Chapter 31

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
This story is almost coming to an end.Thanks for reading...

The next day,when Rainie was waking up Jared ,she noticed that something is not right.His face is flushed and he barely answer her when she called him.His body is hot as she run to check his temperature.He was burning up with fever.She quickly took off his clothes and was about to give him a sponge bath to cool his body when Jiro arrived.He quickly went upstair to the bedroom and saw Rainie with an alarmed look on his face.

"What happen Rainie?" Jiro asked."What is wrong with Jared?" as he look to his son who barely can say anything at that time.

"He have a fever,I woke him up and he feels too hot" Rainie said."I gave him medicine for fever already but he does not look too good" Rainie knew that there is something more than the fever.He was always a strong kid.Even with fever he is full of energy but now he is barely responsive.She is scared and the panic is written all over her face.

Suddenly Jared threw up, and he was retching as he threw up of whatever contents are left in his stomach from previous night.Jiro hold him as Rainie cleaned him up .Even with the medication and the bath the fever is not letting down.He was tossing and turning from the high fever.

Jiro called the pediatrician and told him what happen.The doctor told them that if the fever does not subside ,They are to bring Jared to the hospital.Noontime follows and his fever never abated.Jiro decided to bring Jared to the nearest hospital to get checked thoroughly.

They did blood works,X-rays on Jared .He had a test after test that brought tears on Jiro and Rainie.In the afternoon they got the results and Jared was diagnosed with meningitis.The next 24 hours will be the crucial time for him.Rainie cried as Jiro hug her when they deliver the news.The good thing was they brought Jared early enough to get the antibiotics he needed. Still they have to watch him for the next 1-2 days if he is responding to the medication.

Both Rainie and Jiro stayed in the hospital.Their differences was put aside for their child's welfare,They alternately hold Jared.Jiro watched Rainie as she tended to Jared.She is caring and patient,not bothering if she eats or sleep.Every call of Jared she will be there.She is good Mom ,Jiro thought.How can I be mean to her,she loves our son a lot.

His love for her swelled up, and he took it in and gulped in realization.

That night both of them did not sleep,they both kept vigil on their sick child.Jiro look so tired too without a sleep.
he attended to Jared as patiently as Rainie,Taking his temparature,giving the medicines and giving him a bath to cool his burning body ,jiro did all that without a qualms.

By morning the fever abated,and finally Jared was able to sleep.Rainie was holding him as they sleep in the bed.Jiro was on the chair with his head on the side of the bed and his hands on Rainie's hand.

Jiro was the first one to wake up.His neck and body is so stiff.He touched Jared's forehead and it was cool.There was an intravenous fluid on Jared's right arm as Jiro check on them.He walk and streched out.He went out and came back with 2 cups of coffee and a roll.

Rainie woke up and slowly ease down Jared on the bed.

"Good morning,I brought some coffee" Jiro said as he handed her a cup.Rainie took the cup.

"He does not have a fever now"Rainie said ."Does it mean he is going to be alright now?"

"yeah,but it is too soon .He still needs his medications." Jiro answered.Rainie cried in relief.Jiro went to her and embraced her.He dried her tears,and continue to hold her.How I miss holding her like this,Jiro thought.When Jared woke up he saw her parents in an embrace.

"Daddy,mommy I am hungry" Jared said.He did not eat yesterday and he threw up whatever he got in his stomach.He must be very hungry now.

Rainie went to him and embrace him."What do you want to eat?" Rainie asked.

"I want cereals and eggs" Jared answered."I am still too tired."

"Okay,cereals and eggs coming for my little boy" as Jiro gave him a kiss on the fore head."just lay down for now okay?"

After breakfast,they waited for the doctors to make rounds,to check the latest test on Jared.It is not until noon when the doctors came around and told them the good news.They will still a week of antibiotics though,but Jared is on the road to recovery.

"Do you want to go home to change and shower?"Jiro asked Rainie after the doctors made rounds.

"Why,do I look that bad?" Rainie asked suddenly conscious of her appearance.

"Nah,you still look great to me" Jiro said with a naughty smile."You still look like a hot mama to me".

Rainie smiled."You are such a smooth talker,yeah right I look like mess already"

"You are sure you gonna be alright now" Rainie said."I'll be back once I am decent enough." as she left.

Jiro look at her back outlining the curves of her body.Yes she is still a hot mama as he have a naughty grin plastered on his face.

Rainie was back after an hour looking fresh.She shower and have a change of clothes.She feels a lot better already.She was happy that Jiro has been nice to her throughout this ordeal.It is really much better when there is two of them to attend to is a lot easier than when she is in the States all alone.

"I brought some food" Rainie said to Jiro when she came back.

Jiro look at her with a stare.She look like she just came out of a shower.She smells so good that he feels like kissing and hugging her.She still looks as beautiful as ever like the first time I saw her.And since he laid eyes on her he never love any other woman at all.

Jiro got up."Oh I am feeling dingy too.I think it is my turn to change and clean up too"he he got up and run.

Jared was taking a nap.She checked his forehead ,it is cool Thank god she thought.Hopefully he 'll recover soon for the school will start soon.And she wants to take Jared for a little vacation before they get back in a routine of school and work.

Jiro came back that evening all clean up.He has shaved and smelling fresh.Rainie like his smell especially after he have just showered.It seems so long ago when they shared everything together and now they have a son.

After a week Jared was discharged from the hospital.Jiro drove them home.He settled Jared in bed before he went down to go home.Rainie walk him down the door.She is going to miss him .They been together all this week and now he have to go back home.

Jiro was also thinking in the same line.He was so used in having her besides him while taking care of Jared and now he have to go home and sleep in his bed all alone and leaving his son and the woman he love.It does not seem right.

"Rainie can I talk to you .are you tired?,If you are tired it is alright" Jiro said.

"No I am not tired" Rainie said.As he waited of what he is about to say.Her heart is pounding fast.

"Rainie I have been thinking,is there anyway in your heart to accept me again,to love me again.I know I have been mean and cold to you,can you please forgive me?"

Rainie's tears starts to fall"Do you really mean that?"
"You want me to love you again?" Rainie asked.

"I never stopped loving you,I was so hurt when you left me".Jiro said."But I realized I can never love any woman but you,You are all that I want"

"Oh Jiro I love you too.I love you all this time.I am sorry that I have to leave you,I thought I was doing it for you,so you can follow your dream.I don't want to be the hindrance to your dreams.But I guess I was wrong." Rainie cried.

"Oh thank God,I found you back,other wise I will be a lonely man for the rest of my life."As Jiro kissed her with passion, passion that has build up for years that they have been separated.

"Oh we better be careful" Rainie said"I might get pregnant again" she said smiling.

"A sister for Jared won't be that bad" Jiro said as he claimed her as his.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)