The Apple tree incident (slight )

DaeJae One shots

Warning: This chapter may contain some inappropriate things for underaged users...please sciddadle if you're not too comfortable with it :) 

Tap Tap tap. Youngjae began as he was quickly getting into boredom as his music teacher began to discuss something about tonal voice combinations..and Youngjae could care less
'What is this? kindergarten? This is a music institution for petes sake, I  learned that when I was Seven!', 
he thought but was interuppted when the teacher stopped discussing and went to stare at Youngjae and at some other guy then back at youngjae again..

"Mr. Yoo and Mr. Jung, would you stop looking so uninterested in my class and start writing down your notes?!"

Youngjae didn't even have time to react when the other guy, 'Jung' butted out and just had to retort

"But Mr.Park We are Uninterested, This is a music institution for petes sake , and come on! me and Youngjae already took this class together when we were like seven! this isn't really much of a challenge!"

Like taken from his Mind, Daehyun had just about said what he had thought ,True to his words though, Youngjae did take these classes with Daehyun when they were 7 year olds.. That was also the time when Youngjae had learned who the latter was, and had also learned to  hate him.. Jung Daehyun.. as he still recalled always back then.. He was an irresponsible piece of poop that was waiting to be flushed in by the toilet.. That guy, gave no respect , no kindness , no care to anyone and what so ever, besides himself..he was arrogant and Youngjae certainately didn't want anything to do with him...but ofcourse Mr.Park wasn't going to let them go off that easily..

"Mr. Jung, You're arrogance just got about the best of you! Therefore, You and Mr. Yoo will have to take full responsibility of your mistakes...You two will be assigned to do a 'special project', I'm thinking maybe...apply what you have learned when you were seven? pfft.. go on and it better have proper tonal voice combinations! afterall, this is a music institution , not much of a challenge,right, Mr. Jung?"

Youngjae couldn't believe it..he was going to do a special project with Jung Daehyun? Jung. Dae. Hyun. The guy that had almost drown him in the toilet when he was seven years old?, (it's a long story) That Jung Daehyun? Oh hell no he wasn't going to simply approve to that.

So in desperate attempt, he stood up and tried as best as he could to keep his knees from turning into jello..all eyes were on him now..

"Sir!!! I Can't do a special project with Jung Daehyun!" 
He said as he pointed to Daehyun who gave him a sly smirk
"And why is that? Mr. Yoo?"

"Because-Because! Jung Daehyun is a complete 
, who does everything he wants even without the consent of another person! and I just cant 'simply' work with him because I hateee him!"

"Mr. Yoo!! How can you be so tactless! Mr. Jung is right infront of you, Apologize immediately! "

'Apologize for what? speaking the truth? ' Youngjae thought as he glanced over to Daehyun only to be greeted by a pretend pouty and hurt face.. Youngjae wanted to puke all of his breakfast and lunch now..

"but-but Why should I apologize! he was the one Who started it by getting me in trouble!"

"Pipe down, Youngjae! Why don't you just do what Mr. Park tells you to do and everything'll be resolved!"

"Shut it, Daehyun! I'm not Talking to you!"

"ENOUGH!!" everyone quieted down as they heard Mr. Park yell to the top of his lungs

"Mr.Yoo, Apologize to Mr.Jung this instant! And I don't want to hear any words from you two about declining the project! You will sing together with proper tonal voice combination and that is that! The project is due tomorrow,  so I suggest You both go to the detention room and plan it out, considering the fact that you showed disrespect to your class adviser! 
and for the record Mr. Yoo, your voice and Mr.Jung's voice blends in perfectly, so I see no reason on why it should be hard if you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue my class without anyone yelling at my face so , you two should probably get going now!"

Youngjae couldn't argue anymore so he just complied to what Mr.Park told him to do and gave Daehyun a cold 'I'm sorry Daehyun, I didn't mean to say those things to you' only to be replied by a victorious mocking smirk from Daehyun...

Both of them stood up, went out of their  classroom ,going straight to the detention room..

*When they got there*

Youngjae sat up straight ,staring up front and paid no attention to the presence sitting beside him.. That is until, he felt a light tap by his shoulder..He knew who it was so he didn't bother to look.

