
Conversation Mugs


[A/N] Unbeta'd/unedited xD

Luhan can't really recall exactly how he found the café, he just remembered having a mighty urge to pee and ducked into this random coffee shop; then decided to have a drink while he was at it and loved it so much, it became his regular go-to-place for a caffeine boost.

Braving through the bone chilling winter weather for ten minutes was worth it once he stepped into the warm café and breathed in the scent of freshly ground coffee. Looking around, he nodded greetings to the other customers he usually shared the mornings with, like the tall dude that always sat by the window that was exact distance across from the flower shop on the other side of the road. He sat staring longingly in that direction and Luhan knew he was looking at the petite brunet that worked there. Poor guy, so in love.

As he walked to the front counter, Luhan drummed his fingers along the smooth wood until he was at the cash register. He looked around, not seeing the usual waiter that was always here. "Joonmyun! Hey buddy, where are ya?" He called into the back where the supplies and machinery were, hoping to get an answer back as he looked down to his watch and saw that class started in fifteen minutes.

"Why is he not at the counter?" The raven mused, sighing as he leaned on the glass compartments that held the pastries. He tapped his foot on the floor impatiently and was about to call out again when he finally saw Joonmyun's back coming out of the back doors with multiple boxes in his hands.

"Hey, Joonmyun! Can I have the us—" Luhan stopped talking immediately as he turned. That was not Joonmyun. That was...wow.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making you wait, sir. I'll be with you in just a moment!" Said the person who was not Joonmyun and Luhan found himself nodding dumbly in response. Who...who is this? The male had dark brown hair and pretty almond shaped eyes. Smooth skin lining his cute face and a button nose to match with pink lips. He was shorter than Luhan but his strong stance made up for it as he placed the boxes down and finally came over.

"I'm really sorry about the wait, sir. I'm sorta new here and I'm kinda panicked since no one has showed up yet and I'm the only one here. I'm not used to working morning shifts, since I've just gotten put here for today while the other waiter is sorting out my work schedule. If only the other waiter wou— oh my gosh, I'm rambling aren't I? I'ms probably making you late, I'm so sorry about that. I—"

"Um, don't be, I don't mind at all." Luhan replied to the new barista's surprise, prompting a blush of pink to dust over his cheeks. "R-Right, well um can I take your order?" He politely asked, moving slightly out of the way to give Luhan a better view of the menu board. "Medium Vanilla Latte," the raven replied almost instantly, already putting the exact amount of change on the counter.

"Okay, Vanilla Latte, coming right up sir." The barista nodded, punching in the order on the register and collecting the change that Luhan had put down. Meanwhile, when the barista turned, Luhan caught sight of the name tag pinned to his shirt. Minseok, what a pretty name for pretty face.

Luhan watched as Minseok scurried around the back counter as he made the coffee; his face showing determination and concentration as he steamed the milk, being careful not to burn himself. Luhan admired as Minseok's dainty fingers held the cup when he poured the scalding drink and before he knew it, his drink was placed in front of him.

"There you go, sir. Have a nice day and please do come back!" Minseok beamed, offering one of the brightest and most beautiful smiles Luhan had ever seen before. The black-haired man took his coffee and bowed as he left, the icy air slapping against his heated cheeks as soon as he stepped outside. Luhan took a small sip and nearly moaned at the taste that seemed to be electrified to perfection today. Even Joonmyun doesn't make coffee this good. Checking his watch, Luhan started to make a mad dash to campus, seeing that he was thirteen minutes late for his first class. Being yelled at by Professor Do was cushioned punishment since he had a certain barista in mind the entire time.

The next morning, Luhan entered Café Creama with his messy hair a little tamed today; a long black coat draped over his body and wine red scarf around his neck. His bright smile turned into a frown when he saw Joonmyun standing at the counter, waving to him as he walked up. "Hey Luhan!" He greeted, already punching in the order he knew all too well.

