「 ● PROJECT REACH : trainees.

「 ● PROJECT REACH : a new girl group project | apply open! | #staystrongjessica
character name | status 
we are project reach !
love interest
Ay, so, welcome to the review page which is obviously where the reviews go for the applicants. 
Reviews will be rated out of ten at the end and will be reviewed based on originality, how entertaining they would be to read and write and the overall character. 
I'll do my best to point out both errors and positive points about your applications so it has a balance to it.
Important errors will be bolded so they can easily be spotted and taken into focus. 
There are three statuses that you can recieve; 
Accepted - your application contains little to no errors and will be considered when picking the final group line up.
Pending - you have errors that need to be fixed before your character can be considered.
Unreviewed - your character is yet to be reviewed.
I apologise in advanced if I sound too critical or mean etc.

Company application count;
SM Entertainment - trainees. 
Cube Entertainment - trainees. 
FNC Entertainment - 1 trainee.
YG Entertainment - 2 trainees. 
JYP Entertainment - trainees.

seo ae-hyun | accepted  
we are project reach !
sm ent
seo sungkyung
zhang yixing
Hi, thank you for applying as well as being the story's first applicant! Your application had some errors in it so please read on to find out what you have to fix!

First of all, her dislikes seem a little generic . No one likes people who hate on others, no one likes bullies and I'm pretty sure little to no people like the concept of death. 

Her personality seems to have positives that far outweigh the negatives. Being sensitive and emotional aren't really terribly negative traits in the grand scheme of things especially in comparison to the fact that she's helpful, motherly, kind, loyal, respectful etc. I'd appreciate if you added more negative traits / expanded further on the negative side of her personality.

Her background is fine if not a bit linear so while it's not required to expland on it, I think it would be good if you did. 

I find her trainee life fairly unrealistic because I doubt that everyone in SM liked her, just with the competitiveness of SM Ent' it doesn't seem like everyone would jump to be best friends with one person. So, I'd recommend editing it so it's more realistic.

Her love interest section also has a few errors. Her meeting with Yixing is too vague, even if they did meet when they were trainees, how did they meet? when? where?
The "why do they like each other" section is also a little too vague for my taste so please expand on that.

That's all I have to say so please change these errors and your application will be changed to accepted! 

Five out of ten stars;

jung nari | accepted  
we are project reach !
jyp ent
park hwan hui
huang zi tao (exo)
Hey, thanks for applying first of all! I hope you don't mind that I picked your back-up face-claim, I just prefered Hwan Hui because she has a lot more pictures and gifs than Seo Eun. 

I thought that the relationship that she has with Suho was quite interesting and could totally work out to have an interesting dyanmic if she's picked despite her primary love interest being Zitao. 

I appreciate that you made her a little more out there than a lot of characters and saying "she's been around the block a few times" got a little giggle out of me, I must admit.  I thought her personality was good for the most part but I felt like the positives outshined the negatives. So, I'd appreciate it if you added some more negative aspects to her personality.

I liked her background and her relationship with Jessica and Krystal; I could imagine the impact of being a relative of one of the most well known siblings in K-Pop. I think that it's interesting and I don't have any problems with her background! 

That's really all I have to say for her so please add some more negatives to her personality and you'll accepted

Eight out of ten stars; 
jung seri | accepted  
we are project reach !
cube ent
park sojin
kim seokjin (bts)
Hi, thank you for applying! Can I just say thank you for using Sojin because she's so gorgeous and one of my top biases! Like how can she be almost thirty? 

I'm not going to drag this one out; I thought that your application was great and that Seri was honestly such an interesting character.

I really liked her introverted personality and the fact she has to hide it for the group because the company says it puts them down. I think if she's chosen to be in the story it would be a good thing to focus on with how she's having to hide herself and deal with her lack of self confidence while having to go on stage and act like there's nothing wrong. Honestly, it's a great charcter aspect. Also her personality is so detailed, seriously, kudos to you because it's all so well done and it all fits together so it's realistic. I'm sorry for rambling but it is really great! 

Also in her trivia, I seriously relate to her shipping Hyuna and Hyunseung.

Her background is also great. It's detailed, flows really well and is realistic so again well done! Her trainee years were also realistc and showed her hardships so again, I thought it was great! 

Her love interest section was excellent and don't worry, it's totally fine that they're already dating. Everything was very well done there and the extra sections you added in like the songs were great. Also his confession was super cute.

So, that's all I have to say! I hope I didn't ramble on too long but I thought Seri was brilliant! 

