Go Go Sing!

Fake or Real?



"YOU WANT ME TO GO ON A VACATION WITH LUHAN?" Seohyun repeated her mom's words. 

"Yes, you're going to Jeju Island tomorrow. You can invite your friends if you want to." Her mom said with a ferocious smile at the end. 

"What's the purpose of all this again?" Seohyun asked with a shaky voice after massaging her temple.

"Well lately," her mom said slowly, fiddling with her own fingers. "My friends keep talking about how cute their grandchild was and I was thinking maybe - "


"You're the one who refused the marriage and since you have Luhan, you should use him wisely." Her mom said as she gracefully sipped on her mint tea. 

Seohyun snorted in disbelief. How can she just do things in a blink of an eye without any agreements? If this is one of the factor that her dad is distancing himself from mom then she's going to accept it. And use Luhan wisely? Is she saying that she should do something with him to make babies? 

"If you don't want to think as if you're in a honeymoon with him then, think of this vacation as my present for your hard work. Trust your mom, you're not going to regret it." Mrs. Seo assured along with a wink. 


Seohyun wiggled in her blanket as she pulled it closer to her body. As her eyes slowly shutting themselves Yoona and Yuri suddenly broke in to her room, jumping on her bed like retarded monkeys who are dying for bananas. 

"CAN YOU GUYS STOP TING IN MY ROOM?!" Seohyun yelled but as usual, they didn't even budge or took notice.

"We're going to Jeju Island!" Yoona cheered hysterically as she high-fived Yuri like crazy. 
Seohyun sighed as she slowly slumped herself in to the blanket. It's pointless for her to ask them on how they knew about the vacation when they're probably the most professional investigators ever. This is definitely one of the reason Seohyun rarely talked to them. They just know too much.

"Yah, do you guys want to do something fun?" Seohyun abruptly asked the two who are still jumping. 

"What is more fun than stalking our Jongin?" Yoona asked as Yuri approvingly nodded, eager to hear out the answer. 

"It's called sleeping. It's like this. Get your off of my bed and go home. The one who sleeps first wins. Easy right?"
Yoona and Yuri stared at her. Bad jokes. 

"I'll tell you what. I pack you a starter pack to get ready for the night with Luhan. Although I didn't have any experience in this, I'm good." Yoona slyly said with a dirty smile as she sneakily opened Seohyun's wardrobe. 

"Don't you have a really y lingerie? Or fishnets maybe or at least a red lace bra?" Yuri asked as she started to explore her types of underwear in order to be prepared for the night.



The next day...

"Everything looks like hell to me." Seohyun bitterly muttered as soon as she got out from the private van-like bus that her mom specially booked. 

"That's why you're here." Luhan responded, inhaling the fresh air and looking at the serene beach in front of them.

Seohyun rolled her eyes and clicked on her heels towards the boardinghouse that was a few meters walk. The others obediently followed Seohyun's footsteps in amazement. The place was quite isolated and all they can see is one big house and a wide, beautiful beach. The sideway was planted with flowers and the word beautiful can't describe the serene surroundings.

The boardinghouse is a two-story house and it's mostly built with high quality woods and were painted in a soft white paint. They couldn't shut their hanging mouth when they stepped inside because they can already see the beautiful beach scenery through the big sliding doors. The interiors are modern-themed and all of them are in white and sky blue color. Simply saying, it looked perfectly luxurious and big enough for 7 people.

"I can't still get off the fact that you invited Lay." Luhan muttered to Seohyun as soon as they got in. 

"And I still can't get off the fact that you brought Tiffany with you." Seohyun murmured, glancing at Tiffany who already immersing herself in checking out the house. 

"Seohyun, can you just admit that you're jealous?" Luhan teased as he slung over her shoulder, leaning in to her face. 

"No. I will never feel jealous of an like you. Now go away from my sight!" Seohyun viciously pushed his head aside and hurriedly walked to the stairs. 

The second floor wasn't as spacious as the first one. There were only three rooms with one room being the mini library and also a small living room in the middle with another large TV. The ceiling was quite low and to be specific, there were only 5 beds in total. 

"How are we going to divide this?" Yuri asked Yoona. 

"Let's put our bags first and we will decide the order tonight." Yoona said and they randomly chose the room with three beds. 


After putting his things on the second room, Luhan looked out on the semicircle, large window through the two-bed room that showed him the best angle of the beach. He can see Jongin being chased by Yoona and Yuri from afar whilst Tiffany was with her phone taking her pictures with the beach, as usual. Luhan once wondered how many pictures did she took for one day because each time they went for a date, she always taking pictures. 

