Chapter 28



"I think I'm going to be sick!" Cried Onew as he bolted off the bus which had halted in the car park near a large forest that we were all the camp in over night.
"He's such a baby. We were only on the road for 3 hours, it's hardly a road trip" Minho sighed stepping off the bus and standing beside Jonghyun, Taemin, Hyoli and I.
The bus journey had been uneventful to say the least, Taemin had mostly slept the whole way with his head resting on an annoyed Jonghyun's shoulder.
Minho had nodded along to Onew's constant conversation while secretly listening to his music without Onew's knowledge.
The whole bus had been alive with conversations from our other class members while Hyoli and I had spent most of the bus trip sat together; looking out of the window silently.
There was a point during the journey that Hyoli had started to nod off to sleep but as soon as her head had landed on my shoulder, she shot straight back up while apologizing to me.
To be honest, I didn't feel that she had anything to be sorry about.
If she had remained asleep, that would have been fine.
It's only if she had began to drool on my shoulder that I would have had to draw the line.
Something that had apparently happened to Jonghyun, thanks to his dear dongsaeng, Taemin.
" I guess Onew Hyung doesn't have the stomach for traveling" Taemin, who was now fully awake, commented with a small smile on his face before walking towards Onew who had conveniently found a bin to hurl his guts up in.
" He brought this on himself, he didn't even have to come with us" I folded my arms as Jonghyun nodded in agreement.
"Alright everyone, listen up! In a minute we will begin to make our way into the forest. Before we do that however, we need you all to listen out for your name as we will be assigning all of you into groups, each with their own chaperone" Mr Oh called out in front of the crowd of students that were now loitering around the bus we had just stepped off of.
" Of course, these groups will be same gender group" Miss Moon spoke up from beside Mr Oh.
Mr Oh rolled his eyes from the sound of complaints coming from the students after hearing this news.
Mostly from the male members of our class.
"Did any of you honestly think we were going to let you all camp together? What sort of teachers do you take us for?" Mr Oh question but received silence as an answer.
"That's what I thought." He said before pulling out a clipboard which had a few sheets of paper with blank ink printed over them all,
Most likely the groups we were all sorted into.
Mr Oh began to read of the names of students, starting with tthe male groups.
It wasn't long until Taemin's name was called.
Sighing out loud, it was clear to see that Taemin had hoped to be placed into a group with at least one of us.
"Be strong Taemin" Onew cheered him on, only to receive a dull look from Taemin in return.
"Hyung, I'm only camping. It's not like I'm going to war. No doubt I'll be seeing you guys later anyway" Taemin mumbled.
He then picked up his bag that he had brought with him filled with his clothes and necessities, before walking towards the student who had been called before him.
After Taemin's group left to find a site to camp, Miss Moon began to read girl's names off of her own clip board which she held, Hyoli was one of the first names to be called.
"Like Taemin said, I guess I'll see you guys later" She smiled softly before picking up her own bag.
"Be safe and remember, there's nothing to fear now." Jonghyun encouraged as Hyoli nodded to him in reply before turning to meet the rest of her group.
"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Minho asked both Jonghyun and I as his eyes lingered on Hyoli as she waited for Miss Moon to gather the rest of the girls who were in her group.
"I hope so." I sighed as Minho patted me on the back.
"On the bright side, this could give Hyoli an opportunity to make some friends. Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever seen Hyoli hang out with the girl members of our class before. She's usually with us." I pointed out as Minho thought about it for a second before coming to the same conclusion as me.
"You don't think that one of Hyoli's phobias could be girls, do you?" He asked as I thought about the possibilities of Minho's statement.
"I don't think so. Wouldn't that make Hyoli fear the one thing that she is?" I questioned as Minho shrugged his own shoulders this time.
"It was just a thought, then again some girls just gel better with guys. She doesn't seem that worried about sharing a tent for the night with a bunch of girls" Minho said as I nodded my head in agreement.
