A day with Luhan, terrible

Fake or Real?



The days had been pretty the same to me. Still pretending to be the so-not-me person that is being Luhan’s slave and acting like we’re soul mates and everything. Each time he wanted to hold my hand I pushed him away. I can't help but not to like it. It's annoying and I would probably already cut his filthy hands if it's legal.

The play is still under progress and I don’t know what play I’m talking about and all I know is I get to play piano for the background. The upcoming play is just for practising and it’s not really an official play. The toad teacher is also forcing me to act because I have ‘the’ talent and that statement is making me laugh my off. I kind of like the compliment to be honest.

We have some classes for acting near the theatre and I’m with some other groups for the play, including the crossed-dress guy sitting beside me and secretly glancing and it’s that obvious making me want to slap his face.

Luhan will be the main actually and his partner will be his own girlfriend and I’m totally doomed if my mom’s spy caught him having an affair with another girl. Well, relax Seo Joohyun. It’s too early for a drama. Jongin suddenly approaches me and sit at the empty seat beside me, intruding my own world.

I glance at him. What the heck is this guy wants from me? Actually, we’ve been ‘friends’ with each other since the start of the group. Well, firstly, of course I have to get close with my teammates right? So that we wouldn’t be awkward, I think? I actually didn’t have the intentions to be friendly with him but what can I do? Yoona and Yul will definitely beat me up if I’m being such a in front of him.

  “How is it going with you and Luhan?” he asks. Wait, how the hell did he know about this? Oh, I think that Yoong and Yul need a punch from me. I stare at him, thinking about his question that makes me lost for words. After 10 seconds thinking about it, all I can get is, “hard.”

He’s actually have the features of my ideal type but his skin bothers me. He would probably calls me a racist and feel offended. So as a conclusion, I shouldn’t be a trustworthy to him. He’s nicer than I thought. And he’s not cocky like that Lulu girl. I look at Luhan in annoyed.

  “Can you stop staring at me Luhan-sshi?” I said as ladylike as possible. Mom, you would be proud. He smiles and tuck my strand of hair (I don’t know how to explain it) behind my ears. “You’re too impossible to be noticed,” he said. There he goes again. That Song Jaerim kind of words.

The tall teacher comes to us suddenly. “You guys are going to be partners for this play,” he appointed. To me and, Luhan. Ok, what just happened? Guys, , what the heck is this. “No, I’m not going to pair with this girl-looking guy and I thought that I’m supposed to play the piano,” I protested.

“Don’t worry, there’s another kid that will take your place,” he answered. “No.”

“Why? It’ll be fun,” Luhan interrupts. This moment would probably be the worst moment ever. “Hell no,” I whispered to him so that the toad teacher can’t hit me. He puts his arm around my shoulder. “Oh come on, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend aren’t we?” he said, trying to persuade me to fall for his trap, Satan.

He’s right, it will be easier for me and my mom will trust me more. I give him a look. He looks at me with those puppy eyes look. I bet for million dollars to prove he’s a girl. “Ok.”

  “We wouldn’t have any intimate scenes right?” I ask the teacher. “You’re too young to have any intimate skin ships,” the teacher replied. Tsk. You’re too ugly to be a teacher. Ok just kidding.

 “Seems like you want to do something special with me,” Luhan interrupts with that sly smile and leans closer to me. I push his face away and drag Jongin away to practise so that he can’t flirt with me. I just hope that my mom will believes me faster so that I can live peacefully without being with that 24/7.


Author’s time~

Seohyun takes a sit along with a sigh as soon as she finished practising her scenes. While waiting for the others to finish their scenes, she puts her earphones and listens to Mozart. Rather than listening to her friends talking or using that Romeo and Juliet kind of language, she rather listens to a retarded monkey. She feels the melody of the piano and hum along.

Unfortunately for her, that peaceful feeling doesn’t last long. Luhan suddenly appears out of nowhere and pulls her earphones and gives her that naïve kind of smile.

  “You little piece of what the heck do you want?” she can’t help but cursed, still trying to control her face. Her mom said to control her face and anger so that she wouldn’t wrinkles quickly. Some of her mom’s advices are useful.

