Chapter 48

One Night Surprise

Yue had always known that Yifan has an impressive network of friends due to his work and he has kept a few by his side as his close friends - namely Luhan, Yixing, and Xiumin, or his Korean name 'Minseok' 

She had known them for quite a while but they had never gotten around to get to know each other properly so Yue felt like she never got to know them. Yifan hardly meet up with them either, making things for difficult for Yue to get to know them more, except Luhan, who enjoys hanging out with them whenver he is in Shanghai. It was also hard to guess how strong their friendship bond is since they were hardly together in front of them. 

However, Yue learned that these guys are actually close to each other on a brotherly level one day when they have a dinner party at their house. 

It was some time after Yue and Yifan had decided to try for a baby, when Yifan decided that he wanted to have his close friends over for dinner because Minseok was visiting China, an excuse for him to show off his wife's cooking. Yue obliged with his wish and cooked up a feast by herself. She was shaking her head at herself for cooking up so much by being carried away with everything.

When the guys have arrived, Yue was setting the plates and bowls on the table.

"Darling, I'm back!" Yifan's voice arrived even before his body did into the house. She smiled and walked towards to greet the guys. Yue had always thought their apartment was quite big but when a lot of people, especially four guys who are quite tall in size occupied the space, the apartment suddenly became quite small. They were all taking off their shoes noisily - asking Yifan to get them the in-house slippers. 

"FanFan, go get a pair of slipper for me!" Luhan demanded as he slipped out of his loafers. 

Xiumin nodded in approval as he bent down to untie his shoe laces, "Yeah man, go get a pair of slippers." 

"Let me go get a few pairs for you guys," Yue offered as she her heels to go to the storage room in the corner of the house only to be stopped by a grasp on her hand. 

"Shhhh," It was Luhan who held onto her wrist to stop her, "Let this man go." 

"Yeah, he's the head of the house," Xiumin chimed in and winked at Luhan before both broke out into snigger, like two immature teenage boys - not that their youthful faces were helping them in making them look even more younger. 

Yifan clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at his two friends being childish just before he strode to the cupboard and came back with a pile of white, fluffy slippers in his hands, the type of slippers that hotels hand out for free. 

Luhan let out a suppressed laugh, "Did you take them from the hotels you went on business trips?" The guys burst into laughter again, especially Luhan who looked like his jaw was about to fall off from amusement. He even had to hang on to Xiumin's shoulder for support as he laughed violently, which Yifan glared at. 

"If you guys continue, I am going to throw you three out of my house without having dinner," he spoke with a solemn expression as he set the slippers at the feet of the guys. 

The three quiet down immediately, while looking at each other's face. "He's right, man. We have to eat. Let's keep it quiet until we're done stuffing our faces." Luhan whispered to the guys who were standing each on his side. 

All of them were led into the dining room by Yue, who had already finished setting up the table. Just as they were about to sit to have a mea, Zhang Yixing, who had always been quiet, as usual, spoke. 

"Ummm... sister-in-law?" he called her politely in his sweet voice.

She looked at him and raised her eyebrows before saying, "Yeah?"

"Here," his arms extended forward and Yue noticed a deep brown bag hanging from his hand. 

Gingerly, she took them into her hands and looked inside. There were a few brown boxes with matte texture and a hint of red was peeking through the slits of the box. She looked up at him, feeling confused, wanting to ask him what was inside the box. "What are... these?"

To her surprise, Yixing blushed a little and looked away from her eyes before murmuring, "Oh err... these are tonics."

"Tonics?" she reached into the box and pulled one out to inspect it. There was the name of the traditional medicine clinic, which was embossed with shiny letters.

"Yeah," Yixing nodded, still avoiding, "For you and Yifan."

Yue heard a snicker from behind and she started to feel suspicious about the bag she was holding. She kept holding onto the box and held it there, unsure of what to do. "Yifan," she finally called out, "what are these for?"

Luhan's cheery voice cut off Yifan before he could start speaking, "Stamina." His face broke out into complete mischievousness and laughed some more, "Present from us." He tried to straighten his face in seriousness but failed as he broke out into a series of laughter.

Yue stood there, completely flushed and embarrassed of what was happening before her.

"What stamina?" Yifan walked beside her and picked up the medicine box. 

Luhan snorted, "Tsk... You said you want a kid, Fanfan. You'll thank us later on. Isn't it right, Yue?" 

Yue blushed and glared at Yifan, who was chuckling in delight as he looked into the bag. Then, she reached for the small of his back and pinched it lightly, her usual way of showing her embarrassment. 


