Don't look at me like that

DaeJae One shots

-"When the lights start to turnoff I quietly go to meet you..."-

I'm at the back of school now.. comforting my boyfriend, Yoo Youngjae, who won't seem to stop crying... I try to soothe him with my embrace and told him that eberything was going to be alright, as we prepared to go back to that hell hole, also known as our school..

-" A flower blooms in the world that's only filled with torns"-

As we entered, we immediately earned extremely judging looks with very irritating whispers bonusing out  from the other 'people'

-"Why? Why not?
They whisper and go againts us..
Why? Why not? , we're so in love"-

"HaH! Faggots!" 
I heard a boy yell.. 
Youngjae clunged to me more...

I started to shield Youngjae while grabbing him to run at the same time.. because they started to throw paper balls at us...

They gave us disgusted stares..

-"Don't look at us like that.."-

"You don't deserve to live!" They yelled and cornered us...
one guy even grabbed Youngjae by the collar.. he moved too fast..and I wasn't able to stop him from pushing Youngjae roughly on the floor..
"Faggots aren't welcome here!" he yelled..and Youngjae curled up into a ball and burried his face by his knees. As soon as he bursted out and cried again, I couldn't help but tear up as well..  seeing your most beloved one in pain.. hurts like hell ,if you ask me..

"What is wrong with you people!" ,
I exploded and punched the guy front and center on the face..before grabbing Youngjae and running as fast as I could

-"We're just in love, that's all.."-

As lunch passed by, We decided to forget about the previous events this morning and took a table together and started feeding eachother like we always did..until..

"Pshh! That is just disgusting! they should go kill themselves or something!"

-"Don't. hate on us, however you're viewing us"-

Youngjae frowned and hanged his head initiated that he wanted to stop and start to let warm water from his eyes fall again... Nop.Not this time biash..

I gently held his chin and lifted his head up , as I shot him a small but sad smile and continued feeding him again

"Don't listen to them.."

he nodded.

We got up from our seats and out of the cafeteria as people started to throw hurtful comments at our relationship again..

-"Were just a little different..just leave us alone.."-

We went to the rooftop to escape , those painful judgemental words drooping out of people's mouths

"Can't we live in a world where time stands still? Why? Why not?.. we did nothing wrong.."

"Daehyun.. I can't keep going on like this..."



"I think we should end this..."

"Youngjae, please! You can't do this to me!"

-"Tell me what is wrong.. Tell me what is love.."-

"I'm sorry Daehyun"

-" I wan't to love however I want, I won't change no matter what anyone says"-

"Youngjae.. please.. I won't change no matter what anyone says!"

"I know..and I'm sorry..but I will.."

My mind went black for awhile and the next time I noticed, he wasn't there anymore
..he disappeared out of my sight.. I ran after him but I couldn't catch up.. now I'm in the hallway, panting heavily and made a laughing stock by the people who were now mocking me..

-"Don't look at me like that...We were just in love, that was all..
If only you didn't hate on us, however when you were viewing us..

We were just a little different..
If only ,you just left us alone.."-


(A/N: inspired by Jieun's latest single, "Don't look at me like that")


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LunaticV #1
Chapter 2: lol, cute :D
KeyboardHero #2
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh~ so cute :3 I love the last part