Once we had been sorted into groups and found a spot to pitch our tents, I stood back and allowed Minho to work his magic in putting our tent up.
Times like this, I was glad to have Minho in my group.
Outdoor adventures just weren't my thing, period.
The downside to our group was that our chaperone was Onew who had been acting slightly jumpy since we entered the forest.
Approaching him and patting his shoulder to get his attention, Onew quickly jumped back and turned to me looking completely fearful before he realized it was me.
"What is up with you Hyung? You've been acting strange-- I mean, stranger than usual since we stepped foot inside this forest?" I questioned, folding my arms as the other boys in our group pitched their own tents around us while chatting with one another.
"Really? I don't know what you're talking about." He said as I raised an eyebrow at him.
He was avoiding eye contact with me which meant he was hiding something.
He could never hide anything successfully when it came to either Minho, Jonghyun, Taemin and I.
"Hyung, He's going to get it out of you eventually so there's no point in resisting. Just tell us what's got you so worked up." Minho said, not even bothering to look our way as he continued to work on our tent.
Onew bit his lower lip and looked very troubled with the information he was keeping to himself.
"Damn, Okay I'll tell you but you both have got to keep it to yourselves. The last thing I need is our group members over hearing and freaking out over it. It's not that big of a deal."
"Then why are you so worri--" Minho began when I shushed him.
If Minho asked questions then it would only take Onew longer to tell us what he was hiding from us and apparently, the rest of the students on this trip.
"Every year on this trip all the groups usually come together on the night by a camp fire site that is somewhere deeper in this forest but recently the school was told that a black bear had been spotted around that site. The school was told that there is nothing to worry about and that everything should be safe as long as nobody approaches that campfire site."
"Well, if the school has been told that it's safe then there's nothing to worry about." Minho said after a few seconds of silence between the two of us.
He didn't seem that worried and to be honest, neither was I.
There's no way the school would send our entire grade into a forest if they thought it would endanger us in any way, shape or form.
"Maybe you're just over reacting. Like Minho said, the school would have called this trip off if they thought it was dangerous." I nodded my head to encourage Onew to relax a bit.
"Yah! I'm not over-reacting. It's never a bad thing to be cautious of your surroundings. Especially when you're in an environment that is potentially going to be savaged by wild bears while I'm responsible for a group of out of control teenagers who quite honestly have no survival skills what-so-ever." Onew ranted in a hushed voice as Minho and I simply rolled our eyes at our Hyung.
When Onew was like this, all of us knew that there was no getting through to him so it was useless to even try encouraging him to relax.
Once the sun had set in the sky and it was officially evening, Onew lead our small group through the forest to meet up with the rest of our grade and their chaperones for dinner around a camp fire that had been set up in replacement of the  camp fire that would usually be in use if it were not for the wild bear lurking around that area.
Walking by large trees that towered over us, we eventually heard the sound of people chatting in the near distance.
Minho walked beside me until we came into a clearing where a warm camp fire was flickering in the middle of the green large space with students and teachers sat around it while others were stood talking about their day of activities.
I noticed Mr Oh stood by a barbecue with an apron around his waist and Miss Moon by his side with a plate of what seemed to be raw meat in her hands.
Minho was the first to find our friends as he left my side to approach Taemin and Hyoli who were chatting away to each other animatedly while sat on a log by the bonfire.
Quickly following behind him, I took a seat on the log beside Hyoli while Minho took the space beside Taemin.
It was then that I noticed the two had a stick each that they were holding, both with a marshmallow on the end of them.
"Want one?" Hyoli asked, turning to me.
She must have noticed my eyes lingering on the pink plump treat as she hovered it above the embers of the fire.
I looked to her a shook my head in reply.
Between meat and marshmallows, I would prefer to eat the meat first.
"Your loss" Taemin smiled at me before pulling his stick from the fire to eat the sticky sweet marshmallow that he had roasted to perfection.
