About time

The Wallflower


"Ok Kyungsoo, I ing get it. I'm sorry alright? I'm sorry for touching you, for looking at you, for for for..ually which not really intended alright harrassing you just just.. don't ingnore me or something!" Jongin frustratedly raked his fingers through his hair.


"What are you doing so early in the morning you idiot." Sehun still in his PJ's yawns while staring at him.


"You did not see a thing." Jongin warns Sehun.


Sehun yawns again. "Fine." 


"GOOD MORNING SEHUN~ OH HEY JONGIN!" Luhan popped from the stairs, so early in the morning and he's already energetic.


"What? There's no Jongin here." Sehun deadpanned and then walk towards Luhan. He stops in front of him and then stratches his arms. "I'm the only one here."


"Huh?" Luhan asks.


"Nothing. Let's go downstairs."



They left Jongin all alone, in front of Kyungsoo's door. It's been 3 days,10 hours, 45 minutes and 12 seconds that Kyungsoo is ignoring him, not that he's counting alright, but it irks him how Kyungsoo would not even want to stand on the same ground with him and breath the same air. This is not fair?!


"KYUNNNNNNGGGGSOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Jongin wailed even more, rolling in front of the door.


It was just a little, just too little to notice if not paying attention, but the door creaked and opened slightly. A wave of hope ignited through Jongin and he stood up as fast as he can from the floor.


"About time Kyungsoo, about tim---"


But he was met by Josephine.


"Uhm.." Jongin scratch his cheeks and then he sighed. "Oh,,what do we have here almighty..uhm. Josephine?"


"Could you step back?" Josephine a.k.a Kyungsoo told him to, so he took three steps backwards, Jongin tries his best not to roll his eyes.




Five steps backwards.




Five more stpes backwards.


Josephine went inside again and then the door closes. Jongin was about to come and knock again but the door opens again, Kyungsoo barging out like he was trying to run away.He's wearing their school uniform already and his hair look like they're begging to be cut.


"Hey, Kyungsoo..come on. I won't do it again, I swear. Just talk to me alright?"


Kyungsoo who was about to head down the stairs, stopped on his tracks. 






Kyungsoo nodded and then he gave Jongin a chance to walk beside him. When they arrived in the dining area, the other three are still on their PJ's and looks like they we're waiting for someone.


"About time you two to come down." Chanyeol says, "I wonder why Kyungie here, forgot about us not knowing how to cook edible food." he pouts.


Kyungsoo shuffles on his feet, "Baekhyun..said that he would go here and bring us food.."




There was a moment of silence.


"WHAT?: Chanyeol shouts on top of his lungs, "Kyungsoo why didn;t you told us earlier?! What if he found me still in my PJ--"




"THE ?"


Then there was laughter from where the camera flash came from, and there was Baekhyun trying to hold himself together in his uniform with some guards beside him holding into something that obviously looks like foods.


"Oh this is great." He says, while gesturing to his assistants or something to put the foods on the table. "I wan't to have breakfast with Luhan and Kyungsoo you know, but because I'm so kind-hearted, I decided to include the three of you too. But this is a great way to start my morning actually, you look very comfortable in that PJ's it actually suits you."


Chanyeol would be able to accept the compliment if Baekhyun is not that busy to laugh his heart out.




"We're so going to be killed Jongdae." Minseok stares at the newspaper in his hands, the article suspiciously looks like they we're trying to be some paparazzi on a celebrity couple.


"Oh come on, I bet they won't be that angry..I guess?" Jongdae says beside him, the school paper has already recieved lots of attention and he thinks it's a really good thing, but he actually feels guilt building up inside him.


"Luhan is so nice to us." Minseok cries, not really but he was about to."I can't face him anymooooooore." He planted his face on the table.




"Oh my god." Minseok mumbled, when there are screams like that, he knows that the magic four have arrived. And that means, there is Luhan. And that means, their friendship is over, and that means Minseok is already one of the worst person in the world.


"Come on, let's see their reactions!" Jongdae told him, trying to pull him out of his seat.


"You want me to see his face after we brought his doom?" 


"Oh come on, you're being over dramatic."


"I'm not!"


In the end, they went and see Luhan, he was holding the newspaper, maybe some fangirl gave it to him to ask for a confirmation, his brows we're furried and Minseok takes a huge gulp. Sehun is beside him, his face is hard to read. Minseok is actually surprised that Baekhyun is with them, he can't see the potato guy with looming darkness surrounding him though.


Luhan opens his mouth and Minseok started to pray.


