
Demonic Love

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Chanyeol, do you think I'm too childish?”


Baekhyun asked while he put away the rabbit ears where he had found them earlier today. Chanyeol glanced over at Baekhyun from the bed as he seemed to think about what Baekhyun asked.


I don't know.”
“Yah! Can't you be a little nice?!”
“Haha, sorry. But seriously, I don't know. I like it when you're acting a little childish, but if you would start to cry like a baby all the time... Then I think I wouldn't like it.”
“So I'm not too childish?”
“The aegyo thing wasn't childish in a bad way, I liked it. But if you would act like that all the time without any reason, I think I would get annoyed about it.”
“I see... Then maybe it's time to think about that too...”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ah nothing, I was just thinking out loud.”


Chanyeol chuckled as Baekhyun walked over to him and sat down beside him. Well, mostly of the day has passed since they fooled around in the living room and then watched a movie or two. It's probably bed time soon again.


Hey Chanyeol... D-Do you... get any older?”


Baekhyun suddenly felt the urge to ask Chanyeol something totally random. Well, it has been bothering Baekhyun a lot that Chanyeol looks just like he did when Baekhyun was younger. Does Chanyeol age? He means, he looks the same but does he age at all?


The years pass me by like it does for everyone else, it's just that my body doesn't change. I do get older but to be honest, I can't really die from aging.”
“Oh... So technically your body never age.”
“Well in the beginning it does when I'm born, but when you reach a certain age you stop to change. But if you loose too much of your magical power within you, your body will start to age until you have stopped the aging again.”
“Woah... Sounds complicated.”
“Why did you suddenly ask that?”
“Well I wish I could stay as young and youthful as you.”
“Haha, you think like that huh? Well... To be honest... Not being able to get older like every else... it's not as fun and awesome as many thinks. You're stuck and it's like your immortal. Everyone around you are mostly mean demons and you hate them all so you never hangout with them. But the few humans you meet that are so nice dies and...”


Chanyeol went silent like he wanted to show Baekhyun that this is quite painful. Baekhyun felt somewhat guilty for making Chanyeol feel like this, so he gently put his hand on Chanyeol's shoulder as he smiled one of his brightest smiles. He knows the pain of losing someone close to you, trust him he truly does.


Chanyeol... Losing someone is hard... But if what you said earlier to me... that my parents will always be with me... Then I bet that there are some people who will always be with you as well.”
“Oh man... Now I'm the one who acts depressed.”


Chanyeol teasingly said as he smiled at Baekhyun. It feels good to know that Baekhyun isn't the only one who has lost someone dear to him. But he can't help to wonder, what will happen when Baekhyun dies? Where will he go? What will happen to... What will happen to Chanyeol?


Hey... Are you tired? I should let you sleep now if you're tired-”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being honest with me and telling me the truth.”
“Uhm... No problem?”


Chanyeol looked kind of nervous like he has never been in a situation like this one before. Baekhyun smiled as he watched Chanyeol stand up to leave the room. Baekhyun somehow doesn't want him to leave, but he still let Chanyeol leave since he seems to have something on his mind.


Goodnight Baekhyun.”
“Goodnight Chanyeol.”


After they both had said their goodnight's, Chanyeol left the room and closed the door behind him. Baekhyun then got to lie down on the bed as he stared up at the ceiling for a while before he tried to go to sleep. After all, tomorrow will be a new day with new opportunities.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

They will find you guys soon if things continues like this. You should ask for help.”
“Ask for help? In my I will...”
“Why not? Doesn't that Chen guy owe you a favor?”
“Not anymore...”
“Then what about other demons?”
“They don't care about humans like I do. They don't want to follow the devil, but they don't want to help humans too much either.”
“Then there is only one option and that is to make the boy love you.”
“You can't just make someone love you.”
“You can, but it has to be true love though.”
“Exactly and... We're both men... He might not even be into boys...”
“What if he is?”
“Not a chance.”
“But what if he is? What if you miss an opportunity to become stronger?”
“I wouldn't want to get stronger if it wasn't for him. No one would bother me anyway.”
“You're the rebelling demon who doesn't hate humans and doesn't follow the devil. There aren't many who dared to get away like you did. And you were barely strong enough to get away last time.”
“But I made it and that doesn't matter anymore.”
“Or does it?”


