
Fake or Real?




The sun it lights through the window, slowly making Seohyun woke up. Seohyun cringed as the light continuously attacked her face. She took her time to rub her dumb eyes that won't even open before looking at the alarm clock on the bed table. Her mind was still insensible so she took it instead.


Seohyun immediately kicked off her blanket and rushed to the bathroom. She quickly pulled in whatever she can found in the wardrobe and ran to the kitchen only to snatch a banana from the basket, leaving the breakfast uneaten.

"Miss! What about breakfast?" The maid shouted from afar.

"Sorry! You can eat them if you want!" Seohyun hardly pushed the damn heavy door and sprinted off, trying to tie up her hair in to a ponytail but ended looking real ugly. She pushed the gate and was about to get ready for a marathon until her wrist was yanked.

She fell in to a warm, hard chest that was obviously Luhan's.

"Hey girlfriend." Luhan smiled, leaning in but Seohyun quickly shoved his head away from her eyesight, not falling for his charming smile. 

Seohyun retied her hair and clicked on her heels towards the opposite direction without even glancing at the guy. 

"You're not going to make it. Since I'm in a good mood how about you get in my car before I shoved you instead?" Luhan suggested. 

"Uh-huh. Make m — "


Luhan did the tactic he used last time; shoving her from the driver's seat and quickly locked the door like a pro and that seriously never got old. 

"You're going thank me later." And he drove at the highest speed.

"Geez slow down. How the hell am I supposed to thank you when I'm the one who's going to die?" Seohyun complained, leaning on her seat when Luhan almost hit an out-of-nowhere-grandma that looked plainly cool as if she knew Luhan going to pull the break anyway. 

"Are you high because I'm sure you are." Seohyun said but he just ignored it until they reached the campus compound.

There was a giant bus near the gate and there were some students who Seohyun assumed her colleagues in the theater deparment lining up to get in the bus. They all are going to watch a live musical at the theater hall, few minutes from the campus and the main purpose is to present on what they had learn from the musical and Seohyun took the opportunity to be more out-going. 

Well, thanks to Luhan's sister.

Seohyun quickly got out from the car, ignoring Luhan's wait-for-me shout. She can see them buzzing inside the bus but Yoona and Yuri were not outside. 

She fasten her pace until a hand stopped her. Long, skinny fingers blocking her sight. Ugh it's the Toad. 

"Why are you late?" He asked. Instead of strictly, you can say it was more like trying-hard-to-be-strictly way. 

"I overs — "

"Her cat died this morning." Luhan said, cupping . 

Mr. Kwangsoo shot him a look. "Why are you late?"

"She asked me to help her bury it." Luhan swiftly responded. 

Mr. Kwangsoo eyed the two. He looked as though he wanted to say something but then he has nothing to say. 

"Okay. Get in the bus."

She glared at Luhan as they walked towards the bus. "Why did you shut my mouth with your filthy hands?" she huffed.

"I overslept. You think he will accept that dumb excuse? Don't you remember that he said that he's going to make the late ones to sew the costumes?" He stopped for a moment. "Oh wait. Right. You're too smart to even listen." 

Last time when the teacher talked about the details she was asleep. She only knew that they're going to have a visit from Yuri. 

Seohyun took the empty seat right next to Yoona who was shooting her a kind of stupid, surprised look. 

"You're here." Yoona said as Seohyun took a seat beside her. She saw Yuri flirting with Jongin at the back seats but she decided to let it go. Yuri didn't even realized she was there, in front of her.

Yoona didn't expect her existence and who the heck expect her when a few days ago she kept saying that it was a waste of a time. 

"Yep. I'm trying to be a good person." Seohyun simply said, settling with her seat. 

Yoona eyed her. "Is this because of Luhan's sister?"

Seohyun gave her a disbelief look. "Did he seriously reported everything to you? What are you two exactly, CSI?" 

"Love experts. Gosh you don't even tell us about her!" Yoona exclaimed with furrowed eyebrows, slapping her arm really hard. 

Seohyun grunted, lightly her reddish arms. "I was too focus with my book afterwards and I forgot. You two only care about that black guy anyway." Seohyun tried hard not to make it in jealousy tone but she just can't. 

Someone suddenly tapped her shoulder from behind. 

"You're not referring to me right?" There he was. Jongin. 

God, she totally forgot that he was there. 

"Of course not! Yoona once had a black boyfriend so I kind of hate him. Ha, ha." Yoona turned to her with a smudgy smirk, giving the knowing look.

"Oh My God Tiffany, seriously stop trying to touch me!" Luhan yelled as he shoved her arms from futher touching but she just won't stop. 

