Organised sin


A story of an unfailthful man, revenge ridden wife and a man born to slay.


The street lights glow in the night, making the street bright with only few hints of gloom. I have been croutching in this hallway for over an hour now, my patients wearing thin. earlier i broke into this house and left my bag by the door, the only reason for this is i am not done with  my job. I await my victem or client as some say, his name is John carter, he's a local buisness man for this town and the next. a seemingly good man. No matter how good he seemed, many people can act good but really are evil. John had an affair with one of his co-workers and may have thought he would get away with it, he was mistaken. The clues were oh so clear and his wife simply could not ignore the rage boiling within her heart. John approaches the front door with ease and only a few graceful steps before drawing his keys from his pocket. I crouch and walk slowly closer to the man at hius doorstep, the place he will take his final breath. The door swings open at a fast pace and as it does i spring up, grab the wall and swing myself towards the man, gripping him around the throat and turning backwards then walking us both  into the dark,eerie house. John struggles with everything he has but its not enough for for my amazing strenghth. I tie John down on a chair an pull a heated blade from the fire place and cut into Johns arm, he screams. Quickly, i walk back to the door and grab the bag i left and retreive some rock salt and razo wire. Afterv 10 minutes i have john wrapped in razor wire and begin to pour salt into his wounds causing him to yelp. I feel no mercy for this man due to the fact that he betrade his wife and young daughter. He screams more but as he does a door opens.

"daddy?" i hear a quiet voice say, sleepily. Its Johns daughter, Sara.

"Go back to bed sweety" i say equally quiet.

"ok" she says, turning away and exiting the scene.

"don't you dare touch my daughter!!" John screams at the top of his lungs

" im not here for her im here for you"

With that said i stab John 37 times in the chest and pack my things and head towards the door.

"thank you" says johns wife, smiling

"anytime" i say back, walking out the door.

This was my life and i was happy, my life of organized crime is far from over i can tell. I dont care if i get caught im going to live for the moment and keep on smiling.


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skydelimits #1
Nice update it piece yo