Chanyeol glanced down at Black who purred a little while he walked towards the couch Chanyeol sat on. He jumped up on the coffee table in front of the couch as he sat on it with his glowing yellow eyes staring at Chanyeol. Chanyeol truly hates him sometimes...


So what? It shouldn't matter anymore.”
“Think about it Chanyeol, they're closing in on you with both power and speed. They're almost at you now and they will succeed to kill the boy if things keeps going on like this.”
“What do you want me to do then?”
“Take him somewhere else, somewhere further away from his home. They're looking for him right now, aren't they? Then hide him better.”
“But the barrier here is stronger than a new one. This one has gotten stronger through years, a new one would be easily broken if someone would attack it.”
“There must be another place where a strong barrier are kept, or am I wrong?”
“My old house? Are you kidding me? Isn't it obvious that I will go there?”
“It is but isn't it safer there at the moment then what it is here?”


That damn cat does have a point... But at the same time, isn't it dangerous to move Baekhyun from where they are to another place when the whole city is filled with demons? Chanyeol felt how he sighed as he picked up his phone. He already knows that one demon knows where he lives since he called him, but what about other demons?


I bet they made a game out of this...”
“Oh no, not just a game, but also a bet and a promise.”
“What do you mean? What do you know?”
“After you fell asleep I went out.”
“How the hell did you get out?!”
“I'm your Familiar, not a normal cat like you seem to think all the time. I use spirit magic to meet up with other Familiars.”
“Oh... W-What did you find out?”
“A lot to be honest, like how demons have begun to compete against each other. The one who kills the boy wins, but of course there are other offers than just that. The devil has a special offer to his 10 sons.”
“And that special offer is?”
“The one who manage to kill the boy and you will be the next Devil.”
“Oh man... You got to be kidding me...”
“I'm not joking, this is a serious conversation and-”
“It's just an expression dammit. Can't you read the mood?”
“Hmph! A cat like me don't need to read the mood! I'm a cat, not a human!”
“Wasn't it you who complained about me seeing you as a cat just for a minute ago?”
“Don't try to backfire at me!”
“Well you were the cocky one... But give me more important information now.”
“You can forget that!”
“Oh come on!”
“I don't have any more information! That was all! I promise!”
“I hope so! Else I will struggle you to death!”


Chanyeol felt how he sat and glared at his cat for a while who glared back at him. He swears that if Baekhyun had seen them, he would think Chanyeol is crazy for sure. But luckily him he isn't awake. Or...?


Uhm Chanyeol... what are you doing?”


Chanyeol stared startled at Baekhyun who stared at him with really funny eyes. He probably wanted some water and went out to get it, but he must have seen Chanyeol talk to Black and Chanyeol bets that Baekhyun must have thought he is crazy when he started to scream at Black.


I-It's not how it looks like!”
“So you're not talking to Black?”
“N-No! Ah wait! I mean yes! I'm talking to Black!”
“Why are you screaming like that?”
“What do you mean?”


Chanyeol tried to act cool but Baekhyun had already seen through him. Baekhyun shook his head as he walked over to Chanyeol as he looked curiously at Black.


What are you staring at human?!”
“Omo, he meowed! What did he say?”
“U-Uhm... H-He said that you look cute.”
“You're lying...”
“Obviously you're a bad liar when you're not being serious Chanyeol!”
“Oh shut it will you?!”


Chanyeol hissed back at his cat as Baekhyun burst out in laughter. Chanyeol can understand if Baekhyun doesn't really believe him that he can talk to his cat. Baekhyun suddenly sat down beside Chanyeol as he joined him to stare at Black.