"Hey Joonmyun," Luhan replied, fishing in his pocket for the right change. "Where's um, your new employee?" He asked, coughing after to try to be as discreet as possible. Joonmyun blinked at him for a second before he realized who Luhan was talking about. "Oh Minseok? You met him, right? He's actually working in the afternoon and evenings now. We had a bit of a mixup with his schedule and I heard he was a litter overwhelmed yesterday."

"Oh, alright then. Well, thanks for the coffee! Have a good day, Joonmyun." Luhan grinned, waving to the barista as he walked out with his cup of yumminess. Once out of sight from the café, he slouched and grumbled his way to school.


At 5:30 that evening, Luhan stood outside Café Creama, glad that the windows were too frosted for anyone to see him pacing around. What am I doing? Why am I even here? I-I should be at home starting on my homework... But it's n-not like I can't do my homework here... Shoving away his thoughts, Luhan grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, stepping into the dimly lit shop.

"Welcome!" A cheerful voice greeted him and Luhan turned, his chest lightening when he saw Minseok by the coffee machine just finishing up making an expresso. "Please take a seat and I'll be right over to take your order!" He announced, flashing a breathtaking smile. Luhan nodded and shuffled towards a booth in the back; a perfect seat he now knew had a really great view of the entire café, including the counter.

Luhan observed the other patrons and saw that everyone was taking a picture of their mugs and giggling immensely. What could be so good about a cup? He mused before realizing that someone was coming toward him. Looking up, Luhan locked eyes with a smiling Minseok and the radiance made him gulp.

"Hi there again, are you ready to order?" Minseok asked, whipping out a pad of paper and black pen with a coffee bean bobber. Luhan panicked and let his eyes grace over the menu for a split second before blurting out the first thing he saw. "Can I have the 'Pinkie Choco Smoothie'?"

Minseok bit his lip like he was trying to refrain himself from laughing as he looked down to his fingers. "Um that's actually from the kids' section of the menu but I can still get it for you, if you want?" Luhan wanted to die right there. He wanted the ground to suddenly cave in and take him with it so he could escape this moment. Instead, a nervous chuckle bubbled from his throat and he glanced again at the menu.

"N-No, um that's fine. Can I have the Hot Chocolate?" Minseok nodded as he wrote down the order and asked if Luhan wanted anything else. The raven shook his head and gave the barista back the menu, almost collapsing when their fingers brushed. "Alright, I'll be right back with your order, sir!" As Minseok turned to leave, he heard Luhan say something softly; he glanced back and tilted his head in confusion. "I'm sorry, did you say something, sir?"

"Uh, c-could you call me Luhan? 'Sir' makes me feel um weird..." The raven shyly requested, clearing his throat awkwardly. Minseok smiled, "alrighty then, Luhan, I'll be right back with your order!" With that, he scampered back to the counter and started to work on the drink. Luhan stared after him and a small smile made his way to his lips. My name sounds heavenly when he says it, Luhan thought to himself.

Being at a loss for anything to do, Luhan dug into his ten tonne backpack and produced his Criminology textbook from its confines. He opened it to the page his homework questions laid and started to crunch some words together to form the required answers. Although, his eyes flashed up every so often to not-so-discreetly stare at the adorable barista as he worked.

He admired as the boy twirled his way around the tables to deliver drinks to the other customers before going back to the counter to start again. Minseok used his forearm to sweep away his bangs from falling over his face and Luhan thought he looked stunning either way. Before he knew it, Minseok was coming his way, a tray in his hand holding Luhan's drink.

"Here you are, Luhan. Enjoy!" Minseok beamed with pleasure. The barista left and Luhan chuckled, the cuteness of this boy was really too much. As he went to pick up the cup, he noticed writing around it and it peaked his interest. Lifting it up, Luhan read the words and blushed furiously.

'You're a cutieccino!' It read in bubbly pink letters and there were even tiny hearts lining around the mug's handle. Luhan took a look around at the other patrons too and stared at their cups; they all had cute designs and messages on their mug as well. Now the raven knew why everyone was taking a picture of their cups. He looked back to his own mug and grinned widely; his grin growing bigger when he tasted the sweet concoction Minseok made for him.

