page ten

Untitled Love Story
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page ten

you, me, and her


With a smile on her face, Yejin slides open the door and enters the class, she’s chuckling from something that Baekhyun said. She walks toward her seat, followed by Baekhyun.

“Morning.” Yejin said to her BFF, who already sat at her seat, in front of hers.

Jiyul looks up from her phone. “Hey.” She saw Baekhyun over Yejin’s shoulder and greeted him too.

Yejin sits down on her chair and starts taking out her books and pencil case like she always does before class starts. She looks up from her table and caught her best friend staring at her. “What?” She narrows her eyes, wondering what’s in Jiyul’s mind.

“Nothing.” Jiyul shrugs.

“I’ve known you long enough to know that it’s something, Ji.”

Jiyul sighs out loud and starts tapping her phone. Yejin waits patiently. There must be something she wants to show. A couple of seconds later, Jiyul shows her a picture. A picture of her and Baekhyun, to be precise. Apparently someone had taken a picture of the two of them somewhere around the gates when they’ve just arrived at school.

“I heard you took the bus with him.” Jiyul sounded serious.

“Yeah I met him at the bus stop earlier, so what?”

“You never took the bus before.”

“Hello? Injured ankle, remember?” Yejin waves her ankle toward her with a taunting look.

Jiyul gave her ankle a glance before flashing her a look.


“What are you girls debating?” Baekhyun popped his head out of nowhere, earning the two girls’ attention. They were so immersed in their conversation that they didn’t even notice that Baekhyun had already dragged his chair to join in the conversation.

Jiyul shows the same picture to him.

Baekhyun takes a look at it. Yejin studies his face carefully, predicting that he’d flip out. “I can’t believe I have stalkers already. I mean, I know I’m handsome and all, so…” He waves his hand leisurely.

Yejin and Jiyul both snorts and looks at each other, speaking some kind of a code only the two of them understand. He’s a cool kid, alright.


Meanwhile, it’s already 10 AM at Chanyeol’s apartment, and he’s not minding to go to the office that day. Besides, no one would ever dare to scold him, right? After all, he is the CEO’s son. Oh wait, cross that, soon-to-be CEO.

“Here you go.” Kai placed a plate of toast in front of Chanyeol who has his eyes fixed onto the TV screen, playing Xbox like there’s no tomorrow.

“Thanks.” He shortly replied, not even glancing at the plate.

Kai sighs at the sight of his best friend lazing around like a bum. He’s been like this lately. Coming home looking happy and the next day he would slam the front door hard, he thought he was going to destroy it. Does this mean that he’s having a mood swing? What the hell? I thought his puberty had already passed. Kai lets out a sigh, his eyes still watching Chanyeol’s movement. Wait, mood swings? Could it be? He suddenly had an idea.

“Chanyeol?” He called him.

“Hm?” Chanyeol replied, his eyes completely focused on the TV screen.

“Could you possibly… I mean, are you…”


“Are you seeing someone?”

Kai didn’t realize he had hit the jackpot until there’s a loud crashing sound coming out from the TV and a large lettering saying, “GAME OVER” is written on the screen. His eyes shifted from the screen toward Chanyeol who sat there, frozen, in front of the giant TV screen.

“Chanyeol?” Kai asks carefully. He expect him to deny it or say something childish like he always does, but instead, he’s not doing anything, which kind of freaks him out a bit.

“Yeah?” Chanyeol finally speak after a while. He’s not sure why he froze out like that. I mean, it’s not like he’s going out with Yejin, right? They’re just… partners in crime!

Kai takes a closer look into his best friend’s eyes, and just as he suspected, he does have someone.

Chanyeol looks up, meeting eyes with Kai’s somber eyes. Now why would his best friend make that kind of face at him? Kai must’ve noticed Chanyeol’s stare, because he’s now avoiding his eyes and clearing his throat.

“Just eat your breakfast, okay? I’m heading to work.” Kai turns around, leaving his friend behind.

“Have a nice day.” Chanyeol said right before he hears the front door closing.

Chanyeol drops the XBox controller he’s been holding since 5 in the morning. Yes, 5 AM. He was awoken abruptly by the thought of her, Lee Yejin. He doesn’t even know why but the thought of her occupies his head ever since that night at the restaurant. He can’t seem to erase that smile from his head.

Chanyeol messes his hair, trying hard not to think about her, it’s driving him insane. Anyway, he turns off his game and the TV before he glances at the clock. 10:20 AM. Hmm… What should I do to spend this day?


The last bell of the day finally rings, followed by the cheer of the jocks, but most of them just sigh in contentment, glad that the day has finally come to an end.

Jiyul lets out a huge yawn that she’s been holding throughout last period. Her yawn was so big, Yejin thought a fly would come into .

“It’s finally over!” Jiyul finally said, wiping , checking in case she drooled by mistake. “Are you going straight to work?” She added.

“Like you need to ask.” Yejin rolls her eyes before giving her a look, earning a small chuckle from Jiyul.

Yejin just finished packing her bag when a shadow casts over her desk. She looks up to see who it is, turns out it’s Baekhyun.