Luhan gives a laughter instead of answering her question. He sits beside her and put his arms around her shoulder like always. “You’re truly my girlfriend,” he said and her head, making her hair messy. “Seriously, what do you want?” she asked in a steady voice, trying to remind herself to be a ladylike so that her mom will stop her bickering. “I have a wish.”

Seohyun rolls her eyes. “You know that I’m not a ing genie right?” she exclaimed and play with her phone. “I’m going to play football this afternoon, at the campus’ field and you know that you have to be my cheerleader right?”

Seohyun looks at him, speechless. She stares at him with those freaky eyes and looks away. “I don’t remember anything.” Luhan laughs in disbelief and folds his arms. “I’m going to kiss you if you don’t go,” he threats. “I’ll go!”

Luhan laughs beautifully and pats her head. “That’s my princess.” She gives him a dirty look in return. “Luhan, I hope you can die faster so that you can go to hell,” she exclaimed and immediately go to her acting tutorial before the guy could say a word.

“You too princess!”


Seohyun walks out from her last class and put her hands up in the air, that feeling of freedom when your classes finished.

  “You! With the fat ! Come here!” Someone shouts out loud far behind her. She turns around and all she knows that her dream of eating her sweet potatoes with peace are shortly broken, seeing his ‘boyfriend’ waving at her with that fake smile formed on his lips. ‘, the devil’s here,’ she cursed. She looks straight and walks in a faster pace to the campus’ gate.

  “Yah, yah, yah! Why are you running away?!” Luhan shouts and start to chase as that’s the only option to force her to be his private cheerleader. Seohyun walks even faster and unfortunately for her, she can’t defeat the almighty Luhan. He grabs her arm and shove her around, facing him.

“It’s a deal princess,” he said, starting to look a little bit manly in her eyes.

  “Fine, buy me potato snacks first,” she said and fold her arms, chins up, turning into the cool Seohyun. He replies with a soft chuckle and her hair, making it completely a mess. “Ok princess, you need to eat a lot just in case you fainted in the middle of the cheerleading.” Seohyun just replies him by rolling her eyes. “I hate you.”


Yoona walks alone on the way to her house after finished her classes without Yuri because of her packed photo shoot schedules.

She tightens her grip on her cute pink Longchamp handbag. She feels so lonely without her Seocool and Yul. She is not really friendly so she doesn’t have friends that much except for the two and Jongin.

She looks down on the road and takes a deep breath. She looks beside her, Jongin’s house. She looks at the window and saw Jongin laughs at the TV in front of him. Her sulky face instantly changed as she saw her perfect prince smiles. She pulls out her phones and captures his picture like a stalker and lucky for her, he looks at her way.

She immediately waves enthusiastically as she can with a bright smile while the guy just reply with a shaking head. He disappeared and open the door and stare straight at her in the eyes. Yoona can’t help but blushes at his y arrogant face, that’s what she thoughts (not me, probably a little).

  “What are you doing this afternoon?” he asked, making the girl feels hyper. “Nothing, if you want to ask me if I want to go to somewhere I don’t know the answer is yes,” she said enthusiastically. He just stares at her without a reply. “You sure are my stalker.”

She just nods and push him to get inside without asking his permission. Well, that’s what friends do. “So, where are we going?” she asked while looking around, interested in each creatures inside his house. “Soccer field,” he answered plainly and set his place in front of the TV.

She replies with a nod and sit beside him with a sly smile plastered on her face. “Are you interested in me now?” she asked without a little bit of shyness. He glances at her and focus back on the TV. “Do you want me to kick you out from my house?”


Seohyun eats her potato ice cream with feels except that she doesn’t shows that kind of face to Luhan. Luhan observes her quietly and chuckles at her dorkiness. She tries to cover her expression but she can’t because potato makes her happy, probably more than happy.

“Come on, I have a surprise for you,” he said, as the time has comes. Seohyun sits at her place with her potato in both hands and doesn’t moves an inch. “I’m pretty sure I will not feel amused by your surprise,” she said and takes a bite on her sweet potato.

Luhan sighs and takes a glance on his watch. Without any mercy, he grabs her wrist and forcefully drags her making all the attentions avert to them. Seohyun just follows him without resisting as she already immersed in her potato land.