They sat at the same row with Seohyun and she seriously wanted to kick them out of the bus. Can you just feel the irritation of being the literally-third-wheel person? 

The usual-ugly-looking-Mr-Kwangsoo was giving a brief session about warning them to not go outside unless he told them to but Seohyun was completely ignoring him; everyone was ignoring him. Sometimes she felt pitied about him being ignored but that was not her problem. Seriously, he has no fashion sense at all. Wearing a stripe red shirt with bright green skinny jeans with some kind of market-type of scarf. Seohyun bet he still doesn't have a girl nor first kiss. 

Seohyun was practically bored and she didn't had anything to do so she glanced over her shoulder instead, looking up to Luhan only to see him getting fed a sweet by Tiffany. She was supposed to curse or sleep or be annoyed but she didn't. Instead she felt a bit weird. Not good-weird. Definitely not a good one.



He got off from the bus as soon as it reached to the building. As it was said, it only took about 20 minutes but seriously, each second was like a hell for him. He was pulled by Tiffany and she had no other choice since the seat next to her was the only empty one. Or emptied.

First, she kept blabbering on how he didn't reply to her messages and calls. Second, she surely kept touching him, mostly thighs and that wasn't partially a good thing. Shouldn't it be illegal to molest? He thought. 

They all stepped in without waiting for the teacher. He awed in amazed. The building itself is art. There's a part of a wall where it was covered with red ceramic glass, stick in squares. He didn't exactly know if it was art or not because it was just confusing these days.

Mr. Kwangsoo shoved all of them inside the theater hall at the second floor. There were three floors altogether for the seater and one hall can rage about 800 people. 

