Cake Me Away

Cake Me Away

The door to the bathroom in their dorm is left half-open and Minho takes it as an invitation to enter. As he steps inside, the rapper closes the door behind him and even makes sure to lock it, shutting out the rest of the world so he can finally have some one-on-one time with the birthday boy. There is a smile on Minho’s face as he comes to stand next to Kibum who actually can’t care less about his presence right now because he has his full concentration on wiping the cream off his face with tissues. Considering how long Kibum has been in the bathroom, it seems like Minho may have gone a little overboard with the cake smashing earlier on. Holding back a laugh, Minho reaches out and swipes some cream off Kibum’s face with his index finger. Just as Kibum jerks back in surprise and turns to look at him, Minho puts his finger into his mouth and off the cream.

“Tasty.” Minho thinks out loud, “Maybe we should have saved some cake to eat…”

“That’s disgusting.” Kibum scrunches up his face to show his disgust and gives Minho a look like he’s about to puke.

“Naaah…” Shaking his head, Minho disagrees and decides to show Kibum why, “If you ask me, this…”

With Kibum’s eyes on him, Minho swiftly leans forward and some cream off the birthday boy’s face.

“-is more disgusting.” Minho finishes with a smirk.

Kibum is a step too slow when he tries to avoid Minho by moving back but by then, Minho is already his lips and savouring the sweetness of the frosting.

The twenty three year old is completely taken aback by Minho’s actions that he finds himself speechless. He can only stare at his boyfriend and wait for Minho to make the next move.

Minho can’t help but laugh out loud. It’s the second time he manages to surprise Kibum in one night. He thinks he’s happy enough with how things have turned out so far.

Reaching out to pull some tissues out of the box, Minho then helps Kibum wipe the remaining cream off his face.

“This is all your fault, you know that?” Kibum mutters as he allows Minho to clean his face.

“I know.” Minho smiles, “And I’m more than happy to admit it.”

Kibum finds himself smiling helplessly as he reprimands half-heartedly, “You’re an idiot for planning this…”

“Am I?” Minho asks, amused.

“The biggest.” Kibum simply replies.

It’s silent for a moment as Minho makes sure the last of the cream is removed from Kibum’s face. When he is done and about to turn around to throw the tissues into the dustbin, Kibum suddenly closes the distance between them and surprises Minho with a kiss on his lips.

“Thanks baby.” Kibum says as their lips part, “It’s only been an hour into my birthday but I’m already happy.”

With that, he gives Minho back his personal space and begins rinsing a towel to clean his face properly.

Like the cat that got the cream, Minho grins but he isn’t interested in leaving Kibum to himself. Instead, he moves to hug Kibum from behind and gets comfortable by sneaking his hands under Kibum’s black tank.

Stopping what he’s doing, Kibum raises an eyebrow and questions, “What do you think you’re doing?”

Minho meets Kibum’s eyes in the mirror, “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Minho…” Kibum groans, “Not tonight. We have an early flight back home tomorrow, I just want to quickly wash up and sleep.”

At Kibum's answer, Minho looks down and stifles his laughter against Kibum’s shoulder.

“What are you thinking, Bummie?” Minho says once he composes himself and looks back up, “I’m just hugging you, that’s all.”

“As if.” Kibum rolls his eyes while he attempts to shrug the rapper off him, “You think I can’t see right through you after so many years together?”

“Well… you didn’t expect that surprise tonight, didn’t you?” Minho smartly retorts.

“Urgh!” Kibum groans and says before he can stop himself, “Remind me again why I love you.”


Kibum catches the glint of mischief in Minho’s eyes but there’s nothing he can do when his boyfriend starts trailing kisses up his neck.

“Happy birthday Kibummie.” Marking each word with a kiss, Minho says against Kibum’s skin.

When Minho’s lips reach his jawline and his fingers turn his face towards him for their lips to meet once again, Kibum decides that he’ll play the helpless prey tonight.

Because the truth is, it’s not that there’s nothing Kibum can do against Minho. He just doesn’t want to do anything to stop Minho’s advances. It may be his birthday today but after what Minho has done for him, Kibum thinks his boyfriend deserves to be spoiled.


