Chapter 6

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
The days went by,and everybody went on their own ways,and concentrated on their studies.Arron was more involve with in the Student Council and was eventually voted as the President of the Student Council.Hebe still trying to win Arron's attention,but somehow,she have not proven that their world can be the same.

Jiro remains in the top of his class.He seldom go out now.He would bumped into Rainie once in a while by chance.he usually would earned a smile or a greeting from her.he was just happy looking and loving her from a distance.

Genie still act like Danson,does not matter in her life.She does not care whether he exist or not.Danson still will come once in a while but not that frequent anymore.Danson have decided that he have shown her that he really cared for her,and that there is nothing that he can do anymore.He made up his mind that the next stop should come from her.

The results of the Prelims just came out,and Rainie was so anxious for she knew that she didn't do good on it.And upon handling the results of the exams,her feelings just proved right.She got a failing grade in four out of the five subjects.She feel like crying and was frantic,as she walked in the hallway.She was walking ,not looking as she bumped in to Jiro.

And just one look at her,and he just knew that something is wrong.

"Rainie,what is wrong?Did something happened?" Jiro asked.

"Oh I don't know what to do now.I am in big trouble now."Rainie said with a fear in her eyes.

"What is it?You look so upset?" Jiro asked.

"I am in deep now,I don't know what to do.My parents will kill me if they see my grades now." Rainie said more to herself than Jiro."I failed my exams.I won't be able to graduate.I don't know what to do." as she cried,and Jiro tried to calm her down,seeing her cry,just broke his heart as he let her cry on his shoulder.

"Rainie,it is only a prelim,you can still make it up." Jiro said.

"But I don't know,I studies and studied and still get a failing grade.I don't get it.How can I make up for it?"Rainie between sobs and tears."My parents will not accept this kind of grade."

"It can't be that bad?They will understand." Jiro said.

"You don't understand,my parents gave me an ultimatum already.If I don't pass and graduate,they are going to send me away to a boot camp or something.I know I am going to hate that.I don't want to leave home.I wanna be with my friends." Rainie said still crying with her head in Jiro's chest.

"Why don't you have somebody tutored you,to help you out with your studies.Somebody to help you with your grade." he said.

"Tutor,I never thought about that.But who will tutor me,and who will have the patience to teach me?" Rainie said.

Jiro was quiet for a while,and then a thought came to him.If he have to tutor her,then he will be able to see her and spend some time with her,one on one.But will she accept his offer?

"Alright,how about me doing it for you?" Jiro offered.

"Really,how come you are being so nice to me?" Rainie asked

"Hey what can I say.I am Mr Nice Guy.Did I tell you I always help all the damsels in distress,you included."Jiro said with a laugh.

He look so cute when he laughed,and how come she always bumped in to him whenever she is in trouble.She wondered whether there is some funny thing or a trick somewhere.But then the offer is too good to pass it up,her the dummy Rainie being tutored by the genius Jiro.

"Alright,but are you sure you want to tutor me?" Rainie asked in disbelief."I am not easy student and do you have the time to teach me?"

"Yes,I am sure and yes I'll have the patience to tutor you."Jiro said."So,we'll meet in the library after class,let say for an hour,if it's alright with you?"

"No not in the library.I don't want my friends to see me." Rainie said."Not inside the campus."

"Alright,how about in my house" Jiro said,as Rainie nodded."Here is my address and my phone number,just in case you changed your mind."

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow,I have to go,Hebe will be waiting for me." Raine said and she was gone....

Jiro was looking at her back with a smile on his face, as he got one of the biggest deal in his life.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)