Luhan then fixed his gaze on Seohyun shoving Yoona and Yuri brutally in to the sea. Luhan quietly chuckled at the sight.  As beautiful as ever. Now that he looked at her, he suddenly memorized the time when he was on his way to the restaurant after Tiffany went away for her musical. He was walking gleefully until he saw Lay holding Seohyun's hand on the side of the road. He wanted to ask why but maybe he shouldn't. Or maybe he should. Thinking it again made him feel like the third wheel in some way.

"Oppa, can you please show me your y wave?" Yoona begged. 

"No. And I'm going to find Luhan." Jongin quickly excused himself after enjoying the view, leaving the two in despair at the same time.

"Why did you two even like him? Don't you think he's a bit dark?" Tiffany said to Yoona and Yuri. 

Seohyun nodded at Tiffany's true fact although they acknowledged themselves as being slightly racist. 

"Don't you dare talk about him like that." Yuri sternly defended. Yoona nodded with a scrunched up, cute face. 

"Dark complexion means y and you have to know that. When he smiles, he's probably the most charming guy in the world and when he dance, oh my god can you just see how y he is?" Yoona said passionately, reminiscing the first time she watched his wave. Yuri rapidly nodded. 

"What if he got himself a girlfriend?" Tiffany asked again as Seohyun nodded. Seohyun was so curious about it too but then she was too scared to say anything. 

Yuri and Yoona exchanged glances and concluded with a shrug. Of course they never think any further than that. 


Seohyun in the other hand who has this sudden fed-up feeling with everything went to her room and dozed off for the next 4 hours. When she woke up, it was already 5 in the afternoon. She checked the living room and everyone was asleep with the TV still running. Seohyun took her footsteps carefully and walked towards the kitchen. The dinner table was filled with unidentifiable leftovers and some of them were badly burned. 

"Just what the hell did they do to this kitchen?" Seohyun mumbled to herself. 

Seohyun brought herself to the mini library and to her surprise she saw an unfamiliar silhouette behind the door. She carefully tiptoed and it was only Lay, flipping through the pages of a mysterious book. 

"Are you perhaps, reading a fiction Lay-sshi?" Seohyun intruded making Lay jumped on his seat. Lay quickly hid the book behind his back, throwing an innocent face. "No."

"Give me that ." Seohyun demanded but Lay stubbornly shook his head, tightly gripping on to the book. 

Seohyun simply yanked his hair and grabbed the book. She expected something like Fifty Shades of Grey but it was only a Korean dictionary. Seohyun threw the book square on his face in disappointment. 

"You're indeed a boring guy. If Luhan is a book-worm I bet he had a lot of fictions in his room." Seohyun murmured, checking on the books. 

"You're really cruel." Lay remarked, sneakily glancing on the dictionary with a slight Chinese slang. 

Seohyun was about to curse when Jongin shouted. 




"What's with the group gathering?" Luhan asked as they were finally gathered in the living room. Jongin ignored Luhan's question and analyzed each of their face like a president of a club always do. It's kind of annoying when he do that. 

Jongin put a couple of crumpled, small papers on the coffee table. "This is going to decide who's going to buy the dinner and who's going to cook them. I made more than 7 papers and there could possibly be only one cook among us and the others are in charge of buying the ingredients. No cheating and picking starts now." Jongin explained but they all took seconds to understand before half-heartedly picking one. 

"I got buying!" Tiffany exclaimed, hoping Luhan would be the same but unfortunately, he got cooking and he almost said damn-it to that.

"Don't you have resting as an option?" Seohyun mumbled as she opened it. 


"God I hate my life."

Yoona and Yuri waited for Jongin to open his. 

"What's yours?" Yoona asked. 

"I got buying." Jongin answered as the two quickly opened theirs and to their disappointment they both got cooking. 

"Life is so unfair." Yuri cried. 


Seohyun, Jongin, Tiffany and Lay went for the nearest grocery store using the same bus they ride a while ago. The store was at least 4 kilometers away from the boardinghouse and Seohyun seriously can't bared the silence that are roaming around them any longer. Jongin is still holding Tiffany's mirror for a few minutes now and Lay is not moving on from his dictionary.

Luhan must be sleeping by now. Lucky him. Seohyun thought. 

When they reached, Lay stopped outside of the store, looking up to the board as he read the words out loud. 

Seohyun pulled Lay inside. "You can learn it next time." 


"What are we having tonight?" Tiffany asked Jongin as they pushed the trolley together. 

"Barbecue. We need onions, peppers, beefs, barbecue sauce, perhaps sticks, olive oil - "

"Okay, okay I got it. I'm not stupid." Tiffany cut him in annoyance for being bossy as she walked to the ingredients section, leaving him stunted.


"Lay. We're having a barbecue not some kind 4 year-old girl birthday party." Seohyun reminded Lay for the second time after he dumped some lollipops and lots of Hershey's milk chocolates and random balloons. 
Seohyun took out everything Lay took but Lay quickly stopped her when it comes to the chocolates. 