"Youngjae-ah... we have to talk about the project like Mr.Park ordered us to do..if you wont do it then my and your grades are going to get flushed down the toilet.."

"since when did you care about my well-being?!" Youngjae burst while still looking up front and not facing Daehyun.. It felt weird though..Daehyun didn't retort or reply.. like he always did, instead he looked up front too, not even stealing glances at Youngjae who was currently debating to apologize for his rude behaviour or not...

"Do you hate me that much, Jae-ah?"

"oh hell yeah.. "

Youngjae was expecting a sarcastic or mocking comment but received none as Daehyun continued to Look upfront while holding back a frown and a tear..

Tw'as not soon before the bell rung for dismissal.. and not a word was spoken by each individuals.. but just for safety measure, and for the concerns of his grades, Daehyun decided to throw a crampled paper ball to Youngjae..

Youngjae was about to get angry again, but before he could do so, Daehyun already left for the door..

He was about to throw it away, thinking it was a prank or something,  but decided to open it up anyway...when he did, he found a note written in on such poor penmanship;

'I know you hate me but, we have to work on this wether you like it or me at my house after school. Go home and get changed first. My place is still the same place from when we were 7, so I guess you know where to go.. see you there..'

He expected it to have something stupid and obviously flirty written in there like : Be there and bring your body with you. I'll be waiting' , but there was none.. it was just a simple and blunt note.. it haunted him

'Jung. Dae. Hyun. Simple. and. blunt. note' 'HAS HE GONE COOCOO?!'

Did he say something to have some great effect on Daehyun? Is Daehyun sick?
was it a good thing or a bad thing?
Either way, he doesn't care.. it was Jung Daehyun for petes sake, Youngjae doesn't have any feelings of concern or any kind for that boy...

atleast that's what he thinks...

Youngjae's POV
Whatever did I do to deserve this? I was now standing at Daehyun's door step for all I knew.. I gently knocked on the door to atleast give a good impression to the one who opens it..I wasn't thinking about impressing Daehyun at all, no, did I say that? I didn't..I dont care what Daehyun thinks about me with my specially chosen outfit that came with a loose bottoned long sleeve, formal jeans, black rimmed glasses, blue snickers, and a red I didn't specially prepare this outfit. Why would I? its not like I actually really wanted to impress Daehyun, right? ofcourse not..that would be silly..

After some few moments of fixing myself , the door finally opened. Revealing a beautiful lady that I swore was familiar but I couldn't point out

"Excuse me? she said

"Ughhh..I'm Youngjae, Daehyun's fr-   
Before I could even finish my statement, the woman's expression transformed from normal to extravagantly entised to the point where she jumped in joy and embraced me as tightly as humanly possible

"Youngjae?! Is it really you? You've grown up into such a handsome boy! I still remember the chubby and cute little boy who was always playing with my son!"

'Pfft..playing? more like being bossed and bullied around! wait did she say son? Daehyun's mom? WTF I thought it was his sister or something!"

"Daehyun's mom?"

"Ohh! You remembered!"

that's because you just told me -_-

"Soo what brings a handsome boy like you here?"

Honestly I wanted to tell her about how Daehyun rudely dragged me into making this damn assignment..but she looks so happy, and it would be ashame to ruin her mood. So I just swallowed my tongue and try to think of the most appropriate things to put this up with..

" project... and bonding?"

"OMG!! I've been waiting for you two to make up and be best buds again, for so long!  just like the old times ...before the incident..."

"incident? what incident? "

"You don't remember?"


"well then it's no use trying to get it out from me..just ask Daehyun instead...which reminds me...Please tell him
that I'm going to come home late or maybe at morning for overtime from work.."

"Okay..but Where is he?"

"In his room on the second floor, last room to the left "

"oh..okay..I'll be going there then.."

"and I better be headed to work..I'm running late!"

"okay..bye auntie!"

"Awwee I miss you me calling that! bye..,oh and Youngjae?"


"I just want to tell you.. Please understand Daehyun, of what he's going to tell of ever you ask him about the incident .. please believe him and try your best to cope with him, arrasso?"


