoved to his face. “Donghae?”
“Please don’t be mad at me. Actually I don’t know what you think since you saw me this morning since the start of the wedding I just want you to know that I’ve been really sincere all this time. I didn’t mean it to happen it just did. I love you.”

Kibum was shock at the sudden confession. In truth, he felt used when he knew Donghae was part of the wedding planning agency but then he realized he missed the guy the more he laid his eyes on him. He realized that his feelings for Donghae did not fade instead it grew silently.

“How can I be mad at you, when just seeing you smile, just seeing you… makes me want to have you? I missed you, you know.”

At that same moment, inside the hotel the bride was already throwing the bouquet; she threw it too hard and went out towards the garden. Everyone went out and found out that it fell on Kibum’s arms. Kibum’s cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, people were shouting and teasing him, Donghae laughed.

“May I have the band, if the newly-weds don’t mind.” Donghae teased.

The groom gladly threw the band towards Donghae. Donghae grabbed Kibum’s wrist.
“What are you doing?” Kibum hissed.
“I’m going to slip this band on your leg.” Everyone shouted hysterically.
“But we’re both guys.”
“So? Tradition says anyone who catches the band will slip it on the one who caught the bouquet.”

And Kibum was dragged inside where Donghae put the band on him. The feel of Donghae’s hands against his skin made him shudder and sent electricity up his spine.

“Promise me you won’t leave me.” Kibum whispered against Donghae’s ear as they dance under the moonlight, away from the crowd. “I promise as the moon, stars, crickets and my eavesdropping friends as my witness.” 

Chapter End.

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Well, even though they're not my main fav pairings, I LOVE THEM!! Hae and Kimki are your biases, aren't they? *winks* KangMin~~ Fireflies were great idea~ Min took good care of them ^^ KyuWook with Creepy Chucky Sung *shivers* Teuk and Han?? That was rare... Really... :)<br />
<br />
I'll just imagine Choioppa seeing MonkHyukkie at Starbucks X3
hae_ki #2
haha... i can't promise a sequel to this one. ^^III i never really thought of adding more to this too...although i had some requests for that on my previous blog too hehe<br />
<br />
oh i'm happy to make you read a ...? hahaha...
arrghhh~ i can't believe myself reading .<br />
but this story is just super daebak!<br />
<br />
i love how u partner them.<br />
especially kihae! XD<br />
<br />
even though i prefer eunmin..<br />
but kangmin is ok though.> <<br />
can you make morreee..<br />
or sequel maybe?<br />
let siwon with heechul again.<br />
or siwon found someone?<br />
<br />
i'd love to see more kihae.<br />
they're so cute.<3<br />
hae_ki #4
i'll post every kihae i have asap :) my first 3 fics are actually kihae
kangin1995 #5
I love it! please write more kihae..............
hae_ki #6
thank you ^^, <br />
yeah...something like what you said would've been nice but i thought of somehow make it a little bit realistic and well... i left siwon's part open in case i'd want to continue it or people would demand XD
LeeNiHyo #7
OMOO~!! I just LOVE this fanfic O_O<br />
It's sooooo well written.. <br />
It's like.. you missed something.. but then you keep on reading and everything is right again..<br />
Like making your own puzzle..<br />
I do want to know what happend to Siwon..<br />
I really would have wanted that Heechul went back to Siwon-sshi xD