Luhan hung his mouth open in awe. It was gigantic. Like a stadium or something. He can see the casts of the musical practicing their lines and parts on the wide stage but they seriously looked tiny. Even the little fat ones. You can barely see their faces. 
The teacher was explaining about how he decided to bring them 2 hours earlier just to see the casts practice but Luhan wasn't exactly listening and he knew, neither do Seohyun. His eyes were all on her, lovingly staring on how her hair fell down on her shoulder when she slumped her shoulder in her not-listening mode position. 
It was like watching some kind of shampoo advertisement. And he absolutely liked it. 
Mr. Kwangsoo then forced the freshmen to go to the backstage and thanked him Luhan finally got away from Tiffany. 
The seniors were seniors so Mr. Kwangsoo assumed that they already know everything plus the only reason they came was because their upcoming school play for seniors only. 
Luhan caught up with Seohyun before she could walk to the aisle. 
He stopped her by holding her wrist. 
"What the hell do you want?" Seohyun said with her usual grumpy mode. 
Luhan smiled. His smile wasn't intentionally. It just came out and with her sparkly eyes staring right to his eyes made his mind went blank. They weren't exactly sparkling but they were twinkling in his eyes. 
He stared at her for a moment. . What the heck is he supposed to say again?
"Let's go get some air." He pulled her away from the crowd and when Mr. Kwangsoo was just few feet from them, the hid behind the curtains. 
"Are we skipping class? If it's a yes I'm not going with you." Seohyun whispered as one of the cast walked away from them. 
"Oh come on, looking at people who you didn't know who the heck they are, is that fun?" 
"I'm trying to be more out-going." Seohyun responded, trying to use the tone as if she meant it. 
"Then, let's use the fun way." 
They reached at another building but it was smaller and kind of antique, she guessed. It was a few stones from the theater hall but since Luhan was so crazy, mad they reached the place in no time. 
"You...know..what..Luhan?" Seohyun said between her panting. 
"I hate you." 
Luhan chuckled as he tousled her hair, making her looked like a mad scientist. 
"Thanks. Hey, come here I'll show you around." Luhan slung over her shoulder but she immediately pushed it away. 
"What the hell is this place exactly?" She can't help but to ask. The place looked worn out and it gave her the feeling that someone died in there. And she was not even joking. 
Luhan rolled his eyes and pointed his finger towards a pile of instruments neatly hung inside a shop. 
"What can you see?" Luhan asked. Seohyun scrunched her eyebrows and looked at them. 
"Instruments? I guess?" Seohyun took a second look. "They looked like ." 
Luhan shot her an are-you-effing-kidding-me look before he took one of the old-looking guitar. "This is my favorite place. Although this place looked old but it's magical. Trust me." He said as he strummed the guitar and to her surprise the sound was like any other guitar except it was better and, magical. 
"Wow, I'm leaving." Seohyun walked away, not interested, leaving him all alone with the guitar and if you were about to ask on how he looked at the time, he looked like someone who just failed at everything. 
Luhan put it back and stopped her. "How can you just leave? Let's go to my favorite store." 
"No!" Seohyun swiftly swung her hands away from Luhan. 
"Okay!!! I'll follow you but seriously can you not hold my hand?" Seohyun after Luhan attempted 7 attempts to hold her hand. 
"Why? You don't like it?" 
Okay. What is she supposed to say? "Yeah. I-I hate it. Especially when you're the one who's holding." 
She's lying. 
Luhan wasn't trying to act cool or something because he did feel offended. Like something just stabbed him. Out of gazillions girls he dated she was the only one who said like that. He's so charming and kind and cute and perfect, so why?
They walked with silence cruising between them. Not awkward silence. God, they were tensed. Really. The atmosphere seemed tense. 
Now that Seohyun looked at the shops throughly she realized that the stores were totally fine only the building was like damned old. 
Luhan walked inside a shop with lots of instruments inside. Violins, keyboards, bass you name it. The interior was decorated in 80s style and it was definitely big to the point that Seohyun almost hang open. 
An old man with mustache suddenly appeared out of nowhere walking to Luhan and pulled him in to a friendly hug. 
Seohyun wanted to snort but she held it back. 
"Ahjusshi." Luhan smiled. 
"Where have you been? Last time I saw you were like a year ago." The old man asked, pulling the hug with a worried face. 
"I've been busy with schools and works." Luhan sadly said.
The old man nodded and averted his eyes on Seohyun. 
"This is Seohyun, my girlfriend." Luhan said, placing his hand on her shoulder. Seohyun awkwardly smiled as she bowed her head down. She really wanted to cringe but she held it back again. 
The old man smiled but he didn't say anything further. Luhan let himself absorbed in the instruments all over the place while Seohyun wandered around the piano corner. 
Most of the pianos weren't the modern, plastic ones, instead they were made of wood and looked old but not ugly. They looked like the one where people usually use for photoshoots.  
Seohyun looked around to see if Luhan wasn't looking and when she saw him strumming the guitar at the far back of the room, she sat in front of the wooden piano and started trying out the tunes. 
When she was about to pour out her feelings when she played the 'chopsticks' Luhan decided to ruin it by strumming the electric guitar annoyingly as though he wanted the whole world to hear him. 
Seohyun grunted and thumped the piano. 
"Yah Seohyun! Come here!" Luhan demanded from the guitar corner, motioning her to come with a hand gesture. 
Seohyun was sitting still on the seat, pretending to not hear as she continued playing the piano. She can hear a grunt from her place and then there was a silence. A suspicious silence that wasn't supposed to be a silence. 
She turned her head just in case...
Luhan was waving his phone at her and she clearly saw the name. 
Mrs. Seo.
Luhan let out an evil, wicked, -kind-of chuckle as Seohyun half-heartedly walked herself to him and heavily sat on the high stool next to him. 
"You're such a good girl." Luhan said as he tousled her hair again. 
Seohyun couldn't really state what she was feeling but she knew that she just needed to just throw him off from the 63-building. Like seriously. If only the building was near..
Luhan took one of the guitars that was hung and shot Seohyun a grin before he play it. 
