He better be normal

The Wallflower

"Your intestines are shiny today Hiroshi." Kyungsoo smiles as he wipes Hiroshi, his favorite doll (favorite anatomical doll). He is in his own room and enjoying his time alone in the darkness. A horror movie is playing on the screen, and the voice of the woman's screams as she's being eaten by a monster, is a music for Kyungsoo's ears.


"Isn't that a lovely sound Josephine?" Kyungsoo then reaches for his other doll, named Josephine (this time it's a skeleton) then fix its fake hair. Kyungsoo makes his two dolls sit beside him, so that they could watch the movie all together. 


Kyungsoo chuckles as blood splatters everywhere. The girl earlier is now a dead corpse and the monster is grunting come here and be with me, the taste of blood, you can't resist once you tasted it. Kyungsoo giggled at this.


"Ah.. Hiroshi and Josephine isn't he cute?" Kyungsoo sways his body back and forth. "You know what I heard earlier?" He asks his dolls. "Father wants me to live at uncle Joonmyun's mansion... I think I'll be ok..right?" Kyungsoo faces Hiroshi. "I mean...I have all of you when I move out so there's nothing to be worried about, right?"



"Listen here, idiots." Joonmyun crosses his legs. He takes a sip of the tea in front of him, puts it back on the coffee table and sits straight again. They are at the living room, because Joonmyun told them that he is going to announce something.


"So what's up?" Chanyeol asks first.


"Another person is going to live here in the mansion." Joonmyun smiles.


"Oh god, please just please is that person normal or something because I can't handle." Luhan stops and take a look at the other boys and then continued."unusual behaviors anymore." he pleads.


"Oh I'm pretty sure my nephew is normal, Luhan." Joonmyun scowls.


Chanyeol snorts as if mocking Luhan and Sehun shakes his head.


"Ow.. I'm...uh.. sorry." Luhan says intimidated by Joonmyun's black aura. After that, Joonmyun smiles again as if nothing happened. "So.. it's gonna be a guy?"


"Yes and I have something to discuss with you guys, and it's about my dear Kyungsoo."


"What?" Jongin asks.


"I want my nephew, to become a real gentleman."


"What? Is he a rebel or something?"


"No he isn't. But he likes to be alone."


"A loner then." Chanyeol nods.


"No he's not.. he just like living solitary life."


"Yes, yes, living solitary life to describe being loner in a good way." Sehun nods. 


"Speak bad about my nephew again you s and I'll make sure you'll pay rent FIVE TIMES MORE THAN IT COSTS." Joonmyun looks like he's ready to kill somone now and Luhan can imagine him with a knife and bloody clothes accompanied by a sadistic smile. Luhan shudders. "Anyway, as I was saying my precious nephew, will be living here in this mansion with the four of you. As his loving uncle I want you to treat him well in this house.Well not just treat him well but to treat him like a PRINCE."


"What? A prince? What is he? If there is someone who should be treated like a prince it must be me. I'm not taking the servant part in this because it just won't suit me. I'm that prince-y." Chanyeol argues with Joonmyun.


"Is prince-y even a word?" Jongin asks.


"Well sorry to tell you, but nobody gives a about your opinion, Mr. Park." Joonmyun smiles at them. And Chanyeol just groans and gives up and raises his hands gesturing he surrender.


"When is he coming?" This time Sehun willingly asks, and Luhan kind of appreciates that because maybe Sehun would be more welcoming to Joonmyun's nephew.


"By the end of this month. But the thing is.." 


"Ugh. What now?" Chanyeol asks annoyed wanting to finish this so called meeting.


"I'll be gone before he even arrives, due to a business meeting that I need to attend. I'm not sure what day he'll be coming, but I'm pretty sure it will be by the last week of this month. So all I want to say is that." Joonmyun stands up, fixes his suit and picks up his suitcase beside him since when is that even there Jongin wondered. Joonmyun then face them and Chanyeol can literally see all this black aura surrounding Joonmyun. "Make sure that when I come back from my trip, I would see my precious nephew as a real gentleman because if not." Joonmyun smirks. "You'll be paying rent three times more that what the actual price is."


"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?" the four of them shouts but it too late because there's this sudden loud noise outside and as if magic, Joonmyun suddenly vanished and out of sight. The four of them hears someone laughing outside the mansion and they starts running towards the main door. As soon as they open the door, it is literally raining of red roses, and as they looks up, they saw Joonmyun hanging from the helicopter stairs waving at them.


"Goodbye for now, I'll be on this journey of finding my one true love, be sure to take care of my nephew or else." Joonmyun glares at them. "You peanuts will face my wrath." And with that Joonmyun laughs hysterically and then minutes later he's gone.


Pregnant silence surrounded the four boys until it was interrupted by Chanyeol.




Luhan shakes his head. "That was weird..and dangerous."


"He's insane, I'm sure of that." Sehun said still shock at what happened.


"Oh well." Jongin shrugs and it made the other three face him. "All we've got to do is to make his nephew a real gentleman, right? I'm pretty sure it won't be that hard. We shouldn't worry about nothing." Jongin walks inside of the mansion and leaves the three boys staring at him, watching his steps.


Chanyeol nudges Luhan after a while. "Maybe he's right." he whispers. "maybe it wouldn't be that hard."


Luhan stares at Chanyeol and then at Sehun and then back at Jongin, and then he sighs. The three of them was left with nothing to do but just shrug.



Author's note: I'm sorry if my updates are slow. It's just that I'm taking final exams at school and I'm pretty busy. Hahaha. Anyway, thank you for all of you who subscribed and I want you guys to know that I appreciate it so much. :D Kamsahamnida. ♥

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Chapter 15: Awww~~ I love their friendship~~ I can't wait to see kyungsoo transformation though...I hope he will open up sooner..well author nim it would be an honour to us your fangirl/fanboy if u update soon ;-) fighting!!!
real__pekpekcy #2
omg yassss a fanfic similar to yamato nadeshiko HAHAHAH
thescientists #3
Chapter 15: Please update i had to read this story 3 times!! And its not even done!!~~This story is really good and........ I don't even know, just please update *throwing a trauma over here lol*
turtleo3o #4
Chapter 15: u.p.d.a.t.e ....!!!!!
chika1611 #6
Chapter 15: baekhyun got struck by chanyeol's other side, haha XD
mariaexofi #7
Chapter 15: Oh this story
Chapter 15: Hehehee oooh hunhan settling somewhere kai God knows where and ChanBaek. Kekeke. Fighting for the next chapter