「 ● PROJECT REACH : teaser one | bae jinri.

「 ● PROJECT REACH : a new girl group project | apply open! | #staystrongjessica
teaser: bae jinri

"What happened in there?

"What did they say?

"You have to tell us everything!"

The trainees of DSP Media were swarming around Jinri like bees round a honeypot. Though ironic for someone steps away from becoming an idol and having every aspect of their life delved deep into, Jinri didn't particularly like attention. However, seeing people who weren't well acquainted with her swarm around out of desperation for her failure brought a smile to her face, part of her found it humourous, as cycinical as it may have been. 

It was no secret that only one trainee was getting picked for the "super group" project - at least that's what the DSP trainees labelled it - and each one of them was on edge. Getting called up to the CEO's office could mean you got the spot or it could be something irrelevant to the others. Whenever people were getting called away for meetings, others were hoping that they were failing in their hopes of getting into the group. It was competitive but no trainee could bring themselves to blame the other; they all wanted it as bad as the next.

So, when Bae Jinri was called to the CEO's office, the gossip circles in the building were going. And now that she was back, everyone wanted to know what it was about. 

"Tell everyone about what?" Jinri's voice sounded as smooth as sandpaper while she spoke to the others.

"Your meeting! What was the CEO saying?" One of her fellow trainees asked, latching onto the girl's arm; a gesture that went unappreciated by Jinri. 

"Why is that your business?"  Jinri's questioned seemed to be drowned out by the others, however.

"Did they pick you?"

"Say, if you did get picked, did you get to meet the other members?

"If you did, at least smile and be happy about it!

Jinri had never been one for the public but she had her own reasons for pursuing a career as an idol, mostly parental pressure but if she was ever asked in an interview, she'd flash a legendary fake smile and tell them, "It's been my dream ever since I heard my first K-pop song!" Her brutally honest attitude in toll with her sarcasm and wit wasn't exactly the idol way either. 

"Just leave it, she's obviously not the idol," it seemed as if everyone had got tired of her non responsive ways.

With that, Jinri made her way from the group of trainees around her and hurried to her training room for her rapping workshop - which was her main area of talent - to be greeted by a room empty except from her instructor. 

"Jinri, you're here early," her instructor pointed out.

"Well, everyone seems to be on hype and I don't feel like subjecting myself to that any longer," she explained.

"I heard," the instructor noted, "Congratulations." 

Jinri chuckled as she sat on the floor, waiting for others to arrive, "Keep it on the down low would you?" though her words seemed like she didn't want the oppurtunity, the small smile crossing her lips told a whole different story even just for that moment.

So, this is the first of many teasers and this is for my own character, Jinri, who's the chosen trainee representing DSP Media. Each character that's "accepted" will get a teaser but none of them will say if they've been chosen for the group seeing as the application period hasn't finished yet! 

Layout coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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Annyeong! Are you still working on this? :)
Chapter 1: iS THIS STILL OPEN??
Kfroggs #3
Where'd you get the layout?
I've finally finished my app!! ^ ^

I hope you like her, please tell me if there's anything needed to be changed!
I'm planning of applying, but I was wondering if you were in need of coauthor.
My application: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/947481

Oh man, I'm so excited. The last time I did one of these was on my first AFF account...I'm a little rusty, I know. OTL Anyways, good luck!
Going to apply soon.. :)
do our characters have to be from these companies? or can they be from one like Leon?
forward #9
Chapter 2: awwww thanks for the nice review! c:
Chapter 2: thank you for the amazzinngg review! you totally made my day. :D