Yeah, I'm definitely coming back here, but not just for this delicious hot chocolate, he thought to himself, taking a quick glance to the pretty barista.


After two weeks, Luhan stepped into the café, immediately throwing a smile to Minseok as he walked to his usual seat and plopped down. Minseok came up to him, his hands swaying freely and not clutching the pad of paper he knew he didn't need anymore.

"Hey Luhan, how was that assignment that was due today? I hope Professor Do didn't give you a hard time." Minseok laughed as he took the seat opposite the raven. Luhan sighed dramatically and leaned back into the smooth seat. "Of course he did, Minseok. I swear, that man has it out for me! But wait till he reads it and gives me full marks for going above and beyond!"

Chuckling, the brunet shook his head as he stood up and cracked his knuckles. "So the usual, I suppose?" He asked, making sure every time just in case the order changed one day. The raven nodded and smiled up at him as Minseok left to get the drink ready. Being there every day when Minseok had his shift, the two have gotten to be quite the acquaintances; they went to from the customer and employee relationship to greeting each other briefly on campus when Luhan had found out they went to the same school. Least to say, he was more excited to heave himself out of bed in the mornings now. 

When Minseok came back and placed the steaming mug down, Luhan waited until the brunet was out of sight before he checked his mug.

'I'm nuts about you!' Was written on the cup with a squirrel holding a heart in its hand. Luhan cooed over it and secretly took a picture, storing it in his 'Minseok's Mugs' album. He scrolled through the other pictures and smiled as he saw the other mugs which came with his drinks every time.

'Be mine?', 'C-O-F-F-E-E is a treat to share with you and me', 'People have two hands for a reason: one to hold their coffee and the other to hold someone else's hand', and 'Your lips are perfect for sipping coffee and giving kisses' were some of his favourite ones to date. They sounded incredibly adorable and sorta flirty which is why every time he got one, his brain automatically thought that it was a 'secret message' from Minseok and that the boy was interested. But , it was obviously false.

One day, after a seriously hectic day at school, Luhan trudged his way inside the café and to his seat. He didn't want to come because his bed and soft pillow was calling out to him but as he passed the shop, Luhan caught a glimpse of Minseok's smiling face and he thought to himself that he hasn't not gone a day without going inside, so why start now? As he sat at his seat, Minseok barely interacted with him, seeing how tired the raven looked and Luhan wasn't sure if he should be grateful or upset.

He tried to stay awake, he really did, but it was no use when Luhan's eyes drooped shut and his head rested on his folded arms. The noise of the café turned into a quiet buzz at the back of his head as his consciousness slipped and he fell into a light slumber.

Luhan felt a presence near him a few hours later and he scrunched his nose up when something warm was placed a couple of inches away from his face. His eyes opened groggily and they blurred for a second before focusing on a lone mug. He raised up and rubbed his eyes before focusing on another sight: Minseok standing in front of him with a small smile on his face.

"Oh um, you're awake," he said that like he was just realizing that himself and shaking a thought away.  "You were kind of out for a while and I didn't want to disturb you. But the store closed about half an hour ago and I have to lock up before Joonmyun kills me." He laughed awkwardly, looking around before pointing to the mug with his chin. "I um brought you some tea, on the house."

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" Luhan fumbled, trying to pack up his stuff in a haste, not wanting to cause more trouble. "No, it's fine! Don't be, Luhan! Just drink your tea and properly wake up, because I don't want you wobbling half asleep down the streets and into traffic." He chuckled with a wink towards the raven who thought he was still asleep because Minseok frickin' winked at him!

When Minseok left to go clean the coffee machine, Luhan blushed and looked down to his cup of warm, amazingly scented tea. Pulling it closer, he read the words written on the colourful mug and blushed a deeper shade of red.

'Sleep tight, sweetie pie!'


The following Saturday, Luhan stepped into Café Creama and surprised both Joonmyun and Minseok with his appearance when he sat in his usual seat. That's weird, Luhan only comes here weekdays, Minseok thought as he put on a gleaming smile and walked up to the raven. "Hey Luhan, fancy seeing you here today. Usual, right?"

