crying Angel


What happens when you see an angel?

Just a short story i wrote, havent writte in a while so here ya go!


" I'm sorry for your loss AJ..." DR Brinks says whole heartedly as he frowns.

"it's okay" I say, sobbing gentally.

The doctor nodsd as he walks back down the hallways to his office, my father sits still for a moment thinking. I have just lost my mother, my angel, gone. My dad stands pulling in a breathe as he looks down at me, broken hearted.

"lets get  you home sweet heart, it has been  a long night" he says, staring at the cold, hard floor and all the crud in the grooves.

"okay" I stand slowly, unbalanced and not quite ready to take a fall, but i manage to stay upright.

The drive back home . it was silent and sad. I hate this already.

- i week later-

I refuse to go to school, i refuse to do much of everything. I am kind of like a zombie, moving slow, not really prosessing anything. For the past week i have stayed in my room listning to the rain hitting our roof, watching the snow fall and the wind howel. It  wasn't long before i decided i wanted to go outside and experience the weather first hand, after all,, i have never seen snow so it could be fun, i guess. Slowly, i pull on my jacket, boots and jeans getting ready for the cold. When i walk out side a gust of wind smashes against my once warm face, nipping at my nose. I close the door and walk away from the house in no paticular direction nor telling my father where i am going. The snow was so white and beautiful, i had never thought such a simple thing could be so amazing. My hands begin to turn blue and purple and my hair is being rustled by the wind every five seconds so i decide to go back inside. when i turn around terror freezes me to the ground. a girl in a long, black robe is sitting before me crying. Shes so pale and sick looking but i dare not approach her. I don't know what to do, run or stay still? Iclose my eyes for a breife second and when i open them two large 5 eyed beings are standing before me, swords in hand and calm expression across their gargoil like faces. I try to scream but nothing comes out except the pattern of my breathe in the freezing air. The two beings point to the girl and a name pops into my head


MK, my mothers two first names, Mary KAte. That girl is my mother. It takes me a minute to comprehend this but while i do, they all disappear. I run back to my house after looking around for a few minutes. Bolting up the stairs i nearly fall twice, Not caring much for anything else. I just saw my mother, i just saw my mother...oh my god. After a moment i start to see this as a good thing, angels showed themselves to me. Angels, it has to be. i smile as a warm feeling sweeps over my body.

Hello mother.




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