“Wear this.” He shows off a panda mascot costume in front of her face with a bright smile.

  “Where the hell did you get this?” she asked with a furious look. “Sehun hyung let me borrow this. I get this from the theatre’s wardrobe,” he answered, still with his bright smile.

Seohyun stares at the mascot and avert her attention to the devil and slowly clenching her fists. “Thanks dickhead,” she said sincerely as possible and grabs the panda mascot with a smile even though she wants to kick his so bad.

  “Chants my name as loud as possible princess!” he shouts as the girl already walks far from him. Seohyun happily turns around and gives a not-so appropriate finger as a hint of happiness overload. “I appreciate that Seohyun!”


Seohyun’s time~

Now I know why he treats me for a meal. I hope I can hit him with a baseball bat and that’s all I can say. Wow, this world is full of cruelty and I thought that I’m the one who’s being a right now but it turns out that Luhan girl is being ier (?) than me.

Luhan, I will remember this day.

I put on the costume even though I hardly don’t want to. This costume makes me fat and thank you Luhan. I walk out from the dressing room with my head low down. Some humans give me ‘that’ kind of look on my way to the field and I’m so going to kick his .


  “Princess, you’re such a cutesy,” he said while opening his arms wide, trying to hug me. I push his face and stare at him in disgust. He wears his jersey and I wonder if he has a or not, that place looks uneven to me, like there’s no bum.

  “Yah, where are you staring at?” he asked and cover his peanuts, lol just kidding. “Make sure you cheer for me, I’m looking at you princess,” he said and run to the field after dealing with the flat matter.

The game finally starts and here I am, dancing like a as I was told to. I need to be a good kid or else he could tell my mom and that is so not cool. My eyes are plastered to him during the game and all I know is he keeps winking and waving at me even though he doesn’t even score a ing goal.

I finally realized that Jongin is also in the game after the first round of the game finished and I’m sorry for that. Luhan would probably kill me if I’m not looking at him. I observe him as he sits at a bench for a 15 minutes break. Panting like a dog.

I walk to him and gives him a water bottle, I’m trying to be nice ok? He gives me a cheeky smile and take it and pull off my panda head. My hair is completely a mess and I look I just got a beat up from my mom, almost. My face looks ugly too but I know that I’m still a beauty anyway. Hahaha.

 He my head and grins. “You look fatter than I thought,” I’m wrong to think that he’s a ing angel for one second.

“Are you ing kidding me Luhan?” I said, not giving a about a stranger beside me who’s giving me a freak look.

He just laughs his off, making his other teammates look at us. “I’m just kidding princess. You look cute. A cute elephant,” he said and throws a big laughter for the second time. I look at him and walk away, trying to get some fresh air.

“You’re the panda?” Jongin asked, coming out of nowhere. I just nod and rub my forehead to lessen my amount of stress that is roaming inside my mind. “I’m sorry to say this but I just thought that the panda is kind of crazy,” he said, making my temperature increasing.

“Thank you for the compliment Jongin-sshi,” I thanked him, trying to hide the tone of sarcasm. He chuckles and hands me a water bottle. “I came with Yoona,” he said. I glance at him and take a sip of my water.

  “You’re not saying you like her, right?” I asked, out of curiosity. I’m still a girl anyway. “Are you kidding me? Of course not! She’s only a friend,” he protests. I give him a suspicious look. “Friend zoned situation detected.”

I force myself to get back to my ‘dance’ place as the second game is about to start. I tie my hair gorgeously so it wouldn’t be like I just woke from sleep after the game ends. When I were about to put on my panda head, someone taps my shoulder. I turn back and oh my god.

It’s Luhan’s girlfriend.

She gives me that furious look with her arms folded. “Are you flirting with my Luhan?” she asked coldly. Very well, her Luhan. What a good girlfriend he has. My eyes start to roam somewhere else, looking for a safe answer. Luhan saw me and her Tiffany but he just smirks and walks away, not really helping.

  “No, of course I’m not flirting with him. He just asked me out for a drink last night so we gotten close with each other. He never tells me that he has a girlfriend,” I said, getting my revenge on him after what he did.