"I seriously need Hershey's." Lay insisted, pulling the chocolates harder. 

"No." Seohyun determinedly resisted. 

"Please. I never eat any chocolates since I'd arrived here." Lay said melodramatically. 


"I'm begging you."

"Fine. Take your ing chocolates." 


"We're back!" Tiffany shouted as they heard quick footsteps coming from the stairs. 

"Oppa! Are you hurt? Did you fell on the road? Did someone d you in the chest perhaps?" Yuri bombarded Jongin with questions as Yoona worriedly scanned him around. 

"Yah Luhan, take this pork and grill them." Jongin shoved the two away and handed the plastic bag to Luhan who had his eyes on Seohyun. His eyes were literally on fire after seeing her having a moment with Lay. It should be him. 


They all lingered around the wide deck outside of the house. Luhan silently grilled the beefs and veggies as he glanced at Seohyun and Lay from time to time. He can feel himself burning with jealousy but there's seriously nothing he can do other than grilling the beefs. 

Without him realizing, Seohyun stood beside him. "Yah you're going to burn all the ing beefs!" Seohyun scolded and slapped his arm. Seohyun was expecting maybe a hit but Luhan continued on grilling as if she was not there. Seohyun then snatched the tongs from him. "Let me teach you how to be normal."

Seohyun professionally flipped the beefs and they cooked well somehow but Luhan suddenly walked away. 

"Yah where are you going?!" 



"Please don't tell me it's another filthy game of yours." Seohyun said after filling themselves with delicious beef wraps. 

"As you all can see there're a lot of dishes in the sink and I hereby declare a game called 'you got it, you do it'." Jongin proudly said as he showed them the animal-pictured cards. 

"There're exactly two cards of the animal panda and the one who picked them are destined to wash the dishes." Jongin cleanly explained. "And since we only have 5 beds, two of the destined ones are going to sleep together in the living room upstairs." 

"Okay whatever let's get this over and have a peaceful sleep." Seohyun fasten the process. 

Jongin scattered the cards in the middle and they started to pick them randomly. 

"Luhan got the panda!" Yoona exclaimed, appointing towards the card Luhan's holding. 

Seohyun laughed out loud. "You deserved it bish." 

"Yah Seohyun you got the panda too." Yuri told. 



Seohyun and Luhan quietly washed the dishes and they'd been doing that for 10 minutes but none of them are talking. All they can hear is the water running and crickets cricketing. As soon as they've finished, the two went upstairs only to find out that the blankets were already set in the middle along with pillows typically for them. 

Seohyun tried on the doors but all of them were locked. 

"I'm so going to kick their tomorrow." Seohyun muttered as she sat down on the mattress placed next to Luhan. 

Seohyun glanced over at Luhan. He's still with his phone and he's not uttering even one word to her. Is he sick or something? Seohyun wondered. He didn't looked like him. Seohyun shot Luhan another look before laying down on her thick mattress, facing the other direction. 

"Yah. What's wrong with you?" Seohyun finally asked, sitting up. 

Luhan stared at her with a serious face as he slowly leaning in to her face, pushing down her body until his chest almost reached hers. 

"Yah, wh-what are you doing?" 

"Seo. Joo. Hyun." Luhan ily uttered as he by biting his lip. 

Seohyun gulped. 

"Do you like Lay?" 

"Why would I like him?"

Luhan smiled as he let her go. "Oh nothing." 

Seohyun stared at Luhan before realizing what he just did to her. "YAH YOU DO THAT AGAIN I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR CROTCH."

"Oh Seohyun, just admit that you're enjoying my iness." 

"One more word, I'm burning your ." 






The title seriously had nothing to do with this chapter. Im sorry for another late update.. I'll try to update faster. yeah you probably heard that a lot. i want to make them kiss actually but maybe nope. it's hard for me to do s.... 



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I corrected the age n all so mind if u check it again?


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Fresh_Danishes #1
Chapter 14: Dear author , i've been missing your curse in the story . I miss the way you used , Sh*t , D*ck , *ssh*les .. In the future i hope you would make all the character cursing these explicit words . You should make the next chapter full of these words or more , if possible .. HahahahahahahahahahahahhAhaha
I love your story a lot! Especially when they curse . I can't stop laughing when i read your story.
watchamasoshi #2
Either Sehun or Kris is my guess for the blondie. Hahaha never saw that coming!
Yuri-Kai-Yoona are funny hahahaha
MedinaJoy #3
Chapter 13: Hahaha i thought the blondie was Sehun.
Chapter 12: hey, I wanna know who's the new guy... Ahh, new reader here hehehe ^^, pls update soon, I'm so in love with this couple <3
anazirahs6729 #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for updating! I wonder who is the new guy? It is Kris?