Dangerous Fate

"STAY AWAY FROM THE PRINCESS!" A tanned male jumped out suddenly as he took his place in front of Mihyun protectively. "Don't even think about kidnapping her from the shrine because we-" He suddenly got whacked on the head by another male who suddenly walked up to them. This male had wide eyes but still managed to look serious. 

"Kim Jongin. Stop embarrassing the Princess and yourself in front of the guest." The wide-eyed male stated with a look on his face as he knocked the sword right out of the tanned male's hand. The tanned male who seemed younger gapped at the older male but couldn't say anything because Mihyun had already pushed him gently to the side.

"Princess!" The tanned male otherwise known as Jongin made a face of distaste as he got pushed to the side.

"Stop it! He's not a kidnapper. Like Kyungsoo said, he's a guest. MY guest." Mihyun emphasized on the 'my' just to prove her point. "Sehun, this is Jongin, one of the shrine's guards," She gestured towards Jongin who was still pouting like a little kid. "and this is Kyungsoo. He's the shrine's guardian but he acts more like Jongin's guardian, to be honest." She introduced them to one another. "Kyungsoo, Jongin, this is Sehun." She kept the part where she found him a secret however as she figured they didn't need to know that she had ran out at night because they'd then behave like over-protective mothers.

Sehun who had an amused face on his face the whole entire time, merely nodded at the introductions while Jongin sulkily looked at Sehun.

"How did you even meet the princess?" Jongin asked but his question was ignored by Sehun who walked towards Mihyun.

"I was wounded..and stumbled into the garden. She found me and offered me a place. We ended up sleeping together." Kyungsoo gapped at the 'sleeping together' part while Mihyun face-palmed herself. 

"It's not what you guys were thinking. We slept in the same room, at DIFFERENT corners." She emphasized on the 'different' part as she realized how Jongin was now looking at her. "Don't misunderstand." She continued even though she knew stupid, ridiculous thoughts were already forming inside Jongin and Kyungsoo's minds. Shaking her head, she turned to Sehun. "I'm afraid the boys would have to show you around now. I have a ritual to attend to." Mihyun told Sehun who looked at her with sudden interest. 

"A ritual?! Can I watch?!" Mihyun shook her head in reply. 

"I'm afraid not, Sehun. It's a sacred ritual." She told him and noticed Sehun's disappointed look. "but I can tell you what it's for." Instantly, Sehun's face brightened up. "There's a sacred sword kept inside there." She pointed at the little house situated right in front of them. "And every full moon, I have to perform a special ritual to calm the sword down and make sure it stays there. Locked." She explained. "That's all I can tell you, unfortunately." He shook his head with a smile.

"That's alright...but is that why they've been calling you 'Princess' non-stop?" Sehun asked and she nodded. 

"Yes. You see, my soul is believed to be linked to the original Princess Yoori and it's because of that link that I must perform this ritual. It's also because of this link that I'm the shrine's main guardian and keeper." Mihyun told him and once again, he nodded in understanding. "Well, I should get going now. I'll be back shortly." Mihyun told them as soon as she noticed one of the shrine maidens waiting for her a few feet away. With that, she left with the shrine maiden, heading for the little house she had gestured to earlier.  Outside, there stood another male who then brought her inside the house. 

"So! Let's bring you to the kitchen. Boy am I starving." Jongin suggested only to have it ignored by Sehun who suddenly transformed into a wolf in front of them before sitting down, patiently waiting for Mihyun to come back. Kyungsoo and Jongin blinked in surprise but shrugged it off as they silently stood next to the said wolf.


Author's Note! 
The third chapter is here! Hopefully you guys enjoyed it! Also, once again, thank you for subscribing! It means the world to me. ^^


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