"Well.. we're not a couple." Luhan says, while Sehun nods. "Not yet, in that case."


Sehun nods again and then stops. "What?"


Luhan smirks. "Oh I know you could realize it yourself, you're not that dumb Sehun."


"I beg to differ." Chanyeol comments with his eyebrows raised.


"OTP." Baekhyun cries at their side, marking the date on his phone.


"I knew this was coming." Jongin said, "hey where's Kyungsoo?"


"What?" Minseok breathes, "did I just heard that right, Jongdae?"


Jongdae who has now a -eating grin turns to look at him. "Yup hyung, you know what? I think we actually made a right choice. We helped Luhan to make some moves on his introverted crush. We're such angels."




"What do you want?" Kyungsoo asks, the three girls in front of him.


"You're tainting them." the girl with the blonde hair tells him, "how could a person that looks so ugly like you, even have the guts to stay beside them?"


"I.." Kyungsoo stares at the ground, trying not to cry.."It's not like that.."


"What?" the girl with burgundy colored hair asks him, "They're just so nice to be friends with you, freak."


"Why don't we cut your hair so we can see your pretty face huh?" the girl with the black hair says, "If you're so confident to be with them, then show your face! Bet it was just your parents who threatens them to be your friend otherwise they won't!"


She walks towards Kyungsoo with a scissors in her hands, she grabbed his hair and then pulls him, Kyungsoo tries to stop her but he doesn't want to cause anymore trouble for his uncle Joonmyun. 


"Stop it" Kyungsoo says. "Let me do it myself."


Little did he know, Jongin and the others are already standing in the door to stop the bullying, Jongin was about to give the girls some peace of mind, but Baekhyun stopped him. 


Kyungsoo lifted his face and then snatched the scissors away, he was shaking for a moment but then turns to cut his bangs. It seems like he's done it in slow motion until his full face is revealed and his eyes are shown. His eyes are big, and round, it made him look more youthful, and Jongin actually forgot how to breath for a moment. 


"Are you happy now?" Kyungsoo asks the girls, "If this is all you need to see then here, my full face. So what if it's ugly? I was covering it so people would stop staring it it. You made me reveal it to you now. Are you sick yet?" his voice quivered, "that's right, I'm sorry for having a face like this, alright. It's not as if I chose to have a face like this, but I'm still sorry, I this bugs you to no end."


Baekhyun can't take it anymore so he steps up for Kyungsoo. "What do you think you're doing?" The girls looks so shocked at his arrival.


"I'm friends with Kyungsoo, because unlike you, he's genuine with his friendship and he's not there just to be popular or some sort of artificial person. I chose to be friends with him, and you know what? Those four guys, that you all are so head over heels on are the same as I. They chose to be friends with him because they want to, not because they're forced to do so. Now get out of my face, before I decide to take action on this."


The bullies run away as fast as they can, not even noticing the other four in the way and just passed through them. After that, the four went and checked if Kyungsoo was alright.


"Kyungie, you're so brave, you stood up for yourself!" Luhan hugged him.


"Kyungsoo hyung, that was really awesome you know. But I don't think you should be sorry for them that you have that face." Sehun frowns.


"He's right," Chanyeol says, "you're so cute." He smiles.


"What..no." Kyungsoo turns and hides his face with his hands.


Jongin nudges him and then whispers, "you may not have the most perfect face or the most flawless skin, but you're still beautiful in your own way, you know?"


It may not be notice but Kyungsoo blushes from his words, and maybe smiles a little in his head.




I've abondoned this fic, I'm sorry /sweats nervously/ Still thank you if anyone ever reads this still. <3

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Chapter 15: Awww~~ I love their friendship~~ I can't wait to see kyungsoo transformation though...I hope he will open up sooner..well author nim it would be an honour to us your fangirl/fanboy if u update soon ;-) fighting!!!
real__pekpekcy #2
omg yassss a fanfic similar to yamato nadeshiko HAHAHAH
thescientists #3
Chapter 15: Please update i had to read this story 3 times!! And its not even done!!~~This story is really good and........ I don't even know, just please update *throwing a trauma over here lol*
turtleo3o #4
Chapter 15: u.p.d.a.t.e ....!!!!!
chika1611 #6
Chapter 15: baekhyun got struck by chanyeol's other side, haha XD
mariaexofi #7
Chapter 15: Oh this story
Chapter 15: Hehehee oooh hunhan settling somewhere kai God knows where and ChanBaek. Kekeke. Fighting for the next chapter