The Torture Called School

Fate brought from Coffee

Hyerim's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up in the worst mood. Last night I had fallen asleep in an awkward position and my body aches now. Also, my face feels a bit hot, my stomach and throat hurts, and I have a horrible headache. I suppose I'm coming down with a cold or something. I walk out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, my skin was a ghostly pale, and I looked terrifying. To make my morning worse, I checked the time to see that it was 7:30 and the late bell would ring at 7:50. I panic and run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean my face up. While brushing my teeth, I attempt to brush out the large knots in my hair and change clothes. By the time I ran out of the door of the apartment it was 7:40. The time to walk from the apartment to the school was 15 minutes, but I could only hope to get there on time while running. Just as I was running, a bus drove over a puddle and the dirty water splashed all over me. I would've stopped to yell at the driver if I hadn't been rushing to get to school. Finally, I arrive at the school at 7:48 and dash to my class before the bell could ring. As I walked through the classroom door the bell rang signifying the beginning of class. I sat down next to Soojin at the back of the room and started to take down notes.

"Goodness Hyerim-ah, you look horrible, Are you sick?! If you're sick then why did you come to school today?! AISH!! AND WHY ARE YOUR CLOTHES WET?! YOU WERE ALMOST LATE TOO?!" said Soojin

"Unnie, I'll tell you late okay. Just pay attention and stop asking questions. Arasso?" I said obviously showing her that I wasn't really in the mood to do anything right now, let alone answer her questions.

Soojin stopped talking after that, but I still noticed the occastional worried side glance she would give me every 3 minutes or so. Averting my eyes away from the board for a few seconds I glance to my right, toward the windows and I catch Jungkook of BTS staring at me. We quickly look away and this feeling of nervousness takes over me. I feel my cheeks get hot and I start to take down more notes to distract me from this feeling. Out of curiousity I look again and I see Jungkook leaning against the desk with his eyes closed listening to music. Even though the sun was barely shining this morning, the light from outside seemed to highlight his features very well, but I notice a faint red color on his cheeks as well. Was he blushing too? I shut off those thoughts right away as I try to focus once more time on the teacher.

Jungkook's P.O.V

This morning I woke up at 5:00. Usually I wake up at 8:00. Most of the time, the other members and I go to school late because let's be honest, who wants to go to school? Sadly, I couldn't go back to sleep so I ended up eating and trying to watch TV. There were no good shows on and there was nothing to do, so I got ready for school and went there early without the hyungs.

When I arrived at the school, I walked through the hallways and didn't fail to notice the admiring glancesmost of the girls in the hallway were shooting towards me. I walked into the classroom and the teacher looked at me in astonishment, probably because I was early. With an emotionless face I walk to my seat near the window in silence and start listening to music.

As time goes by more people start to flood into the classroom. Eventually almost eveyone is here. It's 7:49 and right as the bell was about to ring, another student walked into the classroom. I widen my eyes as I realize that it was the waitress from the cafe. Except...she looked different. Her hair was a mess and the clothes she wore was wet and stained with a dirty brown. Her skin was a deathly white and her eyes had the deepest dark circles underneath them, but they still held that lovely, sparkling brown shade. Is she sick? Tch what an idiot... what person comes to school when they're sick? Is she trying to get us all sick? I looked outside and stared at the soacked sidewalks and dirty puddles. Behind my music I heard the boring teacher lecturing the class and I quickly turned up my music without hesitation. 

I was bored as heck right now. I began to have regrets. I should've just stayed at home. I looked around the room out of pure boredom and stopped when they reached the waitress. She had her eyebrows furrowed and was in deep concentration. She was diligently taking notes, but at the same time she looked like she would pass out any minute. Seeing her in this state made me want to protect her for some reason, even though I barely know her. Suddenly her eyes stopped looking at the board, her pen went to a halt and she looked at me. I was surprised and I felt this odd sudden redness in my cheeks. I quickly turn my head and look outside as my heart beat rapidly in my chest. I steal one more glance at the girl before looking back outside while listening to my music. However, the music couldn't hide my fast beating heart or my red cheeks.


I'm so so so sorry. School is getting so busy and it's hard to keep up with these fanfics but I promise you guys I'm trying to do my best. Pleae don't hate me and just give me a little more time and patience please. IM SORRY!! 

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exoshidaeOTL912 #1
Chapter 2: hello author-nim, your story so far is great!! no worries take ur time to write the chapters :) school is reaaaaaly hectic so hwaiting!!
Chapter 1: I like it!!!!! pls continue author-nim <3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, I love it already! If this is your first fanfic you did a great job!!^^