Yue was now sitting in the office of Dr.Cho, nervously. She was here for fertility test and other necessary tests that she required to do before she gets pregnant, under the instruction of her best friend, Anna. She was not there by herself. There was Yifan, who was also sitting beside her like a statue - stiff and rigid. He couldn't get his head around why he should also take tests at a fertility clinic but after talking on the phone with Dr.Cho, who convinced him that it was to ensure the future baby's health and well-being, he didn't question further. He prepped himself and accompanied Yue to the clinic. 

Being at the OG was so weird, with so many tests she had to take and the way the nurses had to take tissue samples from her body was also quite embarrassing as she had to expose her body to other people. It was a strange, awkward feeling and Yue was glad that she got through it. At the end of the session, the doctor gave them another appointment two weeks after the test date - for consultation. 


During the two weeks that Yue was waiting, she had a sudden idea of wanting to convert one of the guest bedrooms in the house into a baby nursery. Then, she started to sketch on paper of how she wanted the room to turn out. She decided to keep the room simple with a lot of different hues of white as she did not know what colour she wanted since she was not even pregnant. As she shopped online for baby furniture, she wanted to laugh at herself for getting ahead of everything. 

Yifan said she was getting way ahead but didn't object to her decision of converting the bedroom. In fact, he would even help her with hardware installation such as curtain rails, picture frames on walls, etc. After two weeks, Yue was satisfied with how the room turned out - white and clean-looking with a lot of small, personalized touches. 


On the day of the consultation, Yue sat in the office of the doctor, waiting for the doctor to enter the office, while Yifan sat beside her, while holding her hand and rubbing the roof of her hand - his usual gesture of calming her down but it felt the opposite, as Yue was not feeling as nervous but him, on the other hand, looked quite on the edge. 

"You'll be fine.." she whispered to him. 

Yifan looked at her and smiled gently before nodding slowly. "I'm just nervous. That's all. I've never done this before." Yue chuckled and put her hand over his, holding it securely to encourage him.

"So!" Dr.Cho's cheery voice emerged, which startled both of them, "Shall we start?" she sat in front of the couple, who nodded at her in unison. She dimmed the room and brightened up the light on the board beside here, where she pulled up several pictures of what seemed to be Yue's uterus as well as many other pictures that she couldn't comprehend. 

"Well," she pointed at several mathematical numbers on the board, "you both are very healthy - very fertile, very healthy - ideal to have a child without a problem." 

Her eyes skimmed over more numbers and she spoke casually, "There is no risk for the babies and your medical history showed a low risk of genetic disease so that's a good news." 

Yue felt like a lump inside her chest, which had been there for the past two weeks was dropped from its place. She smiled and sighed. 

"However." Dr.Cho's voice reappeared. Yue didn't like the sound of how she was speaking.

Dr.Cho took a deep breath, "Your uterus, Mrs.Wu, is in a very strange shape." 

"I'm sorry?" Yue questioned, as she tried to understand what the doctor said, "Is there anything to worry about it?" Her heart had started to drum against her ribcage erratically and seemed so dry all of a sudden.

Dr.Cho pursed her lips, "Because of your uterus's shape, you cannot have a baby."

That was the last thing Yue heard before her vision went out of focus and her mind fell into an abyss of darkness.


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dibaalatee #1
Chapter 57: Love the story hopefully see you continue this story curios what will happen next please update.......
krisxhan #2
Chapter 57: Pls update!!
Chapter 57: Update juseyo authornim~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ...매일매일화이팅!☺☺☺
Chapter 57: Oh right. IT HASNT ENDED! YAAAYYYY
Chapter 57: Oh right. IT HASNT ENDED! YAAAYYYY
pbcccc #6
Chapter 57: update soon please!!!
tehsweety #7
Chapter 57: Omg...his secretary? Oh my....
yukiandini #8
Oh my gooood, i'm going to dieeee if yifan do something hurtful to yue, T.T don't let it happen authorniiiiim, pleasee, like ever
inakali #9
Chapter 57: oh my wtf..omg omomo otokhe..omg im going to kill that piece of a ..that PA aahhhhhhh omo otokhe...ive gotten too involved with this story omg..she is so lucky she is only a fictional character lol. Dear author..amazing amazing amazing story. looking forward to the rest of the story. You're awesome
inakali #10
Chapter 26: on chapter 26 now. this story is so good i am dying. DYINGGGG...SOOOO GOOOODDD AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH