Chapter 20

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
Days passed and it is graduation time.Still Rainie did not tell Jiro about the pregnancy and the baby.Thanks goodness that the morning sickness is not that bad,that people will suspect about her present condition.Hebe keep on asking her and urging Rainie to tell Jiro but she turned deaf ears to her.

rainie's parents are so happy for her that she graduated.They doubted for a while if she ever graduate,with all her parties and her total lack of interest in her studies,they never thought that she will ever have a degree.

Jiro graduated at the top of his class and delivered the valedictory address.After graduation,Jiro's mom invited all of Jiro's friends in the house for a little celebration.There were few peoples there,Arron of course with Hebe,Calvin with his new girl Han,Danson with Genie and few other relatives.Everybody was in jovial mood.Everybody was drinking champagne or wine except Rainie.

At that moment,Rainie found herself alone with Jiro's Mom.She is a lovely woman,who dotes on her only son.She have this ready smile and a comforting face,somebody who you can rely at all times,yes she is so motherly in every sense.

"Rainie dear,are you alright?" Jiro's mom asked."You are not drinking anything? no wine or champagne?"

No I am fine,thank you." Rainie answered with a smile.

"I have been meaning to talk to you." she started"I know my son loves you very much and i am happy that both of you get along fine.I have only one favor to ask you,Jiro will be very very busy with medical school for the next four years,I hope you don't have any plans of wedding before that.I know my son is so crazy about you,but i will be happy if you can postpone it after the medical school."

Rainie smiled shyly"No mam,no plans of anything like that for now." she answered.

"Good ,I know you kids will wise up.Jiro have been dreaming to be a doctor since he was very young." she said"And I don't want any problem or complications in his life right now."

And then Jiro showed up and saw that his Mom and Rainie are talking."Mom what have you been telling her?" his voice alarmed.

"Nothing just girls talk." as she winked at Rainie."It is between Rainie and me." as she walked out of the room.

Rainie was silent after that.I can't tell Jiro about the baby,she thought.And I promised his Mom no complications.But still she is so confuse of what to do.She still does not know what to do with the baby.And she can't even tell her Mom about it.

Days passed and the baby was growing inside her womb.Rainie could not ignore anymore the growing life inside her.She cringed at the thought of abortion,no she loves this baby,more than her own life.She will give this baby a chance to live and she knows that Jiro will never forgive her if she kills the baby inside of her.He will never forgive her.She just have to go through this alone.

One day,Rainie was with Jiro,just walking and haning out together.Jiro looked at her with a smile,as he looked at her body,as he tried to turn her around and look at her figure.

"Are you gaining weight?" he asked."You are looking more shapely now.You must be a satisfied woman then." as he have this funny grin on his face and kiss her on the cheeks.

Rainie looked alarm as she looked at her own reflection from the mirror,and yes she is starting to grow.Her appetite have increased after the initial morning sickness.Pretty soon the bumps will start to show and Jiro will know.

"Jiro can you take me out this weekend,somewhere out of town,just the two of us" Rainie said.

"Uhmm where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Anywhere as long as it is just the two of us." Rainie said.

"Okay,I just know the place for us." Jiro said."It is a very special place and we have the place to ourselves."

Rainie smiled and hugged gim."Good"

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)