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Untitled Love Story
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a hit of fate


I’ve always thought that fairytales and love stories didn’t exist in real life even though I’ve longed for one. I’ve always wondered when those things will happen to me…


"Every great love starts with a great story…" —Nicholas Sparks


Ring! Ring!

The alarm on Yejin’s bedside table rang loudly, making the owner to jump in surprise. She lets out a groan, still feeling tired from last night’s shift at the restaurant she works at. Who knew that people eat at night as much as they eat lunch?

Ring! Ring!

Is it her imagination or is the alarm sounds louder by the second? Hopeless, she reaches out to turn off the alarm clock and forces herself to part ways with her pillow. Seriously, why do they always use an annoying ringtone as an alarm? Why can’t it be something more… I don’t know, relaxing? With a huff, she drags herself into the bathroom and prepares herself for another day of school.


Yejin got out from her room as she slings her backpack, heading towards the living room. She was on her way out of the house when she saw her dad fell asleep on the couch again with the TV on. Yejin stopped in her tracks before going back inside her room.

Her dad works as an accountant of a small company. He often work ‘till late at night. Being the good daughter she is, she decided to lessen her father’s work by getting herself some part-time work. Mr. Lee always told her not to do any and just focus with school, but Yejin couldn’t sit back and relax while her father is struggling to make a living for the two of them with his less-than-enough paycheck.

And not to mention the great amount of debt they’re in. It’s a long story, but it all started when Mrs. Lee (Yejin’s mother) decided to run away with Mr. Lee’s money, leaving her husband and daughter in a great sum of debt. Ever since then, Mr. Lee and Yejin have to do everything they could to survive and avoid those nasty debt collectors.

When she comes out, she brought a blanket with her and carefully covers her dad with the yellow fabric. She could hear her dad sigh in comfort when warmth starts to spread to his body.

“I’ll be going now, dad.” she smiled before she left the house and off to school with her bike.


“Morning, Ji.” Yejin greets her best friend, Jiyul, as she slid into her seat and takes off her backpack.

“Morning.” Jiyul greets back without even taking a glance at Yejin. The girl’s just too engrossed with her latest copy of some gossip magazine.

After Yejin’s done with her stuff, she turns to sit face-to-face with her best friend. Yejin tried everything to gain Jiyul’s attention, but nothing worked. So in the end, Yejin surrender and just stare at her. “Is it really that interesting?” Yejin said while resting her head onto her palm.

“Huh?” That got Jiyul’s attention for a couple of seconds, and after that she just went back reading.

Urgh never mind. Yejin rolls her eyes and heave a sigh. Her best friend is impossible to talk to when she’s reading.


“Wakey wakey, Yeol~” A melodious voice pierced through Chanyeol’s ears, slowly waking him up.

“Just 5 more minutes…” He muttered.

Little did he know that his friend, Jongin has been trying to wake him up for the past 20 minutes. “Aish! Just get up already!” Jongin finally snapped and kicks the younger male off of bed.

A loud thud was made when Chanyeol’s body made an impact with the cold white tile. Chanyeol let out a groan somewhere inside his duvet that fell along with him. This happens almost every morning in Chanyeol’s apartment. First comes Jongin, and then the kicking, and then the groaning… it all had become a habit of theirs when the two decided to be roomies.

“Geez, why can’t you ever be gentler?” Chanyeol huffed when he finally got his way out of the duvet that tangled all over his body.

Jongin let out a smirk, feeling content that a simple kicking is all he needs in order to wake his friend up.

Chanyeol saw that smirk of his, and he doesn’t like it even for just a bit. “Just what time is it?” He scratches his head and unconsciously, a yawn managed to escape from his lips.

“7 AM sharp.” Jongin said firmly. Chanyeol couldn’t help but to be impressed by how his doesn’t even need to look at a clock to know what time it is now, because it looks like he keeps track of it in his head.

“Can’t I sleep some more?”


Well that pretty much ends this.


Breakfast was fantastic as usual. Jongin had made his favorite pancakes with syrup drizzled on top of it. He guessed that he doesn’t mind getting kicked in the morning as long as he could eat delicious food every day.

“Your dad wants to talk to you once you’re in the office.”, was the last thing he heard before going off to work.

Just what does that old man wants? Chanyeol let out a grunt while ruffling his tousled brunette hair. He holds his briefcase on his free hand after getting through the security check.

“Good morning, Mr. Park.” A young lady greets him by the front desk of the building.

Chanyeol turns to look to the source of the voice and smile back to her. Of course she knows him. He’s the CEO’s son! Of course the entire employee knows him and always acts nice to him. Although they weren’t exactly like that to him until last month when a colleague of his found out and then words spread out and soon, every single one of them knew and everything isn’t the same anymore.

Heading towards the cramped elevator, he pushed the fourth highest level, where his father’s office is at. Just when the doors was about to close, a hand stops the door and tried to get into the elevator at the last minute, making most of the other employees who stood behind Chanyeol grunt. Huh, I guess everyone here is late too.

“Excuse me.” He heard the man said.

And just his luck, the mystery man met eyes with him and a glint of recognition flashed through his eyes. “Omo! Sorry, you can go ahead, Mr. Park. I’m sorry to disturb you.” The guy even bows down in front of him, even though Chanyeol is only a regular worker.

He was about to say something, but the doors are already closed, leaving Chanyeol dumbfounded. He could hear some women whispering something to each other at his back before letting out a fit of giggles. And not only the female workers, but also the male workers, the higher ups and the ers. They look at him as if he’s a winning lottery ticket. If they could get into his list, they might receive a promotion. Fools. You guys are already on my list, my “Never trust these people” list. He smirks to himself.

It took quite some time before he finally reaches his father’s f

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ch.10 is up! this one's for you, MissPerfect ;)


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xiaonai #1
Chapter 1: i'm glad that i find this story. i just finished re-reading chapter one (means there are fourteen chapter left) nevertheless, i'm looking forward to what's going to happen next. thank god, that i decide to read this story as my first fanfic after a long hiatus.

and the term that caught me - 'right supramarginal gyrus' that's just woah < 3

ps; i'm the type that loves to comment in every chapter, so yea please bear with me.
Chapter 9: amazinggg...update soon..(>_<)
superkpopp #3
Sweet <3 This story is really amazing
lemonnez #4
Chapter 6: Update soon :)
lisa_ngyn #5
Chapter 4: WOOO get it girl
lisa_ngyn #6
Chapter 3: update soon yeh?
lisa_ngyn #7
Chapter 3: wooo this story is great! ill upvote too ; D
Thumbs up!