"Yeah, of course Minseok. Oh but could you add a steeped Chai tea to the order? Thank you." Luhan asked politely and smiled up at the barista before fishing his phone out of his pocket and checking his messages. Minseok blinked and muttered a standard 'of course' and stalked off. How come Luhan is ordering for two today? Does he have a date? Minseok bitterly thought as he punched the orders in and told Joonmyun to start making them.

The new bell on the door dinged and a person with dark hair and an orange scarf wrapped around their neck stepped in, shaking off the bits of fallen snow on their coat and body. They looked around in unease before their eyes landed on a familiar raven-haired male in the back. "Luhan!" They called, a wide smile forming on their lips and a deep dimple in their cheek.

"Yixing!" Luhan called back and the two ran to each other, meeting halfway and pulling the other into a tight hug. The two sat down in the booth after and grinned at each other. "I'm so sorry for my lateness, Luhan. My flight was delayed for an hour and I was stuck in Beijing." Yixing apologized, talking in their mother language, feeling a but insecure about his Korean.

"That's alright, Xing. But wow! I still can't believe you're here! How's China? Lonely without me, right?"

"Of course! You left me with those lovebirds Yifan and Zitao and I have no one to make fun of them with anymore!" The boy pouted angrily, sending a playful glare to his best friend, making him chuckle. "So this is the place you told me all about, right? Where is that guy that you like? Minsuk?" He was quickly shushed by the raven who glanced at the counter hesitantly, sighing in relief when he realized that Minseok was too busy preparing drinks to hear anything.

"Yixing! You have to be more quiet!" Luhan hissed, giving him disapproving look. "And it's Minseok. He's the brunet barista." Yixing followed Luhan's gestures to the counter and saw the one who his friend had been raving on about to him 24/7. "Wow, he's cute Luhan. But my question is, who is the one beside him with the black hair?" Yixing inquired, staring straight ahead to the person with Minseok. 

"His name is Joonmyun." Luhan supplied for the other male, rolling his eyes at the dreamy look Yixing was sporting. He saw Minseok heading towards them with two mugs in his hand and immediately threw himself into a conversation about trees with Yixing, just so they didn't seem like they weren't doing anything. It's not like Minseok would know what they were talking about, unless he spoke Mandarin; Luhan would be mortified if he did.

The brunet set the mugs down and left quickly without uttering a word. Yixing giggled happily and took the cup with the teabag, smelling the aromatic warm liquid. "Luhan, you remember my favourite tea!" He cheered as he took a sip but scrunched up his face at the taste.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" Luhan asked, worried. Minseok never made a bad drink. "No, no! It's great! But you know how I love my sweet things, so I'm just going to go and ask for some sugar packets. Be right back!" Yixing was up and gone before Luhan could even offer to go and ask for him. He watched his best friend and smirked when he saw the little vixen swerve to Joonmyun and start talking to him.

Yixing took a while to come back and when he finally did, Luhan glared at him, jokingly of course. "You done flirting, Xing?" He remarked with a lopsided grin. "Actually, yes, but only because I have a date."

"What! You got a date with Joonmyun? Already?" Luhan spit, glad he didn't tame a sip of else there would be chocolate all over Yixing's face. "Yes! I went to try and speak Korean, but it turns out he can speak Mandarin! He offered to help me with my Korean if I would go to dinner with him after the shop closes and obviously I said yes! Wow, I love this country." 

Luhan snorted, "I thought I was supposed to teach you more Korean?"

"Yeah, but you can't give me possible kisses like him because ew no, that would be disgusting." Yixing shot back, taking a sip of his now sweetened tea. He took a glance at the cup and tilted his head in confusion. "Why is there writing on this? What does it say?"

"It's just something the café is known for. Yours says 'Back off the pastry! That's mine!' And mine says 'I want your heart and your coffee'."