"How was your day?" I asked Hyoli who turned back to me and shrugged her shoulders.
"It was okay, the girls took a hike through the forest and I only freaked out once."
"You freaked out?" Taemin and Minho both questioned as Hyoli nodded her head in reply.
"Not because I got scared of the forest. It's just I was walking past a large bush when it started moving on it's own. It turned out to be just a wild rabbit" Hyoli explained as I nodded my head, happy to hear that her fear of forests was in the past now.
"Where's Jonghyun Hyung and Onew Hyung?" Taemin questioned.
The mention of Jonghyun sent me back to the moment before we set of on this trip, when he had told me he was going to confess to Hyoli tonight.
Had he already done it?
Is that why he wasn't here?
But Hyoli seemed to be as clueless as Taemin when asking the whereabouts of our two missing Hyungs.
"Onew is probably checking in with the other chaperones and I don't think Jonghyun's group has arrived yet" Minho said when a hand landed on his shoulder and  a smiling Jonghyun appeared beside Minho.
"Wrong. My group just got here and Onew is getting hit on by one of our classmates over there... Not that I think he knows it." Jonghyun rolled his eyes as we all looked in the direction that Jonghyun had indicated to see Onew smiling at a girl who was talking away to him with a clear tint of red painted across her cheeks.
"Hyung is really oblivious" Taemin tsked as the rest of us nodded in agreement.
"Such a waste" Minho sighed as Jonghyun squeezed his was onto the log, between Hyoli and Taemin.
"So Hyoli, how was your day?" Jonghyun asked, turning to her with full attention.
Hyoli smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
"It was okay. How was your day?" She asked, I'm guessing out of common curtosy.
"Same." Jonghyun simply said as I blinked at the two before rolling my eyes.
I could tell Jonghyun's intentions for tonight were weighing on his shoulders and he seemed to be thinking of what he wanted to say to Hyoli.
"Hyoli! Seowon got some really good photos on her  camera from our walk today. Come see!" A girl who I had never seen approach Hyoli before spoke up.
Hyoli's face instantly lit up as she stood up and handed her marshmallow stick to Jonghyun before following the stranger towards a group of girls.
"I thought technology devices weren't permitted on this trip" Jonghyun questioned, he seemed a bit upset now that Hyoli had left his side.
"I think it meant devices such as phones, iPad and anything that can connect us with the outside world. Camera just take pictures so I guess they're allowed." I shrugged my shoulders when Jonghyun suddenly looked to me and took hold of my hand.
"Cover for me." He instructed, handing me Hyoli's stick before standing up and walking toward the small group of girls that Hyoli had approached a few seconds ago.
I looked on curiously as Jonghyun weaved his way through some girls and took hold of Hyoli's wrist.
"What's he doing?" Taemin questioned as I ignored him and looked on as Jonghyun said something to Hyoli who seemed confused and curious before nodding her head and leaving the group of girls and the camp site with Jonghyun by her side.
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update please
happiestdayofmylife #2
You're awesome!! :D
baekhyunblah #3
(y) !! <3 !!
Chapter 30: woooow onew wooow
Chapter 29: Oh dear. Good thing nothing happen to them but now they're in deep trouble. Lol. Update soon!^^
MissLocket #6
Chapter 28: Hi dear author, please don't forget this story. Update soon.
Chapter 28: Nooooooo! Where are they going?
I hope they dont get attack by the bear.
Be safe, guise. And Jjong, dont DO anything to her!
Follow them Key, follow them. Update soon!^^
Chapter 28: oooo jonghyun is gonna do something!!!
i hope they dont get attacked by like a bear
(is that her phobia?)
jjong is a cutie, but i still love key x hyoli
MissLocket #9
Chapter 27: Update soon... dear author your story is so good. I can't wait to know what will happen.
Chapter 27: Jjong's going to confess to her?
Noo! You cant, Jjong!
I'm saving her for Key! XD
Update soon!^^