"Good, I'll be headed then"


I didn't understand a word she just said...incident? I'll just ask Daehyun about it then...

As I was headed to his room, I started to slow my pace down to admire all the stuff on the wall..

His awards were so overwhelming
,Ofcourse I too have some awards. Don't mean to brag but its true, I did have a great number of them..

I continue to view Daehyuns awards ..
Until I caught up with an award that caught my eyes

'1st place to Jung Daehyun and Yoo Youngjae for winning the Annual kid duet singing contest'

I knew I hanged out with Daehyun back then but..not to the point where I'd join a singing contest with him! 
and then there was another award...a lot of them actually

'Congratulations to Yoo Youngjae and Jung Daehyun for winning 1st place on the national grand finals of the 27th korea's got talent '

Okay whut?..

'congratulations for Youngjae and Daehyun for winning 2nd place in Seoul kindergarten's Dance with my best buddy contest'

okay...that was a bit off

'3rd place goes to Daehyun and Youngjae for the sand castle making contest'

now that's just cliche..

'congratulations to Daehyun and Youngjae' 'congratulations to Daehyun and Youngjae'....and so on..

There were so many awards I barely have enough limbs to count them... did I really hang out with Daehyun that much? but he used to bully come it says best buddies on the award right here?...and how come I don't remember anything?

I proceeded with my walk to Daehyun's room but stopped mid way to look at the gallery of pictures hanged on the wall and placed on a table...

There were so many pictures.. They were even sorted out with categories on tables .. One was 'Baby Daehyun' it had loads of pictures of Daehyun as an infant..he had real puffy cheeks back there too..I wonder where they went? 
I walked and checked through every last category until I came upon the last table to Daehyun's room..
It was entitled 'My Best Friend and I ' and it even had  2 children's hand print on each end of the seemed as though they dipped there hands in paint and marked it there... one was smaller than the other.. I decided to look at the pictures and my eyes widdened in shock... they were all pictures of little Daehyun and Me...

There were pictures of us, singing,  dancing , playing, eating, holding hands, in funny costumes and so so much more framed pictures of us... I couldn't believe it .. when did this happen? How could I forget? My thoughts were disturbed when my eyes caught up with one photo,  it stood up from the was on the middle and it was also the biggest one.. it was a picture of me hugging Daehyun from his back as we shared geniune smiles and laughter together infront of an apple tree...

That tree..its so familiar.. I examined the photo and to my consent it had a letter attached to it at the very back, it's obviously written by a child due to the familiar poor hand writing ,incorrect spelling and the barely correct grammar..;

My Dear JaeJae,
I'm sorry for letting you fall..
I'm sorry I cood not protect you..
I'm sorry for being bad hyung..
I'm sorry I cry after I see you sleeping in white bed not waking up..
I'm sorry for big bubu you have on your head..
I'm sorry you can't remember me..
I hope you will remember me as good hyung somday.. because even though my mommy and your mommy told me to play with you after you wake up..I say no to them..because I'm scared..I'm scared I'll hurt you again.. Even though Your mommy said it was an accident..I know it was my fault..I was a bad hyung..
so I hope you dont mind if I stay away from you..Of coorse you dont mind..You dont even remember me.. But please if I do stupid things in the future.. I hope you furgive me..please dont hayt me because You are my best friend and best friends always love other bestfriends, Just Like I Love You.
                      Love, Your one and
                    only, Daehyun hyung
After reading the hit me..I remember...

(13 years ago)

"Daehyunnie~ , lets climb that tall apple tree!  "

" *sigh* Whatever you want JaeJae!"

After climbing, we decided to take a break on a firm branch

"Daehyunnie~ I want that apple! can you get it for me?"

"But it's too high up JaeJae-ah.. I might fall.."

"But hyung~  I want it..I thought you said I could have whatever I want? Was hyung lying? Lying is bad! You're being a bad hyung!"