Author's Note: hai guys! so i posted this ytd (which is why it's marked complete), but about two hours later, Key updated his instagram with the news that his grandma passed away as most of you, if not everyone, should know by now. i didn't think it would be appropriate to share this then when 23rd September doesn't mean the same anymore... :( still have mixed feelings posting this up right now because it's hard to be happy knowing it's a difficult time for Key. he's been so strong, so professional, and my heart is breaking for him. but like what he posted on instagram, his grandma is watching over him in heaven. RIP 할머니 ✿❀❁

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salome620 #1
Chapter 1: CAKE ME AWAY: i was so giddy when i read Kibum's Instapost on his birthday. i was so happy to know that Minho masterminded his birthday surprise. i thought he is such an ideal boyfriend. ahahaha! i knew it would inspire a lot of fanfics.

i was sad to hear about Kibum's grandma. he's being strong about it and i admire him for it. i'm sure the members are backing him up in this difficult moment.
nanaminkey #2
Chapter 1: sweet n romantic story...i love it. n yes key grandma was passaway in his birthday.we all sad as well.but nothing we can do is just giving key support n love to him...glad that he hv instagram so we can say it personally to him..
and hopely you gonna update soon for the next story of minkey... and i wish u can make sequel story not just oneshot thank you..:-D
keny_shawol #3
Chapter 1: This was too lovely. I was waiting for a good MinKey for Kibum's birthaday. You made my night with this. And I was too bad with the news, and that's why I haven't wanted to write anything in relation to Kibum's grandmother. I can't imagine what must be feeling, poor Kibum. But wa are left praying for him and wish him the best, because it's all he deserves.
And that you wrote was perfect. I feel that Kibum was too happy with the surprise that Minho gave him, rigth? Minho loves him too much. Again, I loved this.
Chapter 1: a lovely celebration from minho <3
key would be so lucky to have surprise every year xD
rip for key's grandma :(
kawaling #5
Chapter 1: My heart wrenched when I heard the news... She was like a mother to him and to find out right on the day of his birthday?? Devastating... But as I see it, I'm even more grateful that Minho organized something right at midnight, at least Kibummie might have some happy memories about that day... I can't believe that he kept it to himself for the sake of the tour and the smtown. I just want to squish him and hug him like there's no tomorrow!
And I'm happy you chose to post the story, everyone needs some fluff in their life! I hope SHINee are there for Kibum now that he needs them the most!!
Kim_Luxita #6
Chapter 1: Awwwww Don't feel bad!!! To me it seemed like he probably didn't find out until later that night, since I doubt he would have posted his bday celebration on IG plus that day he was also out with some friends in Japan before they went back to Korea!! This was some really sad news and I'm heartbroken for him but this definetly brought a smile to my face!! Thank you I have been really sad since the news!! I love Bummie so much but he is strong and a man of faith that will bring him closure!! And again as usual just Minkey perfection!! ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: I don't think you should feel guilty for posting something happy for Key's birthday. It's very sad that his grandma passed away. All of us Shawols and I'm sure all of SHINee are as heartbroken as he is. That doesn't mean that he didn't have a little fun on his birthday and I'm sure that Minho planned that with all of his heart regardless if it was to cheer him up about his grandmother or not. It was sweet and cheerful. This was written in lieu of knowing so it's not like you're ignoring it. :) I hope that makes sense without sounding heartless ^^; That's not my intention. I thought it was really cute and sweet :) I like that quite a bit of your stories seem like they could be real moments between them.
Chapter 1: So I have to wonder if maybe Minho planning the party was his way of trying to help Kibum get through the news. Kibum wasn't exactly super excited about the whole proceedings in the video. Though not knowing timelines it's speculation. Poor guy, for a while his birthday will be a bit painful. Hopefully he works through it to the fond memories of his grandmother soon enough. Dealing with the death of loved ones is definitely one of the less enjoyable parts of life.
Ahm, authornim you marked this as completed but you havent post the story yet