You know, I wonder if your cat truly likes me.”
“Of course I have to like you! If Chanyeol likes you, I like you! Obviously...”
“He's not happy with me right now.”
“How can he tell?!”
“His meows are really loud and high pitched... Is he screaming at us?”
“Baekhyun... you're truly amazing...”
“How am I amazing?”
“No one has ever figured out when he's screaming at you...”
“I just guessed and I was right?! Omo, maybe I can understand him a little?!”
“I don't know... Maybe you understand him since you're so close and important to me?”
“I-Important...? A-Am I really... that important to you?”
“Silly, you're more important to me than my own life.”


Baekhyun looked really touched for a second as he had to look away. Chanyeol felt how he put his arms around the boy as he pulled him into a warm hug. Black seemed annoyed but he didn't say anything more as he left the room. He can be a little grumpy from time to time, but it's nothing to take too serious.


You're always going to be important to me since you're the one who saved me. Now I want to save you.”
“Y-You... D-Don't say such things...”


Baekhyun blushed like a fool as Chanyeol smiled. He loves the shy Baekhyun even though he has barely seen all of Baekhyun's sides. He wants to see more of the boy's different sides, he wants to get to know him more. Much more than anyone else! Chanyeol wants to be the one who knows Baekhyun the best, the one who Baekhyun trusts the most and the one that he can always talk to without hiding anything.


Baekhyun... I'm thinking of leaving this apartment and going somewhere else, to make sure that you will be safe.”
“W-Where is that?”
“My old house... The demons will find out we're there after a while but we can be safe there for at least a month or two. At least until I have found a new safe place.”
“W-Wait, a-are you saying that I'm supposed to just disappear for two months?”
“If not longer.”
“W-Wait, I-I can't! D-D.O will get an heart attack and he won't be able to rest until he has found me! I-I can't just leave without saying anything to him!”
“But do you think he will believe you if you tell him that a demon that has become your guardian has to take you away because other demons are after you since you didn't die along with your parents? Do you really think he will believe you even if you show him me and Black? I don't think he will believe you without lock you up at a mental hospital.”
“B-But... I-I just can't... What if...? D-D.O will get so worried... A-After all, I-I don't have anywhere else to go and-”
“Just come with me for now, we can contact him when time comes.”
“I-I can't just leave him! I-I have to talk to him before-”


Before Baekhyun could finish his sentence, both Baekhyun and Chanyeol heard how a loud and unbelievable hard thud hit the window beside them. Chanyeol felt the darkness right away as he stood up and grabbed Baekhyun's wrist and pulled him with him. Chanyeol hurried to back away from the window as another loud thud hit the window, this time it was louder and harder.


, they're here!”
“W-What?! N-No way!”
“I told you that they would find you soon!”
“Shut up stupid cat and do something useful!”
“Fine, leave me and the boy in your room, we can get your things packed and you concentrate to keep the barrier up!”
“Sounds like a plan, go!”
“Wait what?! I still can't understand your cat!”
“Go with him, now!”
“Go where?!”


Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun into the bedroom as he closed the door behind them. Then he put one of his hand on the door and closed his eyes. Chanyeol concentrated his magic into the door as he let it flow out into the door and the walls around the bedroom.


Oh mighty power of wind, bring me safety with your strong wind! Keep unwanted intruders away and keep my treasure safe!”


Chanyeol let out the powerful words as the door shined up in a second before the light spread around the walls to the bedroom. Now Baekhyun will be safe until Chanyeol has been beaten, which won't happen! Chanyeol won't let anyone win over him!

The loud thuds became stronger and stronger until the window broke and Chanyeol faced the giant shadow that looked to be made of smoke. Black smoke. It's a demon for sure. The smoke begun to take shape as fast it was inside before a man with pale skin and pitch black hair appeared in front of him. The black sunglasses hid the red glowing eyes.