Nine out of ten stars; 

kim jaerin | pending 
we are project reach !
yg ent
Hey, thank you for applying! You have a few errors in your application that I'll explain below and I apologise if I sound harsh, it's honestly not my intention.

The appearence section isn't very descriptive, I know it's not really a major part of the application but I'd still prefer if you extended on her appearence. Also, seeing as your character has a tattoo, I'd like it if you linked to a picture of a tattoo similar to that so I can have a clear image of what you mean.

She doesn't have the amount of fears listed, it's was specified for two + and you only put one so please add another fear.

In her background, you say that she was born in 1995 but in the birth date part, you stated she was born in 1994, so what year was she actually born?

Her personality seems rather one sided and disjointed; her negative traits aren't much in comparison to her positive traits that far outweigh them. You said that she was innocent, childish and soft spoken but also rude which doesn't really add up, people who are soft spoken and innocent aren't really rude so those traits clash. This also goes with when you said she's blunt and straightword, innocent and soft spoken don't really go with those two traits either. It just doesn't fit together. Her being lazy with her training also doesn't fit well seeing as she's from YG Entertainment which is said to be one of the toughest trainee programmes so if she was lazy, I'm guessing she'd be put out. So, please add more negatives to her personality and possibly alter the positives so they fit in better with her having a negative side

Her background seems fine but it's rather vauge so while it doesn't hold (m)any errors, it isn't very detailed. So, I'd like it if you could expand and add more detail.

Her trainee section doesn't like back up to what you said earlier in the application about her being lazy as there you say that she worked very hard so which was it? Was she hard-working or lazy?

You also said that her main talent is singing but then put a weak vocalist as her twin (Sulli) and specified you'd like a (main) rapper position and also put LE as her rap twin despite her not being focused in rap. Also please put a dancing twin in because even if you say that it's her weakest area, she'll still have to dance to be an idol. So please clear up this section and edit her twins and such appropriately to fit a clear talent.

You didn't fill out two of the sections in the love interest part of the application. You missed out the "Meeting" and the "Interactions" so please fill them out. You also didn't answer why the two of them like each other in the following section so please alter your answer to actually explain that.

That's all of the errors I have and I apologise again if I sounded harsh. Please fix all of these errors and your character will be accepted.

Four out of ten stars;

oh hyojin | accepted  
we are project reach !
sm ent
kim seuk hye
Hey, thanks for applying! I'm happy to see someone using Seuk Hye as a face-claim because she's so gorgeous!

I thought that your applicationw was good and I liked Hyojin's personality a lot! 

I'm really glad to see a kind of y character who's really cruel and cunning; it can bring a lot of dynamics to a group! 

Her background was well written and her trainee life was realistic so that's always good! ;;

And don't worry about not having a love interest! It's totally fine and I'm fine with her not having one! 

Seven out of ten stars; 
park minjoo | accepted  
we are project reach !
cube ent
jung eunji
yang yoseob
Hi, thank you for applying! 

I thought that your application was good and rather well done, I must say! 

Her personality was both rounded and well balanced! 

I also like her background a lot and the fact that her parent's were so against letting her go to her dreams was terrible ;; She's a really strong character for going to just pursue her dream against their wishes! 

So, your application was good and I don't have anything to ask you to change! 

Seven out of ten stars; 
choi minhye | accepted  
we are project reach !
sm ent
im nana
im yoona
Hi, thanks for applying! I hope you don't mind that I used your back-up face claim, I agree with you saying that brunette is more SM style but most of Hae Byol's pictures are of her blonde (and most are edits) and Nana has a lot more pictures that are easier to access! 

I loved your application and I really liked Minhye, I feel like she's very realistic for an SM trainee ( the whole dubbing of SM being "80% looks and 20% talent" ).

Her background and personality were both very detailed which is good! Her personality was also well balanced so well done!

And ahhhhhh! Thank you for using a female love interst (because diversity is loved) and even more so for it being goddess Yoona! Their relationship is lovely!

So, in summary, everything was well done and she was a great character!

Eight out of ten stars; 
hyun da eun | accepted 
we are project reach !
fnc ent
kim ahyoung
lu han
Hey, thanks for applying! Can I just say a. Yura! I'm happy to see another Girl's Day face-claim option because they're so gorgeous! and b. an FNC trainee! I was super worried about not getting any applicants for them because of them not being as popular as the other companies! 

Also, don't worry about changing the layout a bit, it's neat and such (and my own is organized in a similar way) so it's not a big deal!

Your app' was really well done and I thought that Daeun was a great character

Her personality was detailed and so was her background so both gave a good overview as well as god insight into the character.