  “He never tells you that he has a girlfriend?!” she repeated with a loud voice, shouting to be exact. I just nod slightly as a reply. She walks away from me and walks to somewhere. She must be like seriously mad because I think I just saw flames around her. She stomps and stomps looking for her victim and finally detects him.

I don’t think I should watch it. I put my panda head on and laugh out loud after I heard Tiffany’s shrieking.

Luhan keeps glaring at me during the last round of the game. He shoots many goals to my surprise, just kidding I’m not really surprise by that. I just think that the goalkeeper of the opposite team is scared of him. He makes that devil face when he shoots the ball, probably mad at me. I’m not really sorry for that though.



The final game ended and I don’t care about who won (it’s Luhan obviously) because I’m so going throw this costume and burn it. I pull out my panda head and my hair becomes messy again. I’m so going to call an agent to beat him out. That Luhan guy but I probably shouldn’t. I can’t help but chuckle at the tense fight between him and Tiffany a while ago. It’s a masterpiece if you ask me.

I thought that Tiffany will slaps him or something, but, she’s nicer than I thought. I walk out from the dressing room after I finished changing my outfits and finally, my encounter with Luhan.

He glares at me with those flaming eyes. Ok, this is funny. “How could you,” he said with a tense voice. He looks like he wants to cry. Ok now I feel sorry for him. Maybe I was a little too overboard. I walk to him and sigh. “I’m sorry,” I hardly said it. “Do you know how I feel at that time?” he said, making me feels really guilty.

“Ok, I’m really, really sorry. I did that because you didn’t want to help me at that time so I just did a little revenge. I don’t know that I was being overboard. It’s kind of fun though, don’t you think?” I said and uh-oh, I probably shouldn’t said that.

“Let’s go get a drink,” he said after his face looks much better, more girl-looking as usual. “You can drink right?” he asked. “Sort of,” I said, I’m such a great liar.


A bottle of soju is right in front of my eyes. I can’t really drink actually but I’m trying to be nice after my cruel revenge on him so I just agreed. Luhan pours the soju into a smaller glass. I gulp, for some reason. I grab it and stare at the glass. My hand is slightly shaking but Luhan didn’t notice it because he already drank it and it’s one shot.

“You’re not underage right?” he asked. I give him are-you-kidding-me look.

  “I’m 20,” I state it clearly. “It’s quiet early for you drink though,” he said, making me lost my temper.

  “You’re 21 Luhan-sshi,” I protests and stare back at the drink. “When the heck are you going to drink that?” he said, making me want to splash it on his face. I gulp it down one shot and taste the alcohol. Ugh, it tastes bad.

Luhan pours for the second time and gulp it down without hesitating. I think I lost my consciousness already as it’s already my sixth glass. Luhan looks at me and shakes my shoulder and just stare at him. “You’re drunk.”

I push him away and grab another glass. “I’m not drunk,” I said. I feel so sleepy and my world suddenly becomes dark. “Yah, Seo Joohyun!”


I open my eyes and all I know is I’m in a police station.








Yo! is it ok? the ending is like wth though. I'm sory for not updating like a month.. i'm too lazy because i have school works and such and i just finished my school, yeay~ i will try to update frequently from now! i cant really promise that actually.. but still..

pls comment!!!


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I corrected the age n all so mind if u check it again?


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Fresh_Danishes #1
Chapter 14: Dear author , i've been missing your curse in the story . I miss the way you used , Sh*t , D*ck , *ssh*les .. In the future i hope you would make all the character cursing these explicit words . You should make the next chapter full of these words or more , if possible .. HahahahahahahahahahahahhAhaha
I love your story a lot! Especially when they curse . I can't stop laughing when i read your story.
watchamasoshi #2
Either Sehun or Kris is my guess for the blondie. Hahaha never saw that coming!
Yuri-Kai-Yoona are funny hahahaha
MedinaJoy #3
Chapter 13: Hahaha i thought the blondie was Sehun.
Chapter 12: hey, I wanna know who's the new guy... Ahh, new reader here hehehe ^^, pls update soon, I'm so in love with this couple <3
anazirahs6729 #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for updating! I wonder who is the new guy? It is Kris?