What do you want? Destroying my window and coming uninvited? How rude.”
“Park Chanyeol, you haven't just broken our laws to protect our victims, but also you have rebelled against our leader and on top of that you're hiding the last victim we want dead. I'm here to bring your heads with me!”
“Oh? My head? You want to take my precious head? Well... I want your head first.”
“Haha, won't happen, kid!”
“Who do you call kid, you spoiled brat.”


Chanyeol felt how the energy filled him as he let himself turn into the first phase of his demon transformation. He mostly of the time only needs to turn into the first phase to beat weak demons like this one, but he's not sure how strong he truly is. He hasn't fought like this for years, he would always sneak attack his enemies with help from other demons like Chen.


Die you damn betrayer!”
“Huh! Spoiled brats shouldn't talk to their hyungs like that!”


Chanyeol let his hand get covered in fire as the other man sprinted towards him. It took a second before the man was in front of him with a sword in his hand that he had conjured within a second, but Chanyeol knows that the sword is way weaker than his fire.


Oh mighty fire, bring me the strength from your mighty desire!”


Chanyeol literally punched his fire fist right through the sword and hit the man right in the face. The man shouted in pain as Chanyeol grabbed his throat fast and squeezed it as hard as he could, struggling the man.


You... S-Stop it...”
“Uh? You want me to stop? Oh, your so called father isn't here to protect you. Do you think I would spare such a lowlife as you? Pathetic!”


Chanyeol squeezed the man's throat harder before he finally went up in smoke and disappeared with the wind. As fast the room was clear, Chanyeol sighed tired as he turned off his demon mode. Then he hurried to walk over to his bedroom to check upon Baekhyun and Black. He hopes that nothing has happened with them.


Baekhyun, Black-”


Before Chanyeol could say anything else, a loud thud was made behind him as he turned around to face the new demon that had come into the apartment. As fast he turned around, he saw a fist try to hit him in the face, but he dodge it fast as a loud thud hit the door. But the door won't break from it thanks to the seal Chanyeol put on it.


Oh come on, do you brats even know what knocking is? Huh?!”


Chanyeol kicked the new demon man as he was fast to grab his throat and squeeze it with all his strength. But more of them are coming, he can sense the darkness come closer to them. There will soon be too many for him to handle. Soon there will be too many demons here...


Are you... scared... you damn... betrayer?”
“Shut up!”


Chanyeol smashed the man down onto the floor as he grabbed the vase on the table and literally smashed it against the man's head as hard as he could. The demon went up in smoke just like the other one as Chanyeol rushed over to the bedroom and banged hard on the door.


Yah! Are you ready or not?!”


Chanyeol cursed on the inside as he felt the darkness come closer to them. Please just get ready to go already! Before it's too late for them to leave!



Ayo guys! How you doing~? ^.^

So, I'm going to take make this message short, I promise! I'm so sorry for not updating for a while, but I have been busy during my summer break but now I'm back at school and I have found some time to write again! Please forgive me for not updating for a while! *cries while pleading for mercy*

Anyway, I want to thank you all for your support and I have to say that I love my readers! I love you all and I want you to know that you make me really happy when you comment, especially when I don't feel well! Thank you everyone! ^.^

Subs, comments and upvotes are always appreciated, but up you! It's not a must though, but like I said, it's very appreciated! Thank you! ^.^

Well, that's all I got. Thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night/afternoon/morning! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3

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kashycat #1
Chapter 22: I really don't trust the situation - Baekhyun feeling someone/something staring at him, only for the feeling to disappear the moment a suddenly rather Happy Chanyeol appears ? I say somethong's not right there - they have to be really cautious TT
Chapter 21: ??? my heart is pounding!!
Chapter 10: Adorable chapter! ??
I just fall in love with the story ?... Looking forward for next chapter
Chapter 18: I love this story soo much *-* I'm looking forward to the next update ^^
Chapter 17: Oh no what happened? I hope nothing bad...
Can't wait for the next update ^^