And I'm very happy to see a character who's a rapper! I don't think I've had (m)any so far off my immediate tired memory so I'm glad to see one! 

I'm trying my best not to ramble but your application was really well done and I loved the character! 

Nine out of ten stars; 
nam choreun | accepted 
we are project reach !
yg ent
wendy son
oh sehun
Hi, thank you for applying! I'm so happy to see someone using a Red Velvet member as a face-claim because they're my favourite group next to SNSD but I'm not going to talk about them here because sm ent.

I thought that your application was incredibly well done, like it was so great; there wasn't a thing I didn't like.

I thought that her personality was well balanced with positives and negatives and was also super detailed! 

Her background was great too and I liked how you added on a present time/after debut section to reflect the differences in her life ;;

I find her and Sehun's relationship to be very sweet with her being the more positive and open one and him being more closed off to people he isn't close to. I'm jumping on that shipping boat

And all the scandals, omfg ;;;;;;;;;;

So, I'm going to stop rambling on here and just summarise saying that your app' was great! 

Ten out of ten stars;

kang yoonjo | accepted  
we are project reach !
jyp ent
Hey, thanks for applying! I'm really happy to see Sunhwa being used as a face-claim because I think that she's really underrated ;; 
I'm also sorry that this review took so long to get out! 

Honestly, I thought that your application was really well ogranized and that she was a great character! 

Her likes and dislikes are so detailed so I really praise you for that!

Her personality and background are both detailed and balanced ( and the later insight on her family and friends was amazing )!

I don't really have much to say because I don't want to drag on and on just to conclude that I think your application is greatly done!

Nine out of ten stars; 
cha yoomi | accepted   
we are project reach !
jyp ent
jang wooyoung
Hi, thanks for applying! Just saying here that you were meant to change the pictures to ones of your face-claim but it's really not that big of a deal so don't worry about changing them! 

I really like that Yoomi is a , I have such a thing for having y characters because it seems like a lot of people are a bit iffy on making their characters a bit antagonist like but honestly, I love them

I really liked her background too and it gave a lot of reasoning as to why she acts the way she does

Everything in the application makes sense and I really like her as a character so she's accepted! 

Eight out of ten stars; 
character name | status 
we are project reach !
love interest
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum mattis nulla vitae venenatis. Pellentesque accumsan metus vitae diam vehicula, quis dapibus turpis iaculis. Donec porttitor leo et ante feugiat, a mattis nisi blandit. Mauris scelerisque diam enim, vitae molestie lorem hendrerit ut. Pellentesque ac dui eu nisi consequat ultricies dignissim eu urna. Sed varius quam dictum lacinia volutpat. Vivamus id dui nisi. Nullam nunc lacus, pharetra quis hendrerit in, vestibulum ut odio. Nunc adipiscing massa vel dui feugiat, in sollicitudin velit auctor. Aenean molestie nunc in augue convallis, quis pharetra odio suscipit volutpat a eget ligula.
Aenean eros leo, laoreet id orci ut, convallis mollis nunc. Donec euismod leo turpis, aliquam tincidunt dui viverra in. Integer metus velit, molestie sollicitudin suscipit ut, congue at odio. Vestibulum tempus sapien tincidunt, suscipit felis eu, ornare sapien. Quisque non viverra enim. Nam sagittis mattis sapien, ac porta sapien ullamcorper eu. Sed vitae massa eget magna suscipit tristique. In viverra ornare erat, eleifend pulvinar magna condimentum sit amet. Duis vestibulum dictum enim. In non erat diam. Etiam vehicula pretium justo eget ornare. Phasellus id metus lectus. Pellentesque tortor risus, luctus ut mi sit amet, porttitor auctor dolor. Morbi id porttitor sapien. Nulla magna quam, pulvinar sollicitudin placerat sed, consequat ut neque. Pellentesque ac leo nec diam semper.
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Annyeong! Are you still working on this? :)
Chapter 1: iS THIS STILL OPEN??
Kfroggs #3
Where'd you get the layout?
I've finally finished my app!! ^ ^

I hope you like her, please tell me if there's anything needed to be changed!
I'm planning of applying, but I was wondering if you were in need of coauthor.
My application: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/947481

Oh man, I'm so excited. The last time I did one of these was on my first AFF account...I'm a little rusty, I know. OTL Anyways, good luck!
Going to apply soon.. :)
do our characters have to be from these companies? or can they be from one like Leon?
forward #9
Chapter 2: awwww thanks for the nice review! c:
Chapter 2: thank you for the amazzinngg review! you totally made my day. :D