Please don't see
Just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies 
Please see me 
Reaching out for someone I can see 
Take my hand,
Let's see where we wake up tomorrow 
Best laid plans,
Sometimes it's just one night stand 
I'll be damned
Cupid's demanding back his arrow
So let's get drunk on our tears and 
God, tell us the reason 
Youth is wasted on the young 
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning 
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
I thought I saw you out there crying 
I thought I heard you call my name
I thought I heard you out there crying oh, just the same, oh yeah
God, give us the reason, youth is wasted on the young 
It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run
Searching for meaning 
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark.
(This song is originally sung by Adam Levine but the link is a cover from BTS - Jungkook)
Seohyun didn't know what to do when Luhan looked up to her after finishing his song. They stared at each other for a second and she knew her heart skipped a beat. She just can hear it. 
"How was it?" Luhan awkwardly said after they broke the eye contact. 
"It-it was great." Seohyun unintentionally remarked. God, just what the hell she just said to her number one nemesis? 
Luhan shot her a look as though he heard her wrong. 
"It was great to the point it was god-damn terrible." Seohyun quickly added. Luhan stared at her and knew she was lying right away. Seohyun just can't look at him straight in the eyes and keeps looking at somewhere else.
Luhan busted in to a soft chuckle as Seohyun tried to hide her crimsoning cheeks behind her palms. 
He strummed the guitar. 
"I live here with my sister since I was 14. My mom died when I was 12 and my dad ran away with a woman who was 12 years younger and left us. My sister was 18 at the time and with the help of our aunt, she gave us money per month and my sister fly to Seoul for her scholarship and then we found this little haven." Luhan stopped for a moment as his lip slowly formed in to a smile, reminiscing his old days. 
Seohyun looked at him, secretly intrigued. 
"You see, my sister likes music and ahjusshi gave us to play his guitar every night and she always play it for me. She's really good at playing guitar. And I ended up liking music. I like musical. I like drama. Although it was just an act, I like to see when they poured out all their emotions and made the acting as if they were real." Luhan smiled. 
Seohyun stared at him and laughed. 
"You seriously are a retarded nerd." Seohyun said between her laughter. 
Luhan flushed in embarrassment and lightly punched her. Maybe he was too deep in telling his story. 
Seohyun can't stop laughing her off but it slowly stopped when Luhan locked his eyes on her with an unbearable, serious face. 
Luhan nonchalantly leaned in with his eyes fixed on her lip, slightly tilting his head. Bit by bit... 
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Now way. He's not going to-
Luhan immediately pulled away after realizing what he was doing. 
Seohyun was still in daze but after the third ring she finally picked up. 
"Yah! Where are you?!" Yoona on the other line hissed. 
Seohyun glanced at Luhan who was pretending to do something else. 
"I-I'm at the instruments centre." 
"Okay. Because I thought you were making out with Luhan. Are you two having a date right now? I don't think it's a good time though."
"No! I'm not having some relationship with that gay-looking guy plus we're not having a date." Seohyun sternly denied. 
"Hmm. Whatever. Just come back here before the teacher checks the attendance."
"Oh by the way. Jongin's dog is missing right now. I'm going to send the photo and if you found it, call me first." 
Seohyun rolled her eyes. 
"I'll try what I can do." 
Yoona hung up. 
Seohyun sighed. Okay now she has to deal with the guy again. Should she looked at him and say something? Or, maybe just storm out from the building? That would be better. 
She was about to turn to him until the phone rang again. 
It was Yuri this time. 
"Yah Joohyun!"
"Did you found his dog?" 
Seohyun hung up. She seriously has to commence an operation on how to kick Jongin out from their lives. 
She heaved a determined sigh. This time, she's going to look at Luhan and says something like "Let's go back." Or maybe "I pretended that didn't happen." Wait. Wouldn't that makes things more complicated?
Okay now she really hates the damned ringtone. 
"What dog are you talking about?"
She looked at the caller. 
엄마 (MOM)
Oh . 
"Oh nothing."
"Are you free right now?"
"Then can you come see me at the coffee shop?"
"Mom, I said no. I still have a class right now."
"Just say you're sick or something. It's urgent." 
Seohyun snorted. Can't believe she's the mom. 
Seohyun turned to Luhan only to see Luhan's already waiting outside. Hmm. That's a good move. 
"Was that your mom?" Luhan asked.  
"Yeah. She wanted to meet me." Seohyun said apathetically. 
"What about class?"
"You're going to be a kind guy and say I'm sick." 
Luhan chuckled. "Okay." 
Seohyun walked to the appointed address of the coffee shop that her mom sent. Lucky her, it was not that far from the instruments centre. 
Seohyun heaved the door open and searched for her mom. Her eyes wildly travel around the place until her mom waved a hand. 
She pulled out the seat and eyes her mom. Her mom indeed has a really good fashion sense. 
"So what's the urgent matter?" Seohyun asked. 
"You're not going to order for your latte?"
"Not in the mood for coffee."
Her mom sipped on her coffee and cleared . 
"Your dad and I are going to file a divorce." 











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I corrected the age n all so mind if u check it again?


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Fresh_Danishes #1
Chapter 14: Dear author , i've been missing your curse in the story . I miss the way you used , Sh*t , D*ck , *ssh*les .. In the future i hope you would make all the character cursing these explicit words . You should make the next chapter full of these words or more , if possible .. HahahahahahahahahahahahhAhaha
I love your story a lot! Especially when they curse . I can't stop laughing when i read your story.
watchamasoshi #2
Either Sehun or Kris is my guess for the blondie. Hahaha never saw that coming!
Yuri-Kai-Yoona are funny hahahaha
MedinaJoy #3
Chapter 13: Hahaha i thought the blondie was Sehun.
Chapter 12: hey, I wanna know who's the new guy... Ahh, new reader here hehehe ^^, pls update soon, I'm so in love with this couple <3
anazirahs6729 #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for updating! I wonder who is the new guy? It is Kris?