"Yours sounds so cute while mine sounds like jealously. Hm, I wonder..." Yixing turned to look at Minseok and Luhan choked on his drink. "Oh please, Yixing! That's not likely." The other just shrugged and went back to his drink, the knowing smirk still in place.

Luhan and Yixing talked for who knows how long until the café was lessening with people and the skies grew a bit darker. Joonmyun came to their table and greeted Luhan before he and Yixing left to go on their date, which totally didn't make Luhan jealous. Nope, not one bit. (What a lie).

The raven gathered his stuff and walked towards the door, muttering a quick goodbye to Minseok who was still cleaning the cups. "Wait! Luhan, don't go yet!" The brunet cried, startling Luhan who slowly walked to the counter with confusion. Minseok dried his hands on his apron and chewed his lip nervously, looking like he was having an internal battle with himself whilst Luhan stood awkwardly to the side.

Minseok then reached down and brought out an all black matte mug, a piece of chalk and eraser. This made Luhan even more confused, especially when Minseok started writing on it. After he was done, he put the chalk and eraser in the cup and slide it over the counter to Luhan. The raven hesitantly picked it up and read the words, his eyes widening as big as saucers.

'I really, REALLY like you, Luhan. I hope you don't mind.' Luhan couldn't believe his eyes; Minseok liked him back! He looked up with gleaming eyes but frowned when the brunet was nowhere to be found, probably hiding in the back. Luhan suddenly got an idea and erased the words, picking up the chalk to write his own.

It was silly really, what they were doing, but also, undeniably a unique and adorable way to confess. Well, in Luhan's mind. He waited until Minseok slowly came back and set the cup down on the counter, sliding it back. Minseok carefully picked it up and read it.

'Oh Minseok, you like me? I'm sorry but... (turn cup around) .... I LIKE YOU TOO! <3'

Minseok turned beet red at the words and looked up, a small gasp leaving his lips when he found Luhan right in front of him. The raven dipped quickly and Minseok felt a pair of soft lips touch his hot cheek briefly before they disappeared and he saw Luhan smiling brightly at him.

"Go on a date with me, Minseok. Please?" The brunet blinked before nodding furiously with the widest grin on his face. "Of course I will!" Minseok squealed, hugging the other. They shared a laugh as they both walked out of the café and into the cold winter night.

"So does that mean that the mugs you always gave me, they were a subtle way to confess?" Luhan asked as they walked side by side. Minseok blushed, hiding behind his coat. "Yes, but you never noticed and when I saw you with your friend today, it made me realize that you might be taken one day if I didn't take action sooner or later."

Luhan smiled to himself as they walked all the way to Minseok's place and stood outside the door. "I'll call you," Luhan said, after handing Minseok his phone to punch in his number.

"Alright, bye Luhan." Minseok waved and the other waved back, turning to head home. Although, he heard feet running toward him and turned just in time for Minseok to lean up and place a quick kiss on his lips, blushing bright red before running back into his home. Luhan stood there, shocked and burning a little red himself as he shuffled his way down the path and towards his home.

"Finding that café was the best thing that has ever happened to me."




[A/N] Wow, that took longer than I thought. xD Annnnd it was longer that I thought it's be too omg like it's around 4k! 

*Sigh* I'm not sure if I'm totally satisfied with this piece; I feel that I could've done better. But oh well, I was in dire need for Xiuhan fluff so meh.

Comment and vote up and stuff, if ya want

Bye, Lovelies~


소니아 (\_/)


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Chapter 1: So adorable I totally see Lu being oblivious as this. Haha
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 1: Aww <3, so cute.
shirochanLulu #3
Chapter 1: Adorable. Cute. Beautiful. <3 <3
Chapter 1: too much heart for this fic. so adorable!
Autumnaree #5
this was just so sweet!
Chibisakura #6
Chapter 1: Aww...this was so cute! Love the idea! :)
eunhaeship #7
Chapter 1: yah... so cuuute!
Chapter 1: This fluff is suffocatingly ADORABLE!
Chapter 1: i just found it
its so beautiful KGJBSKJGD ;AAA;
thanks for writing dizz<333