Yejin raises her eyebrows, mentally asking him what he wants.

She stares at him as he his lips before saying, “Do you-” he didn’t manage to finish what he was going to say when he felt someone’s arm circled around his neck. He turns around to see who it is.

Yejin has never seen a guy with the most distinctive pair of eyes before. He has a set of eyes that’s chinky, but surprisingly attractive. And not to mention, his chin… or was it, jawline?

“Hey there buddy! Are you up for today’s practice?” The guy said to Baekhyun with a wide grin plastered on his face.

Baekhyun lets out a small grunt. Right, almost forgot. He feels like face-palming himself for not remembering that he has practice today.

“I’ve been rolling on my bed yesterday, thinking of some cool ideas for our new song and then this morning I suddenly-” This mysterious guy stopped his sentence midway. His eyes made their way toward Yejin’s direction. He’s staring at Jiyul, to be exact.

Jiyul, who just finished packing her bag, turns around and met eyes with him.

Cue the white doves, cue fluttering pink hearts, and don’t forget the confetti. It’s like time had stopped momentarily. He could feel his heart speeding up the longer he stares into her eyes. He knew it’s cheesy to admit, but he thinks that he’s in love. Love at first sight.

Yejin and Baekhyun who’s been observing the two raises their eyebrows before exchanging glances. It looks like the two of them shares the same thought.

Breaking away first, Baekhyun clears his throat, hoping that his friend would stop staring Jiyul like some sort of food, but it didn’t work. “This is my bandmate, Kim Jongdae, but we usually call him Chen.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Chen.” Yejin said with a smile, but again, Chen only had his eyes and attention on Jiyul.

It’s as if Chen is ignoring all of the people on Earth, he extends his hand and introduce himself again to Jiyul. “Hi, I’m Chen. What’s your name?”

Jiyul stares at his hand for a couple of second, probably thinking, “What’s up with this guy?”. Nevertheless, she shakes his hand. “Jiyul. Park Jiyul.”

A smile crept up on Chen’s face as he’s shaking hands with Jiyul. Is he a fool for thinking that this is considered as skinship? Yeah, probably. But who cares? He’s in love!

“Wow, your hand is really soft.” He dreamily sigh, that smile still attached on his face, making him look like a sick, guy.

“Okay, that’s enough sugar for you. Haha.” Baekhyun pats his friend on the back and starts to steer him away from Jiyul. Who knows what his friend’s going to do next if he didn’t steer him away. And if he knows Jiyul better, she’d probably throw a fit sooner or later, hopefully later. “See you guys tomorrow?” Baekhyun ask to the both of them, but his eyes are on Yejin’s.

“Yeah. Have fun practicing.” Yejin smiled to him right before they both got out from class.

Yejin’s eyes went back toward her friend, who is staring at her hand with a weird expression on her face. “What’s up with that guy?” Jiyul mumbled while shaking her head.


Yejin and Jiyul got out from the school building with a smile on their faces. When they got closer to the gates, Jiyul was the first one to notice what’s going on.

Students, mostly females had gathered around the gates, admiring something. Yejin and Jiyul exchange glances, curious on what’s going on.

“What’s going on?” Yejin ask Jiyul.

“I don’t know. But I’m gonna find out. Excuse me, coming through!” Jiyul pushes through the crowd quite forcefully. Yejin muttered some “Excuse me” and followed Jiyul. Some of the students grunt and yelp by Jiyul’s rough push, but that didn’t stop her from reaching the very front of the crowd.

Yejin’s eyes widen when she reached the front. That car… Panic spreads through her spine. No, no, no this isn’t happening. This can’t be happening…

Meanwhile, Jiyul lets out a whistle, clearly enjoying the view. “Lamborghini. Nice.”

The owner of the car then stepped out, his tall height quickly caught the attention of the female students bystander. Plus, he’s wearing a pair of shades, which made him look mysterious. Yejin could hear the students murmuring in excitement, but she didn’t pay attention on what they are saying. Instead, she’s trying to figure out a way for a smooth escape.

To her horror, the owner seems to direct his gaze toward where Yejin is. And because she’s at the very front of the crowd, her face could be spotted easily. She knows that he had seen her because he has that stupid smil

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ch.10 is up! this one's for you, MissPerfect ;)


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xiaonai #1
Chapter 1: i'm glad that i find this story. i just finished re-reading chapter one (means there are fourteen chapter left) nevertheless, i'm looking forward to what's going to happen next. thank god, that i decide to read this story as my first fanfic after a long hiatus.

and the term that caught me - 'right supramarginal gyrus' that's just woah < 3

ps; i'm the type that loves to comment in every chapter, so yea please bear with me.
Chapter 9: amazinggg...update soon..(>_<)
superkpopp #3
Sweet <3 This story is really amazing
lemonnez #4
Chapter 6: Update soon :)
lisa_ngyn #5
Chapter 4: WOOO get it girl
lisa_ngyn #6
Chapter 3: update soon yeh?
lisa_ngyn #7
Chapter 3: wooo this story is great! ill upvote too ; D
Thumbs up!