

As Jessica sat back in the plane with her earphones in, the plane slowly got off the ground and left to her home, L.A. She tried not falling asleep, but her headache and her suddenly heavy eyelids made it difficult. She slowly leaned back and closed her swollen eyes. As she was sleeping terribly because the plane was having turbulence, someone tapped her shoulder.  She opened her eyes slowly and annoyingly; a flash and a camera click startled her.


“Boya!” she flared her eyes open and asked.


Laughter was herd from eight figures surrounding her. She rubbed her eye and herd them talking.


Tiffany: Hahahah I bet we could make that a new meme! xD


Yuri: Totally! We should have drawn on her too!


Hyoyeon: I know! Now I can get her back for taking that photo of me sleeping while frowning!


Yoona: Unnie you have such a sad sleeping face it doesn’t compete with Jesssica’s! :P


Sunny: Hahaha Good one Yoona! xD


Tae: Hahah maknae could have token that photo of Hyo and Jessica a long time ago, they’re lucky that she’s too nice.”


Seo: Unnie, I just didn't wasn't to be rude!


Soo: Yah, its okay to be mean and fun every now and then maknae.


Jessica finished rubbing her eyes and looked at the girls.


“What are you guys doing here?”


They all gave each other a weird look and a chuckle.


Soo: “What? Did you lose your memory when you closed you eyes?”


Yoona:Hahah No Soo, she must have hit her head, in her dreams!”


Everyone busted into laughter.


Jessica was getting annoyed, these were maybe the last people she wanted to see right now, and they were still not answering her question. They continued poking fun at her and laughing like there was no tomorrow. She finally lost it when they made a joke about her looking so different from sleeping and being awake that she must have had plastic surgery.


“I’m serious you guys! What are you doing here??


Everyone looked shocked; they decided to turn towards the ice queen’s best friend for some answers. Tiffany was just as shocked as the members, but since everyone was looking at her she deiced to speak up.


“Boya Jess, we were just playing a joke. We can delete the photo if it hurt your feelings.”


Jessica was stunned at her response.


“No, I mean yes, delete those photos. What I was trying to say was why are you guys here in the plane with me?”


“What are you talking about Jess? We’re on our way to perform Gee in Japan.



“Yeah remember, everyone’s loving our new song Gee and we’re heading out to perform it.”


Jessica looked around and saw everyone nodding their head to what Fany just said.




All the members answered in unison,” Yeah.”


Jessica looked all around and saw how everyone was looking a bit younger and thinner. They all had their little chubby faces and scrawny bodies. She nodded her head, and they all slowly walked away and went back to their seats. She pulled out her mirror and saw her self. She had her chubby face and weird haircut from Gee still.


The Maknae felt uncomfortable with how they ended their group conversation/ prank, so she approached Jessica who was still dazed and tapped her shoulder. Jessica shook her head to wipe away all her confused thoughts and looked at Maknae.


“Unnie are you okay?”


Jessica looked up at Seohyun and saw her soft features. The soft features of the maknae made Jessica think about how makenae was always on her side even after the incident that apparently didn’t happen? She smiled and panted Seohyun’s head. Seohyun automatically flinched a little from Jessica’s touch, but froze to let Jessica continue. Even though Seohyun felt it was weird for Jessica to be so kind to her all of a sudden she liked seeing her unnies smile. After panting maknae’s head Jessica replied,


“I’m okay Maknae, I just think I was having a bad dream.”


“A bad dream Unnie?”


“Yeah, a bad one, a nightmare in fact.”


“What was it about unnie?”


“Ahh, um , **sigh** Things you wouldn’t understand.”


“-.- Unnnie, I’m not a little kid anymore. You can share your feelings with me too.”


Jessica smiled at Seohyun’s pouting and gave her a kiss on the cheek.


“Don’t worry Seobaby, I’m fine.”


“Are you sure Unnie?”


“Yeah I am a 100% sure.”


“Okay then,  but if you feel troubled talk to me okay.”


*** Attention Passengers we are about to land in L.A ****


Jessica looked up at the speakers above her and was confused; didn’t the girls say they were heading to Japan to perform Gee? She looked back at Seohyun to ask her what was going on, but she was already getting her bag and leaving. All the members in fact were getting their things and leaving right out the plane door. Jessica was confused the members weren’t waiting for her.



“You guys! Where you going?”


She tried to get up, but her seat belt was stuck. No matter how hard she tried to take off the belt it wouldn’t budge. Tae and Tiffany grabbed their bag and went towards the door. After one hard push, she was able to free herself from the seatbelt. She didn’t even grab her things and ran towards her members. She pulled on Tae’s arm and asked her where they were going. Tae turned around and looked at Jessica in disgust. Tae no longer had the soft features she had early but her normal stern and slim face.


“What was that?”


“I asked where are you going?”

“Where are we going? Where are you going.”




“That’s so like you Jess.”


Taeyeon rolled her eyes and jerked her arm out of Jessica’s hold.


“Goodbye Jessica.”


“What’s going on Tae?”






The other members turned their heads and looked at Jessica, but they were soon told by Taeyeon to keep going..


“I want to know why you guys are leaving me HERE!”


Taeyeon snapped and turned around. She walked to Jessica her heels clicking furiously on the floor. Her eyes were red and watery; her jaw clenched tight. She got close to Jessica and raised her hand. She swung it back and slapped Jessica with all the force she had. The Slap stopped all the sound and movement in the room. Everyone gasped and held their breath. Taeyeon snorted and looked at Jessica with eyes full of spite.



“NO Jessica! WE want to know why YOU’RE leaving US!” 

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
ice_princess21 #2
Chapter 3: I like your story author-ssi.. Please continue the story..
mumale #3
Chapter 3: Please continue I really like you story
ahh... i dont know what to say it.. your story makes my heart feel more pain.. your story so alive.. my heart</3 jess T_T