"No, hyung wasn't lying, but you see..I can't reach that.. It's too high for me.. I might slip"

"Eyyy Hyung is being a coward! JaeJae can reach that! JaeJae is not afraid"

"No Jae! You'll slip"

"Not listening-

I tried to reach it but it was too high and I lost balance , screamed and fall to the ground hitting my head really hard ..the last thing I heard and saw was Daehyun Crying and Yelling my name..
I don't know why but I couldn't see anything nor move..I only heard voices ..there must have been at least four people including myself present since I heard 3 voices. one was a loudly sobbing boy kid and two were grown ups .. girl grown ups

"Daehyunnie Dont cry...It wasn't your fault.."

"But auntie.. he asked for an apple and I didn't give it to him because it was too high so he did it himself and look at him now!"

"Daehyun..It was an accident , anything could have happened..You dont need to blame it on yourself.."

"But mommy..I was the only one with him...he even called me a bad hyung because I didn't get what he wanted.. I am a bad hyung.."

"No you're not...You're the best hyung Youngjae has..he was just clumsy..don't worry after he wakes up, you'll be able to play with him all you want"

"but the smart guy with the white jacket said..he can't remember..if he forgets me then please let him...I dont want to hurt him again.."

"Daehyun! listen to me when I say it wasn't your fault!"

(back to present)

I felt warm tears ramaging down my cheeks as I remembered my past ..

"So you finally remembered?.." I jumped as I heard someone came out of nowhere

"Mrs. Jung, I thought you left.."

"Well I sorta came back since I forgot my files..but right now..we need to talk..."


"So you remember the apple tree incident right? "


"Finally! I thought you never would! so I guess you already knew what happened before you fell?"


" I see no reason on reiterating it.. after you fell down.. Daehyun carried you on his back in panick as you were bleeding.. he came to me and your mom when we were having a tea party near the apple tree.. we rushed you to the hospital.. and that's where we got the bad news..

"what was it?"

"You were diagnosed with partial amnesia.."


the doctors said you won't remember all the good memories you've shared with all the people that had great impact with your life.. Daehyun was took out the most.. because you practically spent your whole childhood with him..they said You won't remember them for a very long time unless someone reminds you of them"

"how come I remembered mom?"

" didn't remember her at first but because she made and helped you remember..but sad to say, Daehyun didn't"


"He blamed himself for the accident and was afraid he'd hurt you again.. so he told us to not mention him to you and that it was better if he stayed away from you..."

"But why didn't you and mom refuse?"

"We did refuse ..but he would only cry harder and as a mom, I am oblidge to protect him from  any kind of pain.. so we did what he wanted us to do.."

" and what about mum? what did she do?"

"She tried to convince him as hard as possible but failed anyway and so me and your mom decided to let you find out and remember him by yourself .."

"I see.."

" can talk to him about it right now..I'll be leaving for work I'll give you two some privacy.."

"okay..thanks and bye again Mrs. Jung"

"Awee You gain cuter everytime!"
I rethinked everything all over and over all those memories of Daehyun bullying and teasing me were just the left out pety bad memories when I was missing out on what really mattered.. the good memories.. and after the way I treated him...

I reread the letter again..

those lines; ...please don't hate me...

what have I done?! 
that's why he looked so off...
all the things I said in class....
Oh FML!!

I gathered up all the courage before entering Daehyun's room.. As I entered the room I was greeted by a sleeping back turned lump.. it was Daehyun.. I came closer and examined his face...he was definately crying..

Oh dear Lord, what have I done?!..

I shooked him lightly,  in hopes of waking him up
"D-Daehyun? it's me , Youngjae.."

"JaeJae?" he groaned, still not awake yet

"'s me.."

"I'm sorry, I'm a bad hyung.." He grunted still eyes closed

"What are you talking about? You're the best hyung I could ever ask for.."

He didn't reply.. he wen't back to sleep I guess.. so I decided to not disturb him and just sit by the desk and chair right infront of his bed.. and so I grabbed my notebook and pen.. I guess I'll get started on this project while he's sleeping , then.

It took about 30 minutes Later until he finally waked up, but still on half opened eyes

"Is there someone there?" he asked in a very groggy tone

"Mornin, sleepy head.. " I laughed as I replied..

