1 Stubborn

DaeJae One shots

"Daehyun..please.." ,YoungJae pleaded for what seemed like the millionth time..He didn't know what was wrong with the latter, why he had started ignoring him all of the sudden when he's usually all over him..

"Why wont you talk to me?! at least say something!"


"ohh come on! you know that's not what i meant!"

The elder didn't reply, instead he just turned his back and faced the wall infront of the other side of their shared bed


no response


Still no response

"ughhhhhh!! Fine! if you won't talk to me, then I'm outta here!"

Youngjae stood up from the bed,and  stormed towards the door. However he was kind of hoping Daehyun would stop him from doing so...but it seems as though Daehyun didn't care at all, and so with desperate attempts, he went through the door, closing it rather harshly.

"Stupid Jung Daehyun ! Doesn't know how to appreciate someone's attention!"      he yelled, purposely making it loud enough for Daehyun to here..

Daehyun did hear it and all he could do was sigh

"Look who's talking..." he uttered 

He really did want to stop Youngjae from leaving but, he made a commitment to himself to go through with his plan no matter how hard it is...after all, Youngjae deserves it... The past few Days, he had been trying to gain the younger's attention with different sorts of things, such as corny love jokes, ice cream, signing and simply by just being Daehyun. But did Youngjae bother to check in on him and atleast notice him? No, No he didn't. Apparently, the latter told him that he was busy with his 'school project'and that he didnt want to be disturbed.., but when Youngjae left his laptop for a little while for the bathroom, Daehyun decided to check if he really was busy with his 'school project' and when he saw what Youngjae had been so busy with, he's eyes widened in disbelief when the only thing he saw on the screen were messages from a boy named ' Im Jaebum' , he couldn't believe that his 'JaeJae' was picking this Jaebum guy over him and so with that, he plotted his revenge on Youngjae for making him sulk over the lack of attention he was given. Before he could read the conversation, Youngjae was already done using the rest room and he quickly pretended to return to sleep to avoid any suspicions from the latter. 


Youngjae went back to their shared room bringing with him some ,cheesecake ,he was able to buy in a nearby convenient store just around the block, hoping it would bring Daehyun back to him and knowing that the latter could NEVER resist Cheesecake. He entered the room only to find his Hyung sleeping soundly, still facing the wall ..


no answer

"Dae, I brought cheesecake, we can eat it together.."

still no answer

He figured he was still asleep, but that didn't mean, he was going to give up right there. So he climb on top his 'sleeping' hyung, grabbed his waist and rolled all over the bed, causing the elder to release and irritated ground

" Yah! Yoo Youngjae, get of me this instant"

"gahhh! Finally you spoke! I brought cheesecake, Daehyunnie...Lets eat it together~"

"heh~ no way"

"Wow...the almighty Jung Daehyun, saying no to cheesecake and his favorite Dongsaeng"

"Pshhh~ You're not my Favorite ... Zelo is ! "     These words hurt Youngjae's heart real bad, but he was trying not to show it , but unfortunately luck wasn't on his side, and Daehyun manage to notice the Latter's pouty dark and hurt expression and he felt bad for saying those things directly infront of Youngjae.. And so to lighten up the mood, he decided..

"I may not be in the mood right now..but I'll take that cheesecake.."

 and in an instant, Youngjae's face brightened up

"Yay! let me feed you then, hyung"

Daehyun couldn't help but chuckle at the latter's cuteness but it doesn't mean, he'll give up on his plan just yet. He thought for awhile  , he guessed it couldn't hurt to have Youngjae feed him right? after all he did hurt his feelings, so this will just make it even.

"A'ight... you can feed me~"



After Eating the whole entire dessert, they decided to just lay on their bed.. but Youngjae had other things in mind.. So he curled up and cuddle with his Hyung, Daehyun Tried his best to move away and that this was a major NO NO to his plan, but it was just about proven that no matter how hard he tries, he just can't resist the ball of fluff that's comfortably hurdling over him..

" Dae... why were you mad at me?"

He was very uneasy at this very uncomfortable topic but he just try to think of something as he goes..

"I was never mad at you JaeJae-ah"

"Liar... I know you all too much to tell whether you're lying or not"

"But it's the truth!"

"No, no it's not!, tell me the real truth! did i do something bad?"

"No!.. well yes , I mean NO!"

"ohuh! got ya! so I did do something bad to make ignore me!"

well sh*t.....OH SCREW THE PLAN! THIS IS WAY TO HARD!" he mentally screamed

"*sigh* I give up...yes, Jae..you did.."

Youngjae frowned

"I'm sorry then...I hope you forgive me for whatever it was.."

"hehh... I guess...then in that case, There's nothing to forgive.."

"Thanks, hyung...but what did I do?"

" well where do i start....ugghhh...remember those days when you were working on your 'project'? "

"Yeah...why? what about it?"

" Well.. I don't know if you noticed... but I've trying to gain you're attention ever since, but you would always ignore or shun me , and i guess it kinda hurt..."

" I see... I'm sorry hyung...but I was really busy on my project, I hope you understand..."

" That is if there was a project to begin with!"

" What do you mean? of course there was a project, a very hard one at that, so i had to get really busy"

"Oh really? Then if you were so busy , you wouldn't have been Chatting with that Jaebum guy over your laptop!"

" Jaebum? What the- Is that what this is about?"

"well what'd you think?!

" I duno, something far more serious like, you saw and had gone mad at me for accidentally dropping your toothbrush in the toilet and directly putting it back in the rack without washing!"


"HEY, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, AND I WAS RUNNING LATE!, luckily, it was just today so you haven't used it yet.."

" Oh thank God! I though i was brushing my teeth with toilet water all this time, oh wait HEY- You're not getting out that easily! As I was saying! You were ignoring me for that Jaebum kid, and worse, you had to use a dumb project that never existed as your lame excuse! You just had to lie to me"

" Hyung! I never lied to you!"

"Oh yeh?! then how do you explain the whole Jaebum chatting and me ignoring thing?!"

"Pabo yah!, My project was really hard, and I just asked Jaebum for some help..."

"Why ask a stranger when you can ask me instead , then?!"

"hey Four your information, JB is not a stranger! he happens to be one of my closest friend at school!"

"I could careless about your relationship with him, Youngjae.. Why did you ask him instead of me then, huh?"

"because you didnt take this class when you were in the university"

"Oh really? then what was it about?"


"ohh...okay.... I get it now.... "

"Hyung, you're not mad at me anymore right?"

"nop, I could never really get mad at you Youngjae -ah! you're just too cute for that!" 

"really? then why did you give me the cold shoulder earlier? hmm?

"*sigh* okay I admit it...maybe i was just jealous of all the attention Jaebum was getting from you and the way you kept ignoring me too.."

"awwww, hyung was jealous! don't worry hyung, JB and I are just close friends.. You still have a chance *wink*"

Daehyun blushed

"Yahhh! YOO YOUNGJAE!  what's that suppose to mean?!"

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LunaticV #1
Chapter 2: lol, cute :D
KeyboardHero #2
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh~ so cute :3 I love the last part