❀ The Fragile One ❀



"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." - William Shakspeare

C h a p t e r  O n e

"The Fragile One"

I wasn't very special at all. No one cared about me. They judged me from the way I dressed, to the way I was the smartest student in class, to even the way I talked. They stressed me out on all the little flaws and things. I couldn't be me anymore, and it was kind of weird to say. The name "Park Seohyun" would be made fun of every single day, from kindergarden to sophomore year in high school. I couldn't stand it all, no one was any help, either. From this direction to that direction, no one really cared for what I had to say. Of course, I was frustated, and sometimes I couldn't just take it anymore. I don't even know why everyone wanted to treat me this way so much. They always referred to me as the "Fragile One." My sister, Krystal, barely cared. She always "barely cared." She was too busy with her own life, and she couldn't think about mine or Jimin's. Krystal had gone off to college and I had no one I could call an older sister anymore. Krystal had changed a lot since our parents' deaths five years ago. But she was always that way, even before my parents were still alive. They call her the Queen of Ice for a reason.

I live with my Aunt and Uncle, and I have gotten so close to them, I call them Umma and Appa now. They were the rich ones in our family (as the owned a big company), and we got to stay at their house in Seoul. I live with Umma, Appa, Jimin, and Krystal. But of course, Krystal went off to university, so we never see her anymore because she doesn't even visit on holidays. Jimin is the only close one I have in the family. Of course my aunt and uncle are always there, but they never understand anything. Jimin understands my pain, kind of.

Surprisingly, this summer Krystal visited us and said she would be staying in the house once again because the apartment prices went ten percent higher, and she had "missed" the family. Notice the quotes. I have gotten so much ignorance from people that I'm not concerned when Krystal ignores me everytime she sees me. It's like she has something against me, but I don't remember any big fights that we got into.

Tomorrow was going to be the first day of junior year. The day I've been dreading the most because we were going to be back in school which meant more bullying, more name-calling, more teasing, and of course, more Jiyeon. Jeon Jiyeon was Krystal's ex-best friend. They used to hang out with each other every single day, 24/7 because I guess they had nothing else to do than talk to each other. Everyday...I could hear them laughing and giggling to each other as they play pillow fights that they never allowed me to join them. Jiyeon isn't even in Krystal's grade. She's in my grade, that's why she hasn't graduated like Krystal yet. One day they just decided to not be friends anymore. I'm pretty sure something happened, because everytime I ask Krystal why they weren't playing like they were anymore, she just says, "GET OUT" or "Mind your own beeswax." I never even talked to Jiyeon much, but since then, she's teased me even more than usual ever since kindergarden.

Being back to school was like torture. Prison. Summer wasn't good, but it wasn't bad, either. I didn't see Jiyeon anymore during summer since her friendship with Krystal ended. I didn't see any of the other kids that bother me in school, either. They probably go off to vacation or something, because Seoul Hope High School was a high school that only rich people get in, cause they were the only one that could afford it. I had to worship summer...spend it wisely, because I didn't want to waste my days.

The alarm clock rang. It rang loud. Louder than usual. I groaned and pulled my blanket up until it reached the top of my head. I heard a knock on my door and then it opened by itself. "If you're not going to wake up, you're going to be late for the first day of school," the person said in a dull voice. I pushed the blanket out and rubbed my eyes. "You're...talking to me?" I asked, amazed. Krystal looked annoyed, and tired...like she'd been up all night doing something. "Uh, reality check: I'm your sister."

"Yeah, but you never talk to me. You're Krystal," I replied. She just rolled her eyes and repeated herself. "If you're not going to wake up, you're going to be late." Then she walked out of my room and slammed the door.

I had my uniform, my school supplies, my ego, and my pride: I was prepared, alright. Prepared for the first day of school. I quickly walked out of the front door after finishing breakfast and muttering, "Annyeonhaseyo Umma, Appa" under my breath. I pulled my uniform jacket over my head to avoid attention when someone called my name. "Hey, wait up, sis!" Jimin called from behind. I turned and could see Jimin racing to catch up to me. "You can't leave me alone, I don't want to attract attention to myself." I rolled my eyes. What did he want? "He, get out, you're going to only attract attention to me." I walked faster, as I saw some students walking up.

"How am I going to attract attention to you?" He asked, and tried to look me in the eyes. "You're Park Jimin, for crying out loud." I punched him in the chest. "You won Cutest Freshman of the Year."

"What can I say? I can't stop all the ladies from-"

"Hurry up! The other students are catching up to us...me!" I shouted as I ran. Jimin ran with. "What's the point, Seohyun? They're all going to see you at school, anyways." I huffed and puffed. This is the first time my brother has made a smart statement. I didn't reply to his comment and I ran as quick as I could, without looking back.

We finally reached the high school and I found out Jimin was right. All of the students were there! From freshmens to sophomores to juniors to seniors! The main entrance was huge. It had two staircases leading to the second floor on the outsides, and if you went closer to the front, there was the main office. There was a bright chandelier that was on the top of the celing, swaying back and forth just a little slightly. I looked down at the floor, to avoid staring into someone's eyes and make it more awkward for myself, even before school had started. "Is that the awkward girl you're talking about?" I heard a young, soft voice say. There was a moment of silence. "Yeah," responded the deeper voice. I bit my lip, and I wanted to disappear from the world. I suddendly looked back and the vice principle had separated all of the students into their years, and Jimin looked nervous from the sophomore crowd. I was pushed with the juniors and continued to keep my head down. I flinched and kept playing with my hands, praying that this would be over sooner or later...I hear something click click on the floor and then I looked up.

"Park Seohyun? Welcome back to school."


A/N: Omergad I just finished Chapter One. It's a bit sloppy, so I'll probably revise it later, but how was it? Give me your opinion, constructive, or harsh critism...I want to know so I can fix the mistakes. :) Thanks for reading my first chapter! I hope you liked it. Should I keep this in Seohyun's point of view, or change it to third person?

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