"Who the- Youngjae?!"


"No!- I- I meant, I thought you weren't gunna show up.."

"And why wouldn't I"

"Because you hate me..."

I stopped and dropped my pen, and with a heavy sigh, I went over to him and hugged him with all I could.

"No.. No I don't ..I don't hate you..because you're my best friend and I'm suppose to love you"

"You-You- remember ?"

"Yeah.. Thanks for not helping, Pabo.."

"I'm sorry.." and he started tearing up again..

"Don't cry..You don't have too.. It wasn't your fault.."

"but I was a bad hyung.."

"no you weren't.."

"But you said-

"I didn't mean all those things"

"But You fell because of me.. and I couldn't bring myself to forgive myself for letting you fall.."

"Aishh! stop it need to let go on the bad things on the past, Daehyun!"

"I guess..."

"so what are we going to do about that special project, best bud?"

"Oh the usual!....we ace it!

-No one's POV-
And they did Ace it, Mr. Park was far more impressed than how he should've been.. he even gave them the rest of the week, project free for doing so well on a punishment. 
The time passes and both feel quiet different around eachother.. more relaxed, comfortable and just right...something they couldn't describe.. it was weird ..really weird

One night Daehyun decided to have Youngjae over the night just to spend time with him, considering the latter has spent 13 years of hatred towards him..

"Jae, what are you doing?"

"reading a book, what does it look like?"

"It looks like you're trying to take a with all your squels n groans"

" I'm twitterpating, you "

"No need to get all strong with words.. I was just asking"

"mianhe hyung"

no response

"Hyung.. I'm sorry.."

no reply

Youngjae closed his book and went over to Daehyun

"Hyung .. please don't be mad.."

but still no response.. so he had come up with an Idea.. He had to woo his hyung to get him back.. so he leaned in closer and sneekily made his way to the back to give Daehyun a back hug ..
while wrapping his hand's on Daehyun's waist, resting his head on Daehyun's shoulder and their cheeks rubbing together

"Hyung~ dont be this way ~"


its working..

He tightened his grip on his waist and positioned his legs around his back

I love you hyung~ "

"Love you too Youngjae, now could you please let go.."

Youngjae smirked ..his plan going perfectly..

instead of letting him go, he tightened his grip and started nuzzling his face on the crook of Daehyun's neck

"You're so warm hyung~"

"Youngjae? where is this going?.."

Truth be told, Youngjae didn't know first he just planned to woo Daehyun into talking again..but now..he's not sure what he wants at the moment... But to be honest, he kinda wants to be more than just best buds.. he wants to be more than that..he was sick and tired of all the innocence..they were not seven anymore, They're 18 now..Daehyun did say he'd do anything Youngjae wants, all he has to do is ask right?

" Are you a hyung?"

"Woah.. Where did that came from?"

"Just curious.."

"Well if it helps...yes"

" Wanna lose it?"

"What the- Youngjae!!"

"Whats the matter? Why? Yelling my name like that! It'd be better if you do it when we're doing 'it' "

"It? Oh I see where this is going.. You want to play that game, fine I'll play..but dont you dare go 'Hyung, it hurts ' in the morning, cause I have no intention of helping you with that kind of thing"..

"Don't worry, I can take care of those mysel- he was cut down, when Daehyun forced him down the bed.. Daehyun went on top and put his hand on Youngjae's sides , before leaning in and kissing YoungJae's earlobe

"I'll play your game.. but you have to play under my rules.. I'm topping.."

Youngjae tensed up

"couldn't say I didn't warn you"

Youngjae tried to get up but failed everytime Daehyun would push him down

"I like to see you struggle
...Now be good and listen to your hyung"

He said as he leaned down and bit Youngjae's bottom lip.

Both cringed at the contact.. but they both know that they craved for more..and it was scaring them.. they wanted a lot more.. so much more than simple 'I love you's and pety nicknames.  Yes.. they wanted more ,to that point when they wanted to hear the other moan there name in pain and enjoyment..yes and that's where they know what they wanted..

Daehyun stared and examined Youngjae's face for a split second before carrasing his cheeks, nose then lips

"You're mine.."

That's what he said before complete stripping Youngjae and himself off..afterall, it'd be unfair if The other would be and the other wouldn't, so to make it even..he stripped both of theire clothes..

"You have a nice body..  Jae..I want to see you struggle and beg for mercy when we start this,  be a good boy, and obey hyung"

He got back on top of the latter and gave him a glace

"Are you nervous?"

he asked before placing his hand on the latters chest, to clearly feel him palpitate

"Heart's beating really fast.. Am I doing this?"

he asked and the latter nodded

" Are you scared?"

a shake from the head

"Do you want me to stop?

another shake

" Are you sure you want to proceed, Youngjae-ah?"

a nod

"Then...Anything for you, JaeJae !.."

the smirk played on Daehyun's made Youngjae feel uneasy yet sooo comfortable..

Daehyun made his way, like how any other would do it.. Je threw himself on Youngjae and started making little s .. one by one it kept getting harder and deeper, tearing into Youngjae like a bullet

"Gg-gahh H-Hyung! "

"I don't want that kind of moan, Youngjae ahh.."

"D-Daehyun.. Go faster!"

"That's beg!

"P-Please..Yahh! D-Daehyun!! I wan't more"

"say it louder!"

"Do it faster!"

"Aishh..Jae..You look so Good drenched in sweat.."

"Gaahh..yahhh.. it hurts! "

"You wan't me to stop?"

"No! k-keep Going! "

Oh My God!!
There ,there! 
that's the spot..!

Screams filled the room as Youngjae couldn't help but become was far too much but he wanted it all he wanted more, he wanted Daehyun to give him more

And so Daehyun did...Youngjae soul was practically tearing apart with all the intensity and lust.. everything was just perfect to him..even though his hands were sore from clutching the beds due to the unbearable pain.. all the pain was worth it after all.. to feel Daehyun's skin againts his.. Oh how he love the friction and sparks they created.. Daehyun was a drug.. He was so addicting that Youngjae never wanted him to stop..but he knew he had reached his limit when he could no longer keep up with his stamina... He cursed his respiratory system for all of these..
And so with much hesitation, Daehyun decided to stop and fall flat on Youngjae's chest.. He would go with the rythym of the latter's chest as it rose up and down at a fast rate from all the panting.. he enjoyed every bit of it, from the lustful moans to the desperately grasping for air.. and so, when he knew it was time..He Layed beside Youngjae and burry his and the latter's body under the covers.. Still panting, he looked at Youngjae.. suprised that he looked so enticing and y evem after a total hot make out session.. he moved his hands to carrass the latter's cheeks as they both stared at eachother longingly and passionately..

"Hey, are you okay? it looks like your chest is about to burst.."

"I'm fine, hyung.. didn't I tell you I can handle mysel-"

He was cut off when a pair of plump lips crashed into his own.. Begging for if they could read eachothers mind , they went even deeper.. tongues dancing together in perfect sync..They stayed like that for awhile until realizing that they too, need air to live and so with a heavy heart, Daehyun Broke it off ..only to be greeted by an even more panting Youngjae

"Yah! You look like you're having an asthma attack! are you sure you're okay?"

"I swear You're going to be the death of me, Jung Daehyun"

"Can't say I didn't warn you!"

"*Sigh* You're really something hyung"

"Well what am I then?"

"I can't describe but...
okay, I really can't describe it"

"It's okay, You don't have too.. all that matters is that You're mine "

"I know hyung..I know"
Youngjae snuggled closer to Daehyun as he was finally drifting to sleep..

"I love you hyung"

"Love ya too, JaeJae.."


Daehyun woke up with an empty feeling beside him.. The warmth that he shared last night has left with no trace.. had he been dreaming? he began to question and panick but came to a halt as he heard the bathroom's door opened,  revealing an awfully cute but troubled face shirtless Youngjae..


"What is it Youngjae-ah?"

"it hurts.."

Daehyun felt a smirk playing on his face..

"Couldn't say I didn't warn you!!"


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LunaticV #1
Chapter 2: lol, cute :D
KeyboardHero